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12 minutes ago, CharlesTuckerTheThird said:

This past weekend, GW released one of their army books for the Adeptus Custodes with 2 pieces of lore saying that some Custodes are women. Despite GW never previously saying all Custodes are male, this has led to an uproar from various chuds saying "GW hAs gOnE wOkE" and "bAd ReTcOnS!" Life is exhausting sometimes.....

Is GW Games Workshop? This sounds like some proper nerd shit. 

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, CharlesTuckerTheThird said:

This past weekend, GW released one of their army books for the Adeptus Custodes with 2 pieces of lore saying that some Custodes are women. Despite GW never previously saying all Custodes are male, this has led to an uproar from various chuds saying "GW hAs gOnE wOkE" and "bAd ReTcOnS!" Life is exhausting sometimes.....

It's amazing how many GW fans never question the fact that the overwhelming majority of characters in the 40K universe are male. If you can accept that the Sisters of Battle exist, surely it's not such a fucking stretch to think there might be female Space Marines and Custodes?

1 minute ago, SuperBacon said:

Is GW Games Workshop? This sounds like some proper nerd shit. 

No, that's this place.

Edited by Carbomb
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For a people who are big into a game which involves buying, assembling and painting little toy soldiers, Granny certainly have an... interesting fan base when it comes to things like this. I get the over the top "rated M for Manly" type element of big strong (mainly) blokes going around and blowing things up/whacking each other with swords and so on in a way but almost any time anything out of white bloke power fantasy pops up you better believe they'll all come out of the woodwork to complain about it. They recently published a nice little converted army someone had done (can't remember if in their magazine, or website) the big problem that got people going? Rainbow colours on Space Marine armour! I know historical wargaming can have people with... worrying interests, usually fetishising the SS in some way but if anything gets in the way of their big strong white male power fantasy you can be certain that they'll come out in a rage.

Games Workshop, understandably, have a bit of a past with some things that they'd rather people forget. Black Orcs - being orcs that were slaves and had darker skin - tribal pygmies, slanty eyed goblins inspired by Mongols with other shifty eastern cultures depending on mood and inevitably a whole host of other "fair for it's time" of 80s stereotypes and things that were cringe inducing at the time let alone today. The game was thrown together by a few blokes 40 years ago and is full of over the top stereotypes like orcs being football hooligans, dwarfs being surly Yorkshireman stuck in the mines grumbling all the time and can range from things that are relatively harmless to things that just don't really have a place in the world any more and even then were a bit iffy. The idea that people would get up in arms that something barely mentioned and that's only existed for five minutes anyway because there's a hint that maybe there could be a woman involved though, it's just too far!

The Blood Bowl community recently had a minor bit of uproar over the idea of making sure that tournaments felt inclusive. The number of comments along the lines of "but I don't want GIRLS anywhere near my silly game of rolling dice" and who saw nothing wrong with making women feel uncomfortable in what's a largely male hobby was... well not entirely shocking anymore sadly but so disheartening. The vast majority would still be your big smelly alcoholic blokes anyway but the idea that "the other" would want to play a silly little board game was enough to get people raging.

I've sort of mentioned somewhere a game that I like called Rumbleslam, it's basically Blood Bowl but with pro wrestling. How did they respond to people like that? By releasing a big bunch of burly muscly lads posing, soaked in baby oil... and giving them a nice rainbow logo just in case people didn't spot the middle finger they were giving to people who thought there was no room for homosexuality in their fantasy game about men rolling around in their pants.

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3 hours ago, Carbomb said:

It's amazing how many GW fans never question the fact that the overwhelming majority of characters in the 40K universe are male. If you can accept that the Sisters of Battle exist, surely it's not such a fucking stretch to think there might be female Space Marines and Custodes?

There is lore that means there's no female space marines. However that can be fixed so easy without any need to reconsider anything at all. But so many dickheads online moan about it. Luckily they seem to be the minority, but still...

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9 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

There is lore that means there's no female space marines. However that can be fixed so easy without any need to reconsider anything at all. But so many dickheads online moan about it. Luckily they seem to be the minority, but still...

Presumably the introduction of the Primaris Marines they had an opportunity to switch the lore up canonically. 's what I would've done to shut the Well-Actuallies up.

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There was a moment last year where Twatters were up in arms about potential female Space Marines only to have an original WH artist rip them to shreds in comedic fashion, they stupidly called him a "tourist" and that he knew nothing about the game... until they realized who he was.

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What's also a bit mystifying is that, with Age of Sigmar and the introduction of Fantasy Space Marine cash-insStormcast Eternals, that has extensive artwork depicting women Eternals, you'd think there'd be a bit more acceptance of the idea.

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Just now, Carbomb said:

What's also a bit mystifying is that, with Age of Sigmar and the introduction of Fantasy Space Marine cash-insStormcast Eternals, that has extensive artwork depicting women Eternals, you'd think there'd be a bit more acceptance of the idea.

I don't even think it's really people that play the game that are mad, it's the right-wing 4channers that latched on to the novels and lore.

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39 minutes ago, CharlesTuckerTheThird said:

Well, you say that, but there was an all-female chapter of Space Marines in the Rogue Trader edition of Warhammer 40,000, and they were mentioned in 2nd Edition, but have since disappeared. 

I don't remember them in 2nd at all.

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Wargaming in my (somewhat dated) experience, is an exclusively male club. When I joined the students' union wargaming society at university in 1991, to the best of my recollection there wasn't a single female member. Even play-by-mail, where women might have felt slightly more at ease from the unwanted attentions of men who rarely interacted with women on a regular basis, had relatively few women involved. Excluding the editor of Flagship magazine Carol Mulholland, I can probably count on one hand the number of women involved, or at least ones playing the same games as me. In 1992 there were (at least) three PBM conferences, in Leeds, Sheffield and London (the latter at the York Hall in Bethnall Green, that's how many people were involved), although my memory of events is blurred due to the passage of time and consumption of alcohol, if the number of women present wasn't zero or close to zero it was a significantly long way short of being even remotely close to ~50%. Given that women make up approximately that percentage of the population (and many apologies if that rather unscientific division excludes non-binary people) it's hardly unsurprising that any company should want to attempt to also market their product at the non-male market, without having the perjorative "woke" thrown at them? Was Tomb Raider "woke" in 1996 for having Lara Croft as the protagonist rather than some Indiana Jones-ish male character? It's not a case of "wokeness", but straightforward capitalism. For a variety of reasons far too tangential to this thread to explain in any detail I haven't watched The Appentice for a number of years now, but even I know that a product that potentially excludes ~50% of the population is a Bad Ideaâ„¢.

Edited by Tamura
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