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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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19 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Mox dropping an F Bomb at 20:03 on cable may pass, but TK might get a slapped wrist. Great promo though.

I reckon the genuine nature of it will probably get it a pass - it wasn't scripted, it wasn't planned. Someone said something genuinely horrible and Moxley responded honestly. Can't see anyone kicking up a fuss about it.

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Great opening (Mox), good, fun main event. Everything in between was very meh for me. Also, as has been said, they need to come up with maybe one or two other fucking ways to start a feud or build to a match. I really could do without ever seeing someone inturrupt a backstage interview and then attacking somebody ever again.

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Has PAC been written off for live appearances for a while for Covid reasons again? I can’t imagine it’s easy getting him to and from the US on a weekly basis. He’s good enough that he only has to show up once to remind everyone his place is at the top.

Mox’s return was something special, great segment from him on the mic. 

Also, watch the “this week on Rampage” hype segment and listen to that pop for HOOK.

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If they're basing the rankings off of all time win/loss records why do they reset those records every year? It looks weird to look at them and see Adam Cole ranked number 1 with his 2-0 record, then Dante Martin ranked 2nd with his 3-0 record.

Also I presume the all time win/loss rankings are based off of a percentage, but what's to stop somebody swanning around on Dark/Elevation clocking up squash wins over nobodies to pad their record and then saying "I've won all these matches, Where's my shot?"

Also, including singles matches in records for the tag team rankings? 

It still feels really arbitrary. Especially when it looks like Archer will be getting the next title shot, and he's not even on that list. 

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I'm not going to pretend it's all legit, but the 'who' you beat as well as how regularly you win plays a factor as much as how many wins. Beating nobodies on Dark is a factor, but not the only factor - so with Britt Baker, she was able to pad her record with those wins, but it was only because they were in a short space of time (every Dynamite and Dark) on top of her already being highly regarded. 

They reset the records for story reasons, but someone's prior form probably does play a factor in how much a win over them might be worth. Archer was in the title tournament when he got injured, so this feud could be argued as a make-good.

They should make more of the rankings and results at the end of the year - that seems like an obvious thing to do and I'm surprised they haven't.

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14 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

If they're basing the rankings off of all time win/loss records why do they reset those records every year? It looks weird to look at them and see Adam Cole ranked number 1 with his 2-0 record, then Dante Martin ranked 2nd with his 3-0 record.

Also I presume the all time win/loss rankings are based off of a percentage, but what's to stop somebody swanning around on Dark/Elevation clocking up squash wins over nobodies to pad their record and then saying "I've won all these matches, Where's my shot?"

Also, including singles matches in records for the tag team rankings? 

It still feels really arbitrary. Especially when it looks like Archer will be getting the next title shot, and he's not even on that list. 

You have to understand not only the culture of rankings in other "fighting" sports like MMA/Boxing, but the College football and basketball ranking culture.

It's not just about the record but quality of opponents etc that play into it. A few years ago UCF went undefeated in College Football and only undefeated team that season. They never made the National Championship playoff because the Playoff committee judged them at a lower standard. The following season they once again finished the regular season undefeated and didn't get selected for the Playoff.

They can basically do whatever they like, it's just a gimmick.

As for someone running up wins on Dark/Elevation and to demand a title shot. That has happened with the Gunn Club. It played into the brief feud with Sting/Darby.

Archer was in the World Title Eliminator where he got injured. Coming off an injury and looking for a title shot kind of makes sense. By next week OC will drop off the list with his loss. Archer's Kaz win and some of his Dark wins will have aired and he'll be back in the Top 5 by the time he gets the title shot.

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Imagine if they did that over here? Norwich get 4 points because they managed to pull out a win over a top half team, but Chelsea only get 2 for putting 5 past Newcastle. There'd be uproar. 

Maybe the ranking system should be more like a table. Whoever had the best record over the last year goes into the top 5/10, and as they wrestle each other they can go up and down those rankings. If you're number 1 you can call in your shot at a PPV, and the number 11 person/team goes into the rankings at the bottom to try and earn an opportunities.

In the meantime there are still these other win loss records to establish the pecking order for the end of the year, meaning somebody can go on a tear and earn a place on the list for the following year, or start top of the list,  have a bad year and drop off them completely the following year. 

