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Chris B

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As great as he could be on any given night, he was never as great as he thought he was and, crucially, thought he should have been admired as. It feels like these most recent blowup is him crashing into another midlife crisis, railing against the realisation that his body simply can't do what he wants it to anymore. He's probably smart enough to work to his growing limitations (he was seemingly emulating Hitman, after all) but his ego and apparently real-life obsession with proving he could 'go' with younger, fresher, faster talent won't let him. Anything other than a match where he 'does it all', wins/retains a belt, and has pundits and crowds fawning over him simply isn't enough for him. He could be an asset; he just needs to get out of his own way.Ā 

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Still hilarious that his final shot at the big time ended with him stuffing his face with cake and whining about the consequences of going back on his promise to pay his once best friends legal costs.Ā 

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Anyone else gutted? It was shitty behaviour but his beef was only with the elite lads. Thereā€™s lots of stories of him helping Hobbs and others and being a good veteran to the younger talent. Itā€™s not like he had it out for the entire locker room. Itā€™s just those 4 pricks.

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25 minutes ago, boyfriend said:

Anyone else gutted? It was shitty behaviour but his beef was only with the elite lads. Thereā€™s lots of stories of him helping Hobbs and others and being a good veteran to the younger talent. Itā€™s not like he had it out for the entire locker room. Itā€™s just those 4 pricks.


They've hardly been lining up to give him any support and backing have they? saying he works with a bunch of children will have went down well I'd assume. If I had to pick who to keep out of Punk or The Bucks/Hangman/Omenga then it's no contest get the little whiny fucker out the door.


If I was Khan I'd drag my heels as well no way should he be rewarded with a pay off after the shit he's pulled, I don't hate Punk either he's just gone on like a right spoilt kid.

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8 minutes ago, Kamaras-Tash said:


They've hardly been lining up to give him any support and backing have they?Ā 


True, though vocally giving support to someone against the people who are high up in the company wouldn't be great move, politically. There were murmurs that people were a bit eggy after Omega's joke about not hiring 80% of the roster, as he was generally seen to not be someone who went out of his way to help younger talent or watch matches that weren't his mates, while Punk did. It apparently rubbed some people the wrong way, but nothing was ever attributed.Ā 

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13 minutes ago, Kamaras-Tash said:

If I was Khan I'd drag my heels as well no way should he be rewarded with a pay off after the shit he's pulled, I don't hate Punk either he's just gone on like a right spoilt kid.

Surely this is a case of Punk asking to buy out of his contract.Ā  What benefit would there be to Khan in giving Punk a lump sum to fuck off early?Ā 

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10 minutes ago, gmoney said:

True, though vocally giving support to someone against the people who are high up in the company wouldn't be great move, politically. There were murmurs that people were a bit eggy after Omega's joke about not hiring 80% of the roster, as he was generally seen to not be someone who went out of his way to help younger talent or watch matches that weren't his mates, while Punk did. It apparently rubbed some people the wrong way, but nothing was ever attributed.Ā 

Yeah no one would fully come out public either way but the reports I was seeing were alluding to the locker room not being to keen on him coming back not just the Elite lads then you have Jericho liking that post. Also I know it was just a promo but you know what Eddie Kingston is like and when he said no one in the back wanted you here in the first place I wouldn't be surprised if there was a hint of truth behind thatĀ šŸ˜‚

7 minutes ago, NavigatorFan said:

Surely this is a case of Punk asking to buy out of his contract.Ā  What benefit would there be to Khan in giving Punk a lump sum to fuck off early?Ā 

Maybe I've misinterpreted the articles, I agree there's not much benefit in Khan paying it off apart from getting him out of his hair but the way Punk is with money I'd be equally surprised if he's willing to buy himeself out which is why I took it that way.Ā 

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Buying out will be then agreeing a figure somewhere in the middle of fuck all and what heā€™d be paid in full to agree to part ways. With an agreement to still have him in the game etc and have no one talk about what went on that they canā€™t do if he is sackedĀ 

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7 hours ago, Louch said:

Buying out will be then agreeing a figure somewhere in the middle of fuck all and what heā€™d be paid in full to agree to part ways. With an agreement to still have him in the game etc and have no one talk about what went on that they canā€™t do if he is sackedĀ 

Pretty much. Buy out can lead to an NDA and rule out legal action.

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10 hours ago, boyfriend said:

Anyone else gutted? It was shitty behaviour but his beef was only with the elite lads. Thereā€™s lots of stories of him helping Hobbs and others and being a good veteran to the younger talent. Itā€™s not like he had it out for the entire locker room. Itā€™s just those 4 pricks.

I'm gutted. While going out for a press conference and trashing your colleagues like that isn't exactly the best move, I can understand why frustration might have built up in the way that it did. Regardless of what's next for Punk, and regardless of what he may or may not be like as a person, he had one hell of a return year; and for me at least, it's impossible to not feel sad about the feuds and matches we'll be missing out on if this is indeed it for him in AEW.Ā 

10 hours ago, Kamaras-Tash said:

Yeah no one would fully come out public either way but the reports I was seeing were alluding to the locker room not being to keen on him coming back not just the Elite lads then you have Jericho liking that post. Also I know it was just a promo but you know what Eddie Kingston is like and when he said no one in the back wanted you here in the first place I wouldn't be surprised if there was a hint of truth behind thatĀ šŸ˜‚

To be fair, Kingston has cut similar promos about loads of other wrestlers - Danielson and Jericho come to mind for starters. It's hard to know where the real Kingston begins and the character ends; which is one of the reasons he's so brilliant. Speaking of Kingston, I'm really feeling his absence on Dynamite. I hope he's involved in a major feud soon.Ā 

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I'm pretty nonplussed about it all. I know it's a bit hindsight to make out he would have become stale after the first year but for me it ended in the most salacious, crazy way possible which is kind of a part of what wrestling is to me. A lot of times we complain and even act a bit shocked or disgusted by something whilst really enjoying what a wreck it all is.

When I think ahead with what CM Punk could have been in AEW I see pretty much what we got already. A string of undeniably brilliant but gradually more routine pipebomb promos, matches that are great in that very-solid-if-not-spectacular way and facial hair that I could put in theĀ What irrationally gives you the creeps? thread.Ā 

No doubt an on form CM Punk could have helped a lot of talent but - and this is the bit where weĀ canĀ call upon hindsight - AEW was largely much better before he got there anyway, so has as much chance of being as good again. We've tasted about how much he can move the needle - big spikes on YouTube and big houses in Chicago - and I feel like we 'got' him for about a full year before the wheels fell off and the narrative wrapped up in the most CM Punk way possible.Ā 

I'm grand with that. It was genuinely brilliant gettingĀ totallyĀ duped by his character again. I didn't just go nuts for his return last year. I'll hold my hands up and say I bought every word of what he said, reverted back to "WWE really dropped the ball with this guy" and pigeonholed him as a force for good, for-the-boys figure in the industry.Ā 

That's being worked, I look forward to it happening again.Ā Ā 

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