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40 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

1 - Would be funny if after Revolution he goes and has his real retirement match at Wrestlemania 40.

2 - I think MJF is leaving so they are getting all the big matches done this side of Christmas.

Who would Sting even work at Mania 40? 'Taker's done. He never shut up about that match. No way does he come in to job to anyone but 'Taker.

MJF leaving would be interesting. Him showing up at The Rumble is so unlikely but imagine that theme hitting? The roof would explode.

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How many times have AEW had a really good episode of Dynamite, only for people to end up talking about one part in particular being terrible instead of the show itself. Feels like every time a bit of momentum gets going, a mad segment / angle or new signing gets announced that just takes the momentum away and has everyone talking about that one thing instead.

This week it's Flair, the other week it was the roll of quarters and so on and so forth. It feels like one own goal after another with smatterings of really good TV in-between. Highly frustrating.

Edit: Completely forgot about Christian just being fantastic as always. I know it seems like a weekly thing to say, but what an absolute revelation his heel work has been. Best run of his career, hands down.

Edited by Nick James
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Surprised how many people on here and elsewhere I've seen saying this was a great episode of Dynamite. I thought it was more of a slog to get through than any I've watched in months.

For a decently charismatic guy, Jay White was an absolute charisma vacuum on commentary, and I didn't think much of any of MJF's promos on this show, or of the MJF/Juice match. All just felt like a means to an end.

I like when stories intertwine, as it stops it feeling like different parts of the show are all unconnected, and the champion should have a bunch of people gunning for them rather than just feuding with one guy, but it's just a confused mess at the moment, largely because of the completely unnecessary "Jay White stealing the AEW Title" thing, which I assume is a workaround to get to whatever the plan was for Punk's Real World Title. Jay has had it for months now, and MJF doesn't seem that bothered about it, because he hasn't actually really worked that hard to get it back. On top of that, they both just call it the "Triple B" all the time, rather than the World Title, so it doesn't feel as important as it should, which is then compounded by the amount of goofy midcard comedy surrounding this feud.

Kenny's promo was equally goofy, but felt somewhat legitimate at least, and building a title match around MJF being close to beating Kenny's record for longest title reign is the kind of legitimate reason to set up a match that AEW, at their best, do really well - but it feels like they thought it up last week, and have stumbled into doing it on Saturday. That the match is happening while MJF doesn't even have the physical title is weird too - it's a big first-time ever match, could be a big part of AEW's history, and you'd think that's something that could appear in video packages and "Best Ofs" for years to come, but they (presumably) won't have a single shot of MJF and Omega squaring up while a referee holds up the title belt. A completely avoidable mistake.

There was a run of three matches that I just struggled to care about. RVD and the Hardys only really serve a purpose to get a nostalgia pop for remembering the late '90s, and programming their matches one after the other was a fucking slog. The women's match wasn't very good either, but worst of all was the spraypaint bit that just made zero sense - Ruby Soho apparently wanting to get herself disqualified, costing herself the title, or else using it as a distraction to hit Shida with the title belt, which she would have had to do in front of the ref and get herself disqualified anyway. I imagine they came up with the idea of Ruby covering her face with the title to block the spraypaint, and worked backwards from there regardless of if it made sense. Someone needs to agent these matches better.

At one point, Renee Paquette asked Adam Copeland for a comment on "what we just saw", but was referring to something that happened two or three segments earlier. That felt pretty typical of this episode.


Even Christian Cage felt off a step on this one, stumbling over his words. Nobody acknowledged Darby's arm being in a sling, or even questioned whether he'd be able to wrestle at the PPV, they just accepted that he would be fine. God forbid they add any intrigue to this thing. And obviously they trotted out the old sex offender. I get that he's important to Sting's career, and maybe Sting wanted him part of his retirement, and on some level it's hard to begrudge giving him what he wants, but on the other hand, all the reasons they didn't bring Ric Flair in last time around haven't changed or gone away. 

