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19 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

If viewers only watched nice people then the history of wrestling would be very different. I'm not sure there would have been anyone to watch in the 80s barring Steamboat and Sting. 

This reminds me of when I said something on Twitter about Brock Lesnar being a homophobe, and someone replied, "well, then you'd have to get rid of AJ Styles as well!", and I replied with something to the effect of "alright, yeah, go on then."

Obviously flustered at not having tripped me up with obvious gotcha-bait, they replied, "well if you got rid of everyone who'd ever been accused of doing anything wrong from wrestling, you'd just end up stuck with Ricky Steamboat and Bryan Danielson". Oh no, that sounds fucking terrible, how could I cope?


As for the topic - I don't care about ratings so long as they're high enough that the show continues to exist, and things like what Dave Meltzer says or what Tony Khan's like in interviews are so easily avoidable that they've never impacted on my enjoyment of anything. It doesn't look like a great episode, but you never know. I don't really follow along week-by-week at the moment anyway, and I'm not going to lose any sleep over a wrestling show being less than perfect for a little while. "Shit build, good PPV" has been the AEW formula for a while, so I'm sure things will pick back up, and if there's a time to sleepwalk through most of your TV booking, it's Wrestlemania season when all anyone wants to talk about is the other show anyway.

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33 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

That's more than fair about Mox, and he was not part of the criticism I had. 

If viewers only watched nice people then the history of wrestling would be very different. I'm not sure there would have been anyone to watch in the 80s barring Steamboat and Sting. 

I'm not suggesting they fire everyone else. Just that having some likeable people on there isn't an automatic turn-off. 

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Evil Uno vs Jon Moxley is something that would've been on the midcard of a reshuffled DGUSA show in the early 2010's. Mox is now a megastar and Uno is ten years past his sell-by date, especially when it comes to singles matches, and I say that as someone who took a lot of flack on here for championing the Super Smash Bros during their heyday. He may be a good lad and "one of the boys", but so was Colt Cabana and he stunk out the joint with Chris Jericho last year.

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1 hour ago, Daddymagic said:

Thoughts on the announcement? 

An all access reality TV show staring Tony Khan, Saraya, Adam Cole, Britt Baker, the Bucks, Eddie Kingston, and Sammy & Tay.

Starts next month. 

Hopefully calms down the ratings worriers that that they are getting more content so relationship with network is good 

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2 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

Considering at the moment it's not even guaranteed I can be arsed with Dynamite and Rampage, another show coming along right now is the worst timing. But I'm sure some people will enjoy it.

Do these reality type shows actually boost the ratings for the wrestling product though. Did Total Divas/Bellas actually create any more interest in Raw or Smackdown?

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21 minutes ago, simonworden said:

Do these reality type shows actually boost the ratings for the wrestling product though. Did Total Divas/Bellas actually create any more interest in Raw or Smackdown?

They tend to attract their own audiences and followers, it’s diversifying 

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I'm a little over MJF and his promos at this point. From the promo about a car crash to a promo talking about suicide and concussions. I get what he was going for with the concussion stuff, but it just didn't work for me and MJF is at the point where I roll my eyes when he comes out with a mic.  

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3 hours ago, Daddymagic said:

Thoughts on the announcement? 

An all access reality TV show staring Tony Khan, Saraya, Adam Cole, Britt Baker, the Bucks, Eddie Kingston, and Sammy & Tay.

Starts next month. 

Think it's been known to be coming for a while. It's the first thing people speculated on once Rhodes to the Top came to an end. There was even a survey on different names, and i'm glad that they went with something simple like All Access.

It's shoulder programming and easy enough to do. One of those things that's good from a company point of view, but doesn't mean much to regular fans as it's disposable.


The possible names from a survey back in May

* AEW: To The Top
* AEW: Fight To The Finish
* AEW: All Access
* AEW: Breakout
* AEW: Uprise
* AEW: The Climb
* AEW: To The Mat
* AEW: Road to The Belt
* AEW: Friends and Enemies
* AEW: On The Ropes
* AEW: Grit and Glory

Edited by Infinity Land
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