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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Loved Wardlow hesitating before deciding to be mates with Shawn Spears. Those simple, logical moments are what this company is built on.

Hoping the Mark Sterling thing with The Acclaimed ends quickly. Rubbish idea. Copyright infringement, contract tampering and faction recruitment. This all needs to stop. Nobody outside the bubble finds it remotely interesting or exciting.

Happy Nyla Rose is showing some more personality. She’s a hoot on Twitter, so glad she’s becoming more than the typical monster heel on TV.

Hate that they mocked the interview-gets-interrupted trope whilst also still doing it up and down the show. You can’t have your cake and eat it. Involving Renee in it instantly cooled her down, too. Get some restraint.

Edited by Supremo
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Renee is the type of signing the SHOULD be making, absolutely the right call to bring her in. 

Do NOT fuck it up with Hangman this time. The man is gold and they have been handed a lifeline that the fans are still with him, but another damp squib of a main event run after a great build might be the end. I am optimistic this time.  I can't see Punk coming back or at least not anytime soon, but if Hangman takes the title from Mox, Punk would be a good challenger and someone of high calibre for Hangman to beat. The problem is the MJF factor. Hangman could do without losing to Mox, but MJF also shouldn't be losing when he calls his shot and that also shouldn't be left too long either. Its a pickle Tony has gotten himself into, but it isn't a bad one. 

AEW are now one Miz away from two full sets.



Edited by Nick James
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4 hours ago, Supremo said:

But yeah. Hangman Adam Page. What a fucking promo! What a fucking man! It’s almost fitting coming out of Brawl Out that it allowed Hangman the opportunity to remind everyone that he’s the best babyface in decades. Cry into your muffins, Punk. Hangman is the best. He doesn’t need anyone’s advice. For a man who’s supposedly done nothing in the business, the fucker has been the centre piece and biggest success story of the biggest new company to come along in forever.

He's such an underrated promo. He could easily have been the centrepiece babyface during his title run, cutting promos like that week-in, week-out. Clearly, it was a massive mistake not to give him that opportunity. 

Having said that, I think the next stop on his journey should be a heel turn. There's a bitterness to his character right now, which, combined with his paranoia, could translate really well to an incredibly effective heel. Someone whose motivations you completely understand, someone whose journey as a character makes complete sense; and, crucially, someone you are desperate for to see the light, eventually. Essentially, someone who is what MJF said that he was in that phenomenal promo he cut backstage. 

I thought this was a really strong show, but once again, I think it would be so much better without the ROH stuff. At this point, I'd just like to see them unify a bunch of titles and be done with the brand completely. As much as I like Chris Jericho in AEW, the sports entertainer stuff feels dated. Just drop it, already. 

The All-Atlantic belt can fuck off too. And Mark Sterling, while we're at it. Stories in wrestling that involve lawsuits are always the absolute worst. Oh, and The Firm - they're an abysmal stable, even though I actually quite like the wrestlers involved. 

Back to the positive stuff - it was great to see Renee Paquette in AEW. She's the best interviewer I've seen since I started watching wrestling (in 2003, so I'll concede that my scope is a bit limited here) and I've no doubt she'll be a phenomenal addition. 

Moxley was brilliant as usual, and I find myself a little torn with him. It's a complete contradiction, but I feel like Moxley keeping the title for a long time, and MJF winning the belt are both the right thing to do. Perhaps the answer is to keep MJF as a sinister presence for an extended period of time, to the point you almost forget that he has a title shot to cash in. 

I really hope MJF has resigned with AEW, or will resign with AEW if he hasn't already. There are a handful of AEW wrestlers who would leave a gaping void in each show, and he's one of them. Dynamite is a better show with MJF on it, and always will be. 

I really like the Christian Cage/Luchasaurus pairing, although I still think Luchasaurus should change his name. He has more of an upside than I expected; he's doing really well as a heel.

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55 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

As much as I like Chris Jericho in AEW, the sports entertainer stuff feels dated. Just drop it, already. 

It feels like when Brodie Lee was doing the Vince McMahon gimmick that was intended as a dig at the other side, but was just not landing. 

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29 minutes ago, Factotum said:

Fantastic show, but AEW really need to stop having Danielson lose so often

My favourite part of the shows, don’t take that from me 

Edited by Louch
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Just Hangman proving that Sniff deciding playing with his new ex WWE toys and forgetting about Page belongs in the Tony Khan Is A Twat Thread. 22 years in, and we have a genuine Stone Cold for the new millennium, but not one who's a loner from being a gobby arse to everyone else, but one who's been through real life and real, relatable troubles and come out the other side. He'll fight alongside any face in the company, and if they fall, he'll fight for them instead. One line, and he contextualises a whole bunch of offscreen aggro and let downs into perfect grist for the TV mill as to why he's the Man. Damn, I wish there was more than a couple weeks built to this. Testing his mettle against the BCC. Showing everyone that he hasn't missed a step and is still the AEW Original champ. Fucking fire promos. They may be on the outs, but Tony cannot repay the Elite enough for gifting him and us with the Handsome Cowboy. I hope Page's settled into fatherhood and can come back a bit more, because fuck industry pressers - this is the man you want on the mainstream couches, making twinkly doe eyes at the interviewers, flashing that boyish megawatt smile, and putting the company over.

Dammit, he's going to lose, isn't he? 

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31 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

Just Hangman proving that Sniff deciding playing with his new ex WWE toys and forgetting about Page belongs in the Tony Khan Is A Twat Thread. 22 years in, and we have a genuine Stone Cold


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34 minutes ago, Nick James said:

Billy Gunn is 58 years of age. 58! The guy looks tremendous, has barely aged and is out here as the most over guy in the whole company. Insane.

He really is The One.

Bloody hell, I had no idea! The fact he’s 5-years older than Road Dogg is genuinely mind-blowing.

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