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Live wrestling - your “one that got away?”


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I went to a WWE Show at London Arena when I was 10.

Bret Hart/Vader


Sid/Steve Austin

The Rock/Bradshaw - think it was The Rock's first week at WWF.

Owen/Bulldog V Godwin's

Crush V Bob Holly

The Executioner V Aldo Montoya

Farooq V Barry Wyndham

Barry Horowitz V TL Hopper



I think Hogan's the only one I'd have like to have seen. 

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20 minutes ago, Weezenal said:

I went to a WWE Show at London Arena when I was 10.

My first WWE show. Everyone cheered jailbird Crush over Spark Plug Holly, because no one gives a shit about NASCAR in this country and criming is cool.

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I think the main ones for me would be The Rock, Stone Cold, The Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, Jeff Hardy, the three Shield chaps and Raven but just looking through past events I've been to, I feel so lucky to have seen so many of my favourites, the top ones being CM Punk, HBK and Danielson. Another big one for me is that I've seen Eric Bischoff on a live show.

Then there's the likes of Jericho, Flair, Orton, Malakai Black, HHH, Edge, Christian, Kane, Regal, Angle, Too Cool, Dudleys, Matt Hardy, Batista, Cena, Cody, Pete Dunne...

I've also met Foley and AJ Styles but never got to see them wrestle and I've seen Balor in the ring but not wrestle.

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I’m lucky in that I’ve pretty much gotten to see all the ones that I wanted to. The 1994 Hart Attack Tour ticked off a lot in one go with it featuring an Undertaker/Yokozuna Casket Match, Razor Ramon and Lex Luger taking on HBK and Diesel in the middle of the show, Bret, Owen and Bulldog all working the main event.

Then seeing New Japan when they came over here the other year allowed me to tick off Tanahashi, Naito, Okada and Suzuki.

Theres still a chance I could see Sting whenever AEW come over here, but the ones that got away were Ultimate Warrior, Jushin Liger and Great Muta. 
Warrior was obviously gone from WWF at the time and I don’t think they came over here during his short run in 96.
Back when 1PW where bringing over every man & his dog you felt as though they could’ve got Liger over for a match at some point. I know he did end coming over a few times after that but it was always in places that would’ve required a stay over, which I just couldn’t afford to do at the time. 
Muta of course nearly happened for 1PW as well before it went tits up the week before the show

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17 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Muta of course nearly happened for 1PW as well before it went tits up the week before the show

Always annoyed me that though I’d stopped giving money to 1PW, they promoted him coming and I just couldn’t shake the feeling either he wouldn’t come or the show would get cancelled so it wasn’t worth planning for, then when it did go tits up, RQW hosted the match at York Hall, and I didn’t go. Moron.

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Really wasn't follwing wrestling enough to have seen the likes of Quake in the UK 2001 for Twa?? , nor Yoko's last tour Brian Dixon's UK Wrestlemania 2000 tour Im still lead to believe Yoko's last match was in the New Olympus Theatre vs or tagging with Greg The Hammer Valentine, though expecting that to be corrected. 

However during the Britwres revival from  2000s- mid 2010s got to see wrestle/manage and or meet a veritable who's who. Steiners, Dudleys, Ricky Steamboat, The Million Dollar Man,  Golddust, Vader, Honky Tonk Man, Jake the Snake ish, (no ring Blackburn debacle) Then the likes of Liger, Pentagon Dark, AJ x2, Kevin Owens, Austin Aries, Doudrop/Viper, Awesome Kong, Sarah Logan, Ultimo Dragon, Finn Balor, John Morrison and so forth and so on. Seen plenty of the wrong uns  from both sides of the atlantic wrestle too as well. 

The glaring misses are Earthquake, Aerostar for 4fw, Mr Perfect in 2002 and Warriors last hurrah in 2009 for NWE in Spain. and the Powers of Pain whenever they've been over. 

I've been really lucky to see loads of the people I've wanted to see along the way. So not that many regrets 


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Lucky enough to have seen most on my bucket list (mainly through Summerslam 92) however I had tickets for a Manchester house show in 97 (I think) but my mate I was going with pulled out the day before so I offloaded the tickets, Austin was on it for sure and I think Rock. Never saw either of them live as a result.

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1 hour ago, theironshake said:

My first show was WCW real event in Brum in 93. The only three I've never seen perform live who I would have wanted to. Are Hogan, Savage and The Rock. I've pretty much seen everyone else. 

That's the tour I went to. My mum got me a ticket for Christmas. She enjoyed getting to see Rick Rude live. 

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I never got to see Randy Savage wrestle (or appear) live and I’d have liked to have done so. I saw Hogan wrestle once at a TNA house show in Manchester ten years ago. It turns out that was actually Hogan’s last match.

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I've seen wrestle or met at meet and greet/book signings etc every wrestler I wanted I think. Austin, Rock, Hogan, Foley, Taker, Cena, RVD, Punk, Bryan, Eddie, Benoit, HBK, Flair and Triple H. But one man I've never seen live and in living colour is Vince himself. I'd love to see the mad old bastard one time before he pops his clogs and heads down below. 

I'd have liked to have seen Stacy Keibler too in fairness. Teenage me was an extremely big fan. 

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Bought a ticket for a PWG show when they were still at the 400-capacity place in Reseda (when I was living out there). This was when tickets were hard to come by and people like Rousey were going. Wondering how I was going to explain to Mrs H that I was driving miles to see this show and getting back at 2am, realised I’d fucked the dates up and it had been and gone the week before. Was too upset with myself to try going again.

I did make it to an indie show out there ran by Nigel McGuinness, which had Adam Cole, Johnny Gargano, Rocky Romero, Timothy Thatcher and Scorpio Sky. Best guy that night was Oliver John. 

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Unfortunately, for the peak of my fandom as a kid, the idea of going to London for something like Summerslam would have been unthinkable and until I was a university student the only live wrestling I'd ever seen was Orig Williams tribute shows (although I did see Giant Haystacks wrestle in Llandudno in 1993, which was pretty cool).

My first ever WWE show was a Raw taping (the first in the UK I think), headlined by Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels and Edge beating Evolution, which was pretty star studded in fairness.

My experiences with Roddy Piper were pretty unique though, given he was diagnosed with cancer just before a scheduled tag title defence with Ric Flair in Manchester, resulting in him  being "taken out" by Randy Orton and Edge before the match could even start. He was also supposed to turn up at Jarrett's Global Force Wrestling taping, which I attended while on holiday in Vegas, only to peg it the week before.

Otherwise I suppose that the Undertaker was the only star still active past the mid noughties that I was bothered to miss out on, having tickets for a Smackdown taping in Manchester a few years later but not going because it clashed with a Wales v Norway friendly in Wrexham!

 I can't moan too much though, being in attendance for the already mentioned final Hulk Hogan match at a TNA house show, again in Manchester. Also got a picture with the big man pre-show (the year after).

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