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18 minutes ago, Nick James said:

I honestly fail to see the benefit in any area to this being a work. I could be wrong, obviously, but if it is a work, it's a really poor, short sighted one. For your champion to be calling everyone shitarses and calling out the boss, when he's supposed to be face, it made everyone look poor. Tony Khan most of all. 


I get it, and I  agree. But I think this is Punk not being a face anymore. The lines are so blurred I think this is just another extension of this. Otherwise, it makes Tony and the whole company look ridiculous. I just don’t know what to believe anymore 

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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6 minutes ago, Duke said:

Did Punk actually get asked a question about Colt? The feed I saw just started with Punk asking the guy if he was mates with him, having that question absolutely fail to set him up and then go off an one regardless.

All of this stemmed from the first question being "When you did improv, who'd you do improv with?". Amazing what can of worms that opened.

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It's fascinating to watch, but everyone involved comes across as extremely unprofessional and undignified. Backstage drama and wrestling go hand-in-hand, but AEW clearly need to get their shit together before the inmates are fully running the asylum. 

I also can't believe Tony Khan just sat there and let Punk go off on several of his contracted talents and company 'EVPs' like that. He seems like he's way out of his depth and could use someone (or a team of people) to help him run the ship properly.

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3 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I get it, and I  agree. But I think this is Punk not being a face anymore. The lines are so blurred I think this is just another extension of this. Otherwise, it makes Tony and the whole company look ridiculous. I just don’t know what to believe anymore 

Jesus. I just want wrestling to not have this worked shoot bollocks. It didn't work in WCW, It won't work here.

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Just finished the PPV. Have avoided spoilers and having a quick glimpse see there's been stuff going on behind the scenes. Keeping it purely to the show before playing catch up that colours my opinion.

There were chances for some big feel good moments, but they went with "the plan" and it left a sour taste. Thinking specifically on The Acclaimed not winning, and getting the seeds of a split between Jamie & Britt which should have led to Jamie getting the surprise win. Either one could have happened and left fans with a feel good moment title change. As Toni and CM Punk might be seen as babyfaces but they're both lukewarm. The back to back Luchasaurus/Christian and Jericho wins were real downers.

It really goes back to the beginning with the 'Joker' win. If they played the TK begging MJF to come back and reveal video for the Joker entrance the whole night would have started with a massive boost of positivity and curiosity of what's going to happen. You still get the stand off at the end. Instead they added to the Rolling Stones estate and thought they could play everyone for simpletons.

Goes on a deep dive.


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I was about to come in here and scream about how Hangman and Omega are the fucking greatest and the chemistry they had every time they touched was just electric, amongst other good things about the show but fuck me... Phil is a cunt.

Even if he is in the right he's taken away from a huge event and placed everything all on him.

Edited by Merzbow
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Punk has that knack of even when he’s right, his communication skills and judgement let him down every single time. Soo much of the show looks worth talking about even from the limited amount I seen before work, but no one is talking about it anywhere 

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If all this shit means Punk and The Elite aren't likely to wrestle eachother it doesn't feel like there's a huge amount for Punk left to do in AEW. Outside of rematches with MJF, Kingston and maybe matches with Danielson and Samoa Joe...feels like his options are limited. 

Last year's All Out felt like AEW was the best thing going. 12 months later and it feels like we're on a downward spiral. 

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3 hours ago, Nick James said:

Around the time Cody left you could see it starting. For all his Codyverse bollocks, he seems to genuinely have a great mind for the business and it makes you wonder if he was doing the grunt work backstage to keep things ticking over. A lot of people have said he mirrors Dusty in that respect.

Cody seems to have been mates or friendly with a lot of the people The Elite aren't. He had that overlap with ex-WWE guys and other indie guys. Think about the number of people with links to the Knightmare Factory.

He would have been an ear to bend about certain issues. Which in itself can be enough to feel heard, and on more serious things had the pipeline to TK.

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1 minute ago, LaGoosh said:

So is MJF now head of a faction of Ass Boys, Ethan Page, W. Morrissey and Lee Moriarty?

Weird as hell group if that's the case.

I'm hoping MJF hired their services just for the night! 

Enjoyed the PPV, been a fan of the Acclaimed since the start, but last night they were on another level. Fantastic! 

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I didn't want to post this in here because I didn't watch this show but I didn't see a thread about CM Punk and most of the discussion about him is inevitably in here.

He's always been a fucking knob and he's always acknowledged that. I do respect him living his life by a set of guidelines that he's more or less always stuck to but I don't like him and that leopard definitely hasn't changed its spots.

I don't really see what he said wrong in that press conference though. But what he said to that fan a few days ago was far worse. 'Mental health advocate' CM Punk, married to a woman who is now a respected voice in the field, calling a fan a fat virgin because they chanted Colt Cabana. What a thin-skinned twat. He's no better than he was back in 2012 when he was on Cabana's podcast calling Cliff Compton a faggot because he was wearing a hat. Did he ever apologise for that?

People seem to be far more upset because he called a bunch of guys who are self-unaware enough to call themselves the Elite a bunch of incompetents and idiots. He's not said a thing there that people can reasonably argue against. He'd every right to be annoyed at Adam Page for that stupid promo he cut. A bunch of guys who have little to no mainstream exposure or success against a guy who, and it was a questionable run in places, went against the norm in a terrible company and made himself a success and a talking point despite it all.

But, you know, let's be sadder about the Young Bucks getting called twats rather than the psychological damage that's been done on that one guy he insulted live on national TV. Voice of the fucking voiceless, my arse.

Edited by Devon Malcolm
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1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

 I just don’t know what to believe anymore. 

Isn't that supposed to be the point?

In my head this is Punk Vs All Friends Wrestling, Carny Man Punk Vs The Gratitude Era. I just think this is the next phase of the story story they've been telling since the beginning. We knew he'd be turning eventually, we know he's an actual Bad Knob Head. This is them dropping the other shoe. This is how we get to Punk Vs Kenny eventually. In my head at least. I'm more than ready to eat shit on this though!


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On the casino match, I liked the finish as cut the match short from all the usual last man in let’s get the close calls in, but surely those attacked should now have a grudge against stokelys crew? Would like that to at least be a match to be had on Rampage 

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