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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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3 hours ago, Nick James said:

Turns out he's just a bit shit and was all hype from what I've seen. Sonny Kiss deserves better than dossing about with these scrubs.

To be fair though, he's a relative baby in wrestling terms - he only signed with WWE last year, and I don't think he'd had much training beyond that. He doesn't seem to be brilliant at the moment, but he's got time on his side. 

Totally agree on your other point - they're totally missing the boat with Sonny Kiss. 

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25 minutes ago, boyfriend said:

Surprised by all this. While he’s green I thought he looks like someone with potential. Seen a few squashes and was certainly more old school wrestling than the flippy flop brigade which are beyond repetitive and dull to watch at this stage. 

Thanks Braun.

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Stokeley is fucking awful and how many best friends has MJF had at this point?

Definitely some crowd sweetening on this show this week, or it was a lot more noticeable than usual. 

Recruitment storylines as akin to tournaments and new titles these days. Seems like there is constantly a recruitment storyline going on at least once a week, sometimes twice in one show.

Daivari made Wardlow look like a million bucks, he took that headbut like an absolute champ. Shame the camera cut missed Joe hitting Wardlow from behind. These 3 could have a really good match between them, looking forward to it.

I have no interest in seeing Saraya wrestle at all, especially if the 'Doctors clearance letter' she posted on Twitter is anything to go by, typos and all. Britt was great in that segment though and Saraya saying she was handed her job by Tony Khan didn't even make sense, obviously she was given a job by Tony Khan, he's the boss. 

I wish Hayter Vs Storm wasn't for the interim title, it needs to be for the actual title. If its going to be Hayters crowning moment, it shouldn't be with an asterisk next to it.

Edited by Nick James
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28 minutes ago, theringmaster said:

Saraya should never be given the mic for any length of time. The crowd were trying to get into it but her total lack of charisma and likeability made it hard for them. I think her signing and hype shows us the mark side of Tony Khan.

Something.... something....MY HOUSE..something......something BITCH....rinse and repeat. 

Britt's line about 'you left your house to step into mine' was a good line, Britt held the segment together, just.

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I skipped the Saraya/Britt stuff, I must admit. That initial segment was so terrible that I've not been able to give them a chance to redeem themselves. I can't face cringing my way through another segment like that. 

I enjoyed the show, but from the top of my head, I couldn't name a match on the Full Gear card outside of Moxley/MJF and The Acclaimed/Swerve in their Glory. Perhaps that doesn't matter, but it's rare that we find ourselves approaching an AEW PPV and I couldn't say for the life of me what all of the top players are doing. 

For all his faults, Sammy Guevarra is one hell of a professional wrestler. I could watch him wrestle Danielson all day, every day of the week. And in spite of him being a bit of a berk, he's an original and I don't want to see him go anywhere. 

Rush stepping into the Andrade role is a bit of a mistake. He's proven himself to be a fun wrestler to watch in ring, but the Andrade character was unbelievably dull and I don't want to see anyone at all adopting that gimmick. 

Nice to see Joe turn on Wardlow, and it was interesting to see the crowd react fairly positively to Joe, in spite of what he did. If the plan is for Wardlow/Joe/Hobbs at the PPV, you can sign me up for that. Especially if the ROH TV title is made extinct as part of that match. 

The MJF/Moxley feud continues to be interesting, and the way they're treating Hathaway and The Firm makes me wonder if the plan is to have MJF have his first title defence against someone from that stable. It's a terrible idea, but I can't see why you would put Ethan Page over Eddie Kingston otherwise. I've long been a fan of Page, but the association with this terrible, terrible stable utterly kills him for me. 

The Acclaimed/Swerve in their Glory feud might be my favourite storyline in AEW right now. The Acclaimed are an absolute delight, and Lee and Strickland are playing their roles perfectly. I suspect the plan is to have Strickland turn on Lee, but I don't really want them to do that. They've turned into a great pairing. 

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I thought this was a pretty fun show (note that I usually skip the womens stuff) though still pretty far from the heights that this company should be hitting. Two GREAT promos from MJF and Mox, can't wait for this match. Joe/Hobbs/Wardlow is exactly the type of good simple mid card storyline that these guys need, the show should be full simple of stories like this.

There was still the usual bad stuff - Stokely, recruitment stories, paying people off to attack others. All of that needs to die a death fast and of course still too much ROH stuff. With a roster this absolutely stacked why Jay Lethal gets so much TV time will forever be a mystery to me. Rampage looks like it'll be a good show anyway.

The heels probably should have won but that opening 8 man was absolutely cracking. Gunn Club are quickly becoming a must watch tag team for me, so much potential with these lads. The Road Dogg spot being countered into a Sharpshooter got a big smile out of me.

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11 minutes ago, Factotum said:

Decent show. I still don't think Tony Khan knows what he has with Kingston. An MJF/Kingston feud would be fucking fantastic

To be fair on him, he certainly seemed to be aware up until the spat with Sammy. He was a fixture on Dynamite week in, week out and was always in prominent matches. I'm assuming this is some form of punishment. Hopefully Eddie will be able to work his way back to where he was on the card. 

It sucks if you're a fan of Kingston's (and I am), but even he admitted he was in the wrong in this situation.

Edited by RedRooster
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