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While I’m sure the league/tournament will be a good watch given the quality of the field, I can’t help but think they’ve shot themselves in the foot a bit with the, “Everyone banned from ringside” rule. I get the idea is that it’s a super serious tournament where only the legit best will win it but you’re taking away a really useful plot device to help build a narrative around someone (say Jay White using BCG in every match to get him through or sabotage rivals later on, giving fuel to say he’s cheapening the tournament etc.), protect people when they need to lose (looking at Jay White/Rush from this week – rather than have a weedy ref nearly gets taken out/hoy in the balls bit, you could have had the Gunns or Jay Whie distracting the ref while Juice pops Rush with the diamante ring, hoy in the balls for good measure and then a Blade Runner for the win to keep Rush looking strong and putting more heat on Jay White as a big cheating bastard or the Jay White/Swerve match getting thrown out after a BCG/Mogul Embassy donnybrook breaks out with neither man taking an L) or building matches/feuds spinning off from the tournament for a PPV or one of the many TV shows (Los Ingobernables return the favour later on or stop a BCG assist at some point to cost Jay a match leading to trios matches etc. I only really watch Dynamite each week so this may have already happened elsewhere but you get the idea). It could also help make some people look threatening and make some matches less telegraphed (in a rare non-Jay White example, Jay Lethal having the carney crew with him at least gives the possibility someone might interfere to let him steal a win somewhere or that they continually bungle it for laughs). You could even introduce the rule later in the tournament where Tony Khan’s gotten fed up of all the shenanigoats getting out of hand and ruining the spirit of the whole thing, much to he chagrin of a certain heel who has been getting a helping hand.

Win wise, I’d disagree with those who say it needs to be an established name to cement the rep of the belts. I think the strength of the field and the number of matches everyone needs to fight cements that from the off and it’s what they do with it afterwards that’s going to be the biggest decider of how the belts are regarded going forwards. I’d argue it would be better off giving the rub to someone mid/upper mid and giving them something to work with away from the main belt. One of these three:

Jay While (yes I like Jay White!) – fresh off a loss to MJF so he’s not going to be in the title picture for a while but still looks strong having only lost once in singles and being a former IWGP champ. With BCG he looks like he’ll be hard to get to and knock off and you can weave in various groups from different factions to different feuds.

Swerve Strickland – keeps his momentum going after the Texas Death Match and helps build him as a star while keeping him away from MJF while the devil/Samoa Joe/Wardlow stuff pays off. Similar to White, he’s got the Mogul Embassy around him who are already spread over AEW and ROH to make it easier to keep things going across the different promotions without him needing to be there every week and, when the time is right, you can have him drop the belts to Hangman (maybe at Wembley) to give him the big victory and allow Swerve to move on to the World title picture.

Daniel Garcia – bit left field but he’s also at that kind of level where the tourney win and the titles could help elevate him. He’s not big enough to be missed if he’s spending more time in ROH or on Strong and Excalibur pointed him out as an underdog when looking at the brackets. Could run something with the Don Callus family where he keeps up trying to woo him before giving up and eventually Takeshita and/or Hobbs going after him.   

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5 hours ago, Ulf ist Gut said:

While I’m sure the league/tournament will be a good watch given the quality of the field, I can’t help but think they’ve shot themselves in the foot a bit with the, “Everyone banned from ringside” rule. I get the idea is that it’s a super serious tournament where only the legit best will win it but you’re taking away a really useful plot device to help build a narrative around someone


Rules are made to be broken.


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14 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Good news: QT Marshall is leaving AEW!

Bad news: MJF is injured.

Torn labrum for MJF apparently, they’re usually a 4-6 month recovery 😞

He’s going to work with Samoa Joe in some capacity at the PPV apparently, and then get it sorted.

Man, the more time passes the more MJF/Cole at Wembley becomes this huge sliding doors moment where in hindsight they should have just pulled the trigger.

I guess they’ll have the Devil attack him and write him off, but such a shame that they’re potentially going to lose all that momentum.

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I know he doesn't have many fans on here but I'm a bit sad about QT Marshall. His few turns flirting with the real stars showed him to be massively out of place, but there was a period of time where he was the gatekeeper of Dark/Elevation and having bangers every week. Wonder if Cody has enough sway to land him a job in the big house?

MJF being injured is an absolutely massive blow for them.

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MJF being injured will hopefully force them to be creative, but I imagine though he squeeze's past Joe at Worlds End and then the Devil and his cronies take him out to write him off.

Cue a TK special in a tournament to crown a new Worlds Champion at Revolution or something with Adam Cole winning it for his pal Max, with Cole being revealed as the devil a few months down the line.

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On 11/22/2023 at 8:27 AM, LaGoosh said:

At some point I just assume they know what they're doing. 


1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

Bad news: MJF is injured.


Still, if this latest freak occurrence injury leads to Samoa Joe possibly winning the title then I'll be a happy fan.


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This might actually be the one time using real sports could be a good mechanism for them - have MJF go out injured by having the Devil take him out, but don't strip him of the belt; make an interim champion tournament - that gets won by Cole.

Then, when MJF comes back for the unifier, it then emerges that Cole was the Devil all the time, and bam - undisputed title feud.

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7 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

Aren't they already running a tournament. Winner gets the World Title makes more sense doesn't it. 

I thought they'd already made a load of fuss about some Triple Crown belt for that tournament?

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