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3 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

Yes, please get to the phase where you offer your best players £350k a week and they turn to shit and get forced out the club

Very different situations. These lads are the future. Ozil and Auba were panic (especially Ozil)

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3 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

Yes, please get to the phase where you offer your best players £350k a week and they turn to shit and get forced out the club. There’s nothing left for me to look forward to this season at the very least Arsenal can get to Arsenaling quicker.

Speaking of £350k a week players turning to shit, Arteta played a tactical blinder with his LB selection yesterday. Tomiyasu, who has lost his place at RB to a CB (although Ben White has been a fucking revelation- that's a conversation for another day), gets picked ahead of Tierney. The decision to play a right footed defensive full back there was to nullify Salah cutting in on his left and it worked a treat. 

Have Liverpool given up with their Gegenpress? It was so noticeable yesterday how much deeper they are sitting. That's been such a fundamental part to their game since Klopp took over. 

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It’s not that masterful, he’s been in the pocket of every fullback he’s come up against this season. The main problem this team has is the lack of running in it. The forwards benefitted massively from the space that provided them. Mane benefitted from the fact that if a team over manned Salah he would have space to exploit and vice versa. Diaz is a fine player but he lacks that edge of pace so is marked out easier. They’re just not on it anymore.

Klopp’s made some bold choices on how he wants the players to play this season and it’s backfiring at the moment. It’s one thing getting beat by a good young Arsenal team at the Emirates (who were much the better side yet still benefitted from terrible ref decisions) but Brighton ran through us at Anfield last week. A mediocre yet developing United side ran through us. Even Everton had us pressed back for stretches of that game.

Here’s a thing, I suspect Arteta could be the real deal, what happens if Pep fucks off or Barce come calling? Is he turning them down?

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1 hour ago, Factotum said:

Ozil and Auba were panic (especially Ozil)

Ozil wasn't a panic buy. He was supposed to be a marquee signing designed to elevate Arsenal. He was one of the best midfielders in the world when Arsenal got him before subsequently ruining him.

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52 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Ozil wasn't a panic buy. He was supposed to be a marquee signing designed to elevate Arsenal. He was one of the best midfielders in the world when Arsenal got him before subsequently ruining him.

No I meant his large contract extension was a panic. He got it as we couldn't afford to lose both Sanchez and Ozil in the same year.

Ozil ruined himself.

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2 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

Here’s a thing, I suspect Arteta could be the real deal, what happens if Pep fucks off or Barce come calling? Is he turning them down?

I doubt it, but that's the flipside to not being one of the top, top teams isn't it. Same with our decent young players, for the first time in a while we could find ourselves in a position where more desirable clubs are sniffing around our best talent.

Hopefully Liverpool's decline continues because Klopp seems to want to big up Martinelli at every given opportunity, and boy there's a runner you'd benefit hugely from having.

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5 minutes ago, hallicks said:

An article on the creative expression resulting from perpetrators of the dark arts, which I’m sure @Keith Houchenwill appreciate:


Proper football. 

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Took my 9yo to her first game today, Southampton-West Ham.

We had tickets to the Brentford game but then the Queen died and cancelled it, she was really upset so I didn't want her to miss out until it was rescheduled so we got some for today as well.

Just over £30 for both of us, and was an alright game.

First half Southampton were good (Kyle Walker-Peters VERY good) then second half Declan Rice took control and completely changed the game.


West Hams fans were dreadful though. They nearly burst themselves every time KWP got the ball (must be the Spurs connection) and then he took a foul throw and then every time he took one they cried like someone had pissed on their jellied eels. 

My youngest did also ingratiate herself to me as well by asking "Do they only sing the one song?" Yes. Yes they do.

Declan Rice though...what a player. 

The security at the ground was hilarious. No frisks, no searches, you scan your ticket at a faceless machine, so subsequently we had 3x lads behind us who had all bought U11 tickets.

One of them had the driest views on football I've ever heard. "Maitland-Niles could play for a big club" (pretty sure he did) "Paqueta looks a prospect" (lol) "Walcott should've started" (LOL!!!!) 

All in all, an OK day out and at those prices, we'll definitely go again. Unfortunately Spurs is very expensive and now very far, which is a shame.

Highlight for us both was the U10s that did a race around the pitch at halftime.

Three of them fell right on their arse and then they had to end it by scoring a goal against the mascot and one of them missed. WAHEEEEEEEEY! 

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Do you think he's worked out what our transfer strategy is yet? Y'know, the one where we were clearly looking at young players with good experience that could have a long term impact, a strategy that even an idiot like Jamie Redknapp could probably see?

I loved that he referred to it as 'a bit all over the place', which is exactly how you could describe his beloved United's strategy for the past god knows how many years. 

This was it, from last September:


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Neville seems to have checked out of the day to day knowledge of most football and what's going on for a few years now. He was saying he thought Arsenal would sack Arteta in April, this was just after he had signed a new contract. The comment on the strategy was absolutely dumb given it was blindingly obvious to absolutely everyone what they were doing. He also said he thought Arteta should leave if we came 4th because we could go no higher. Bizarre. That's just Arsenal, he's atrocious on most things these days.

Obviously trying to be mayor of Manchester is his main aim. Carragher is across absolutely everything and while he's not my favourite pundit, there's a lot to be said for actually knowing your shit when that's your job.

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