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I'm surprised the reception to this show has been so mixed, I really enjoyed it. 

First of all - Moxley's return showed exactly why AEW has missed him so much. Not only is he the best promo in wrestling, he's the best babyface in wrestling. Is there anyone, anywhere who is more believable on the mic than him? 

For me, Moxley is AEW. Yes, it's an ensemble cast...but he's still the star of the show. 

As far as Cody goes, I've been as critical of him as anyone, but I really liked that promo. Yes, there were stupid inside references, and his entrance felt almost Undertaker-like in length, but in a weird way, it worked for me; and it works even better if the intent is to telegraph a future match with Punk. 

I hope they drop his feud with Dan Lambert, though. Speaking of Lambert, his act is starting to feel played out. He essentially says a different version of the same thing each week, and it's tedious. I hope there's more to him than I suspect there actually is. 

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Well I'm glad they didn't follow my shitty idea and have Moxley say nothing and get interrupted! What a man. Looked better than I've seen him in years. Him telling some idiot to shut the fuck up at the beginning, and neatly, gently, picking his jacket up at the end were the legit highlights of the show. Not to mention all he said in between. You could hear a fucking pin drop. These emotionally authentic moments continue to be what makes AEW the best. That heel turn is gonna have to hold off.

I was nice to see a few stars all in the in the same match for once. And Adam Cole. I'm not usually one to give a shit about what a wrestler looks like. But oof. He looks distractingly bad for someone in his spot. Is he alright? I did laugh at OC being described as someone on a winning streak. All I've seen this fucker do is lose, lose, lose, get punched in the bollocks, lose and lose. 'Lights Out' isn't enough to get me excited to watch him lose and get punched in the bollocks again.

Perfect bounce back for Punk. No need to fuck about. Him vs MJF, and handsome Wardlow's faces are the best thing going.

Cody getting an absolutely tepid reaction should set off alarm bells, but it won't. Ignoring his usual, tiresome meta bollocks, it's so refreshing to see a one on one ladder match for a change. Shame they insist on doing the 'Face of TNT' clusterfuck anyway.

Deeb accidently turning herself babyface by being a women's wrestler that can actually work is legend shit. Again, why isn't she TBS champion?

Class main event. Sting and Darby continue to be a smash hit team and deliver every time. I should probably stop feeling so nervous watching Sting. This was an ambitious match and he looked slightly gassed, but he always holds up his end. The Acclaimed are a riot and I hope Caster's arm is okay. More vids from them please, their deep cuts on Sting's past had me rolling.

Most enjoyable show in a while. Liked the focus on promos and shorter matches.

And only ONE interrupted promo!

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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That CM Punk squash is the best thing they’ve done in this feud so far. Credit where it’s due to both Punk and MJF, as this feud has progressed and we’ve gotten closer and closer to the match, it’s gotten better and better. Feels like a lifetime ago they were doing those shitty shoot promos on each other.

But yeah. Add Punk vs. Spears to Omega vs. Sonny Kiss and Moxley vs. Ten as some of my favourite AEW matches of all time because they grew a set of balls, did a proper squash and determined a proper pecking order. Everyone shouldn’t be competitive with everyone else, or else everyone is equally average. Your A-level guys should be destroying your D-level guys. Every now and then you can do something different or exciting but the way it’s the norm for everyone to push everyone else to their limits is a huge problem right now.

We bought a new, big-screen TV this week. I couldn’t wait to watch Dynamite on it. Somehow, Adam Cole looked smaller than ever. You’ve got to assume Jim Ross bumps into him in the hallway every now and then. I wish he’d give him the Beyond the Mat speech. Work on your arms and get something that’s a bit more flattering, Adam. Little bit more mass on the upper arms, then you’ll be in the hunt.

I wish Sting was my dad.

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The Wardlow/MJF/Punk thing seems to be heading to a climax with next week's shows in Wardlow's hometown followed by a week in Chicago.

Whether they drag it out to Atlantic City and have some sort of casino reference to determine the match stipulation remains to be seen. Maybe one spin of the wheel to see if Wardlow earns an AEW contract or remains contracted to MJF. 

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