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53 minutes ago, TheScarlettChad said:

Who would Sting even work at Mania 40? 'Taker's done. He never shut up about that match. No way does he come in to job to anyone but 'Taker.

MJF leaving would be interesting. Him showing up at The Rumble is so unlikely but imagine that theme hitting? The roof would explode.

Cold hard cash. Why not?

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11 minutes ago, TheScarlettChad said:

Hes hardly hurting for cash Is he? Would wwe even clear him? He's 64 with a bad neck. 

I don't think it really matters on the cash front, I'm sure they always want more if they can get it.

Second point is valid, and probably why it wouldn't happen.

I only said it would be funny if it happened,  not that it will or should.

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9 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

I don't think it really matters on the cash front, I'm sure they always want more if they can get it.

Second point is valid, and probably why it wouldn't happen.

I only said it would be funny if it happened,  not that it will or should.

True, honestly I'd want it to happen, I'm not a workrate pervert, give me grandpa sting at mania 

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Jericho teasing that he's getting in Paul Wight to go against Hobbs.. fucking hell, Chris has seemingly lowered the value of every young talent he's put himself with or against in the long run. Or at least stagnated them for long, long periods of time. Both Sammy and Garcia should have been elevated and went way past him so long ago, especially the latter that has so much going for him.

Edited by Merzbow
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6 hours ago, RedRooster said:

MJF/Omega taking place on Collision is interesting - tied in with the fact they seem to be lining up a run of big matches for him between now and the end of the year. It does make me wonder if they're getting their money's worth with Max while they can, before his contract expires.

Feels to me more like hot shotting big matches to try and build the Collision audience but yeah it could be that potentially. 

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1 minute ago, LaGoosh said:

Feels to me more like hot shotting big matches to try and build the Collision audience but yeah it could be that potentially. 

Perhaps a bit of both? I'd quite like to see MJF stay where he is, at least for now, so I'd like to be wrong on this one. The other way you could look at it is that rather quietly, MJF has morphed into a centrepiece star for AEW. For the longest time, AEW had been an ensemble cast - but right now, pretty much every main story involves MJF in some way. Would they be doing this if he was on his way out of the door? 

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15 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Feels to me more like hot shotting big matches to try and build the Collision audience but yeah it could be that potentially. 

I don't think that's it. Bump for attendance maybe.

There's something more worrying in that this is something that's been "built" in an AEW type way. BTE had the 26 days, 13 days made TV and starts being something that could lead to a match. Now confirmed 3 days out. It's not a proper feud. It's not a proper story. It's post-it note saying "you're about to break my streak".

Which is kind of fine. Omega's in the middle of a big match losing streak and has Callis/Takeshita/Ospreay on the backburner. He can afford to take a competitive loss in a side story. Just like clocking up losses in a G1. MJF has Jay White and the Devil mask on his plate. His main arc looks to be no different than OC's where he's taking on too many challengers and will be dropping the belt soon. Then he's got 2024 to play superstar free agent for his next bit. 

I'm trying to look at it as more a pad a soon to be over title reign with defenses when Wrestle Kingdom's round the corner. Rather than the potential schmozz finish. Collision getting picked in part because it's not spreadsheeted to death to cater to ratings trends and will actually allow some decent time.


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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

And obviously they trotted out the old sex offender. I get that he's important to Sting's career, and maybe Sting wanted him part of his retirement, and on some level it's hard to begrudge giving him what he wants, but on the other hand, all the reasons they didn't bring Ric Flair in last time around haven't changed or gone away. 

Excellently put. As was alluded to in another thread, the news cycle has moved on so Flair on TV won’t attract the bad press it would’ve previously got. And that shows what the real issue was at the time. 

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Yeah I wasn't into seeing Flair. If Sting wanted this then that's on him.

I did though very much Christian cracking the old corpse up by doing a Weekend at Bernie's impression. Oh Christian, you are a card. J'adore.

Edited by Chili
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