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Chris B

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9 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

Oh absolutely but also the connection between the incident and the dog's teeth aren't as immediate as it's made out to be either. The dog already had a vet appointment booked and they found a couple of loose teeth and asked if he wanted them removed. It's not like the dog got blasted and his teeth whiffed out his gob, but to be fair the dog is at least 7-8 years old so loose teeth are going to naturally occur anyway.

Old dogs don't naturally lose their teeth (and 7-8 isn't really old anyway) - it's generally the result of an injury or illness. But even if the tooth loss was totally unrelated, if the door really did hit Larry, or even if Punk mistakenly thought it happened, I think his reaction is pretty understandable. It makes me feel sad really, he looks so happy here: 


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The more that comes out about this incident, the more schoolyard it all seems. These are all grown adults acting like 10 years olds at playtime. Grow the fuck up, be professional in a place of work. Just comes across now like two groups of extremely thin skinned people and a CEO who can't get a grasp on the situation because he wants to be liked by the boys in the back.

Sack the lot of them at this point and move on from it all. 

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If we're honest, they're probably doing Punk a favour by giving him that payoff and cutting him loose. AEW sounds like a fucking shitshow behind the scenes. The guy in charge hasn't got a clue what's happening, and it sounds like it's being run by the "cool kids" from an American high school in a shitty movie. Cool kids, I may add, that most likely won't be able to hold a candle to the career Punk has had when they get to his age, like him or not.

A shame really, as it could have been something much better, but I can't see it amounting to much more than it already is. The wheels are coming off. And just at the time when WWE is getting its shit together.

Ol' Phil would do well to get as much cash as he can out of little Tony, head home and chill with his attractive wife and cool dog while watching the inevitable implosion that will be AEW over the coming year or two.

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9 minutes ago, David said:

Ol' Phil would do well to get as much cash as he can out of little Tony, head home and chill with his attractive wife and cool dog while watching the inevitable implosion that will be AEW over the coming year or two.

To be fair, things seem to have calmed down somewhat - and while AEW clearly isn't perfect, I'm not sure how much of this is an AEW problem, how much of it is a CM Punk problem, and how much of it is a wider wrestling industry problem. It's not as if Punk didn't have moments like this in WWE - remember that time he punched a fan, for example? Furthermore, it turned out that he assaulted an entirely innocent person. WWE issued a statement at the time, but I'm not sure Punk was actually punished, for something which was arguably worse. 

The stuff with Larry is really horrible, but there's still more to the whole thing than that - with Punk overreacting to a Hangman promo no one was talking about, calling out Hangman live on air and potentially undercutting his character, and then mouthing off at the press conference; and seemingly still, according to the Nick Hausman article, not realising why this might have rubbed people the wrong way. 

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Why has it taken 7 weeks for this "story" to get out. If Team Punk wanted to paint the Elite as monsters that cause injuries to dogs then why not say that from the outset instead of replying to a question asked to you after stories of your enemy being brought back. 

Anyone who believes this is a gullible twat

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A lot of this smacks of lawyers getting involved. Throwing anything and everything at a case to muddy the waters and up any payouts. In one statement, it's claimed he was worried Hangman was going to shoot and double-cross him, that he was relying on home protection laws in the state, and that his dog had some wobbly teeth days later that could have been caused by the whole situation. It's already been agreed that they didn't 'kick the door in', so if it did happen, it seems much more likely that Larry ran up to a door that was swinging open quickly than Kenny Omega ran in and V-triggered him or something.

What it explains most is why the whole conversation broke down immediately - Punk's dog runs to the door, gets hit by it, everyone's a bit confused (or the people on the other side of the door had no idea it happened), Punk and Ace launch in with punches and chairs in the depth of paranoia, Omega gets the dog out the way while Nick Jackson gets knocked out, Omega restrains Punk while Ace Steel dives and bites at him like Mini-Me.

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11 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

Anyone who believes this is a gullible twat

Nobody has said anything for the entire time. Perhaps now this is coming to a head he wanted to explain himself. As someone said there will probably be an NDA involved and everyone will move on. He's hardly said someone kicked his dog did he just that it got hurt in the melee and that's why he reacted. Not everything is bollocks

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15 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

To be fair, things seem to have calmed down somewhat - and while AEW clearly isn't perfect, I'm not sure how much of this is an AEW problem, how much of it is a CM Punk problem, and how much of it is a wider wrestling industry problem. It's not as if Punk didn't have moments like this in WWE - remember that time he punched a fan, for example? Furthermore, it turned out that he assaulted an entirely innocent person. WWE issued a statement at the time, but I'm not sure Punk was actually punished, for something which was arguably worse. 

The stuff with Larry is really horrible, but there's still more to the whole thing than that - with Punk overreacting to a Hangman promo no one was talking about, calling out Hangman live on air and potentially undercutting his character, and then mouthing off at the press conference; and seemingly still, according to the Nick Hausman article, not realising why this might have rubbed people the wrong way. 

Yeah, things have calmed down perhaps. For now.

The company has disaster written all over it though, doesn't it? How many viable, profitable and long-lasting companies are built on a foundation like the one AEW has? Tony isn't a leader. There's a reason why wrestling companies tend to be run by knobs like Vince and even Triple H. They're dealing for the most part with oversized man-babies with fragile egos. 

I don't think CM Punk is the only problem here. Getting rid of him won't lead to a harmonious locker room and a company that thrives under a professional leadership group. The more I see what's going on, the more I can understand why Cody got to fuck when he did. He's another veteran who probably saw this coming.

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16 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

Why has it taken 7 weeks for this "story" to get out. If Team Punk wanted to paint the Elite as monsters that cause injuries to dogs then why not say that from the outset instead of replying to a question asked to you after stories of your enemy being brought back. 

Anyone who believes this is a gullible twat

Probably because he - and everyone else involved - was advised to keep quiet about it. This doesn't paint The Elite as "monsters", I mean, there's no way that they'd have known Larry was on the other side of the door. It would, however, explain why things broke down in the way that they did - the door swings open, hits the dog, Punk is enraged (as most dog owners would be) and reacts accordingly, a fight breaks out - basically a version of what @Chris B suggested. For all his faults, Punk doesn't have a track record of being dishonest. The truth, as he sees it, may be a bit skewed, but I don't see any reason to doubt that he, at the very least, thought this happened. And if it did happen, it's a very unfortunate accident; nothing more. 

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