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Roderick Strong should never talk, ever - if he sticks to being the workhorse in a long multi-man match he's good.  He's good as a tag partner for Kyle O'Reilly.  But that's IT.  

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3 minutes ago, Loki said:

Roderick Strong should never talk, ever - if he sticks to being the workhorse in a long multi-man match he's good.  He's good as a tag partner for Kyle O'Reilly.  But that's IT.  

Good is stretching it. He's so forgettable that I can forget that Roderick Strong is in a multi-person match while he's the one in the ring wrestling.

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Strong's such a lame nag in the current MJF/Cole storyline that it's like one of those movies you see where someone's cheating on their spouse but in movie logic the spouse is so deathly dull that you're sort of cheering on the infidelity instead. 

He's right, he's going to be proven right, but massive fuck off energy. 

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36 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

Strong's such a lame nag in the current MJF/Cole storyline that it's like one of those movies you see where someone's cheating on their spouse but in movie logic the spouse is so deathly dull that you're sort of cheering on the infidelity instead. 

He's right, he's going to be proven right, but massive fuck off energy. 

I wonder if he turns with MJF, and spends a few weeks/months being exploited/tortured as MJF's lacky/plaything whilst Cole goes slowly mad trying to save his mate.

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2 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

Turned into?! When was he ever anything but a massive fucking dork? He's an awful signing for AEW.

There's an argument that Roddy has been booked real bad ever since the pandemic hit and when all his mates left NXT (and also that short period where he tagged with Pete Dunne in 2018), but other than that he's always been booked as an arse-kicking chad/jock-type. He's one of the most consistently great pro wrestlers of the last 10 years, with his excellent PWG run as the heavyweight champ whilst backed-up by Cole and the Bucks, being the crown jewel of his CV.

I agree that he's an awful signing for AEW, because they clearly have no clue how to use him. He's a natural bad guy, and contrary to popular belief he's actually okay on the mic in short bursts when he's allowed to play up to that high school bully character, and can fit his style to match any wrestler of any level because all his opponent has to do is sell the back.

Dork? Only when booked to be one. There's a high ceiling on Roddy, and he's already got the body of work to prove that he can carry an entire storyline and/or division.

Edited by Accident Prone
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Roddy is definitely one of those guys that has a huge upside as long as you use him properly. He's incredibly talented in ring and sure he's never been able to reach the heights of a Danielson because he lacks in personality in comparison but he's still capable of putting on excellent singles and tag matches. I much prefer him as the silent type that just breaks people down and has those insane hot moments of stamina that make me exhausted just watching him do move after move. And yeah it's not for everyone but he's worth having around on any roster.

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Being the Elite has some great stuff on the behind the scenes of Blood and Guts this week.

Also, interesting 

Yes, boring ratings talk, BUT it shows Blood and Guts is important in the grand scheme of things.


Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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I guess it has been said many times before but it does show their ceiling if they can put on something like this with that much talent AND Ibushi's first appearance and the gimmick and that's the rating they pull in.

Not to say anyone should be or is disappointed in it but when you get people talking about AEW taking over the industry and whatever else.. there's just nothing that will make it happen is there?

I think their best chance has always been WWE failing rather than AEW succeeding as such.

Also soz not in ratings topic.

Edited by DavidB6937
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7 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:


Not to say anyone should be or is disappointed in it but when you get people talking about AEW taking over the industry and whatever else.. there's just nothing that will make it happen is there?


I don’t think anyone other than @lotsaNumbers types who reply to any post going in twitter make that claim. 

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