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40 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Steady on, lads. We’ve been here before with Our Phil. It was all stage dives and smiles in AEW until it wasn’t. Wait until one of those empty-headed dumb fucks in NXT refuses to take his advice. It’ll be muffins at dawn.

Yeah, it's easy to forget now but his first year in AEW was all 'aw shucks, its great to be here!' and putting over Jungle Boy of all people in interviews.

Besides, it's hardly like he's going to turn up on NXT with a face like a smacked arse on his third week back with the company.

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4 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

What do you mean by this? He put on really good television most of the time he was on. Is it AEW's aim to not do that? What is the aim of a wrestling TV show?

I appreciate that you don't like CM Punk at all but this blanket of negativity you've thrown over his entire AEW run just doesn't ring true at all.

At all is a stretch. I don’t hate the guy. The previously referenced Last Dance was probably the greatest comeback of a wrestler I’ve ever seen. I just mean in terms of the cost and the damage caused over those 2 years in hindsight it probably wasn’t worth it overall. Of course there were good bits. Also, for a good chunk of that 2 years he was either injured or suspended or both.

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You've got to give it to Punk, he's a hell of a worker. He's shown up to work a couple of times, cut two not very remarkable promos (that have been remarked on endlessly anyway), and not thrown a hissy fit or made anyone feel unsafe and people are talking about him being a new man. 

He'll be as good as gold until he gets his Mania main event. Hopefully it'll be as satisfying as he thinks it'll be, he'll accept its as good as its going to get and ride off into the sunset with that high in tact, all his fans can pretend he's up there with Cena and he's had the perfect conclusion to his perfect career, and he can live peacefully away from the spotlight for a while. 

I don't think that'll happen. I think he'll main event one night of WrestleMania, find out its not that satisfying, that there's always something someone has that's better than what he has, and it'll unravel into misery again but I hope that doesn't happen. More for his wife's sake than anything else. 


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Damage was caused by Tony Khan being an incompetent owner/booker. He ultimately gets the final say as to what happens on TV & he picks his staff to work behind the curtain to keep his roster of wrestlers in line. He has failed miserably at the latter and his booking was and is wildly inconsistent and fails to make use of the big names he has brought in time and time again. To lay the blame solely at Punk's door for both of those things is bordering on the delusional. Hilarious to read all the same though!

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I think he's probably happy to be back in WWE. I know the armchair shrinks want to analyze him, but I think the Elite can be prats, and Punk is a grumpy arsehole. But he lasted in WWE for almost a decade, with the last year being messy. But other than that. He didn't hit anyone, try to start shit. 

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11 minutes ago, DCW said:

To lay the blame solely at Punk's door for both of those things is bordering on the delusional. Hilarious to read all the same though!

Yep. Bootlickers are gonna bootlick though, innit. But as you say, it’s hilarious to read!

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21 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Yep. Bootlickers are gonna bootlick though, innit. But as you say, it’s hilarious to read!

I think it's pretty unfair to accuse anyone of bootlicking in this discussion.

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On balance, I would say that on Punk's first return to AEW, it's understandable that Tony Khan took it on faith that he'd behave himself.  The guy had been away from wrestling for a long time, and he seemed initially to be happy to be there.

The second return though... much more "more fool you" in that case, as by that point Punk had already thrown his toys out of the pram once and managed to piss off a chunk of the roster.

As I've said in this thread before, it's a fact that Punk is a draw - he gets eyes on your product, he sells tickets and he sells merchandise.  He has a definite business upside (as well as the ability to have good matches).

However, on the flip side you have to be wearing particularly heavy blinkers to not see the downside to him - both in terms of the affect he has on morale, and the damage his inevitable meltdown has to long-term booking and business plans.

In both AEW runs it was clear that Khan wanted to build, if not the whole AEW brand around him, then certainly a large part - in the second run he sold the Collision tv show on Punk's back.  Both times he left, he did so in a way that left unresolved issues, and I'd argue in a way that left the product overall worse off.  This strays into personal taste, but I think AEW was better before Punk, and has been better after Punk, but both times he left, it took the company a good few months to adjust and sort out the hole he left in their longer-term plans.

For that reason, I'm hugely doubtful that WWE will make any long-term plans for Punk, or put a major title on him.  They'll take what they can get week to week, but not expose their product to the negative Punk effect.

Edited by Loki
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3 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

What damage did he cause?

I mean the fallout from Brawl Out was pretty epic. Belts stripped, storylines and angles re-written, Mox having to cancel his holiday with Renee to help right the ship. Plus, if you didn’t think Tony was incompetent before, Punk’s performance at that press conference and TK’s reaction to it sure did. I’m absolutely sure TK is neurodivergent, which excuses nothing but does mean he should have people helping him with situations like that.

It was the first major thing to happen at AEW to make it not look like the greener grass and it’s taken a year for things to feel anywhere near back on track.

Oh, and piss off Keith. Can’t be arsed to reply to that stupid comment on it’s own.

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5 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I mean the fallout from Brawl Out was pretty epic. Belts stripped, storylines and angles re-written, Mox having to cancel his holiday with Renee to help right the ship.

Which belts were stripped? I know Punk was walking round with the world title but he wasn't being treated as champion, was he? What other titles were changed?

As for angles, the only one directly affected would have been Jungle Boy, wouldn't it? Punk didn't have anything going on aside from Joe and if anything he seems to have been in a stronger position after Punk got the boot.

And surely he did Renee a favour, imagine spending a fortnight in Corfu with Jon Moxley.

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3 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Which belts were stripped? I know Punk was walking round with the world title but he wasn't being treated as champion, was he?

Punk was stripped of the World title following Brawl Out is what Hannibal is referencing.

Edited by LaGoosh
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5 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Punk was stripped of the World title following Brawl Out is what Hannibal is referencing.

Ahh, ok. I thought he was talking about Wembley for some reason, fair enough.

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