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Kevin Owens posting that the day after Brawl Out was top passive aggressive dickhead behaviour. Punk’s setting the world on fire, overdosing on muffins, swinging for EVPs, and Owens is reminding him that he got the dream match of Main Eventing Mania with Stone Cold. Not quite as funny now, of course. Never in a billion years did anyone ever think Punk would get it a few years later!

But yeah, similar to almost everyone, if they’re able to capitalise on real life beef with Punk, put it aside and keep their heads on, there’s definitely money to be made with Owens and Punk. As always though, there’s one person who I don’t think could put it aside or handle it. The fun will be in seeing his internal battle between trying to be on his best behaviour out of spite, whilst simultaneously being an absolute head case.

Eventually, someone is going to say, “worker’s rights,” or, “real glass,” and Punk’s gonna have to try and stay normal.



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If Matt Hardy was able to work with Edge, I’d like to think people will forget that Punk’s a knob for the sake of making money with him.

10 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I'd also argue that he seems to be one of the nicest guys out there from everything I've seen and the way people talk about him. 

Having met Kev, I can confirm he is a 100%  charming, affable, down to earth bloke.

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I do still have a semblance of sympathy for him. Because in all this, there is always an element of provocation. It’s just we tend to tolerate passive aggression, and judge aggression aggression harshly.

Punk definitely could do with stopping his habit of bringing bazooka’s to slanging matches, but it wouldn’t hurt if the ‘just here to have fun’ crowd left him alone too.

There’s no point winding up and poking the bear, only to then blame the bear for being a bear.

He’s a grumpy old bastard who doesn’t go for todays passive aggressive, snidey internet culture. Should he get over it? Probably. Should people leave him alone? Yeah, probably.

Punk/Owens would be great, though.

I’m now convinced though that this all ends when Austin forgets himself and pours a beer over a fallen Punk, and we finally get to see an in-public tantrum.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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4 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

There’s no point winding up and poking the bear, only to then blame the bear for being a bear.

As Punk himself would tell you.


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1 hour ago, mim731 said:

In fairness, Punk was gone by the time Owens made it to WWE, and Orton has been a mainstay for the majority of his main roster run, so while I appreciate there is a backstory there, it's probably far more a case of he likes and is close with Randy (who he has worked with loads) and hasn't worked with/seen Punk in years, than something necessarily indicative of a beef there.

Owens seems like a pretty professional dude, I doubt he's refusing to do business or starting aggro with anyone unless provoked.

That interview question, and the follow up has very much been framed in a way to shit stir (and I'm not against such tactics but it's very deliberate) for clicks. 

I agree. I was highlighting what Kev said about the beef, but he seems an absolute pro who will happily put grievances aside to make money.

That said, I wouldn’t be angry at Punk/KO being like HBK/Hogan and just overselling for the lols.

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36 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

From being ridiculed by Jungle Boy to facing the biggest star of all time at Wrestlemania within 9 months would be some going.

I mean, he did also wrestle in front of 81,000 fans.

In terms of the wish list for potential Punk matches, I'm surprised (that I've noticed) nobody has mentioned yet, it's nearly 20 years since he last wrestled AJ Styles.

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13 minutes ago, air_raid said:

In terms of the wish list for potential Punk matches, I'm surprised (that I've noticed) nobody has mentioned yet, it's nearly 20 years since he last wrestled AJ Styles.

Probably because he's been injured and then comes and goes and through no fault of his own there's not much been going on with him lately. BUT totally agree - Styles can switch it on in a second regardless of his longer term booking, so it'd definitely be an interesting one to watch.

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31 minutes ago, Mr Kennedy said:

I would be absolutely fucking gutted if Austin and Punk have a stinker.

I genuinely don't want them to wrestle, because Austin's already had TWO superb "last" matches and I really don't want him to risk ruining a cracking way to bow out a second time over. We don't need another Riyadh.

.... unless they do it in Riyadh, obviously. Then it would be perfect. The transformation to "Corporate Marionette Punk" would be complete.

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Yeah, it's not on my list of dream matches for sure.  And the Owens-Austin match was so good, because Owens is an in-form wrestler who took a lot of the bumps, works incredibly safely, and was more interested in telling a great story with Stone Cold than getting his shit in.   None of which is really that true of Punk at this stage.  It could end up being a Goldberg-Taker style disaster.

If Austin actually wants another match, there are so many names that would be preferable - Lesnar at the top for me, but a straight brawl with Goldberg even would be cool for historic reasons.

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I'd have faith in the project. Austin seems far wilier and conservative to his own body and worth than DX/Brothers of Destruction and I wouldn't rank Punk any higher or lower than KO's skillset with being able to put together and execute a great grudge match that dances around everybody involved's age based limitations.  

Regardless of how much money they're getting paid for it, WWE's own quality control with legends and what's canon was clearly far lower in Saudi. Two old schoolers like Austin and Punk, at WrestleMania? They're not going out there and WWE wouldn't let them out there if they think there's any chance it'll stink the joint out. 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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