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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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I had no idea Omega’s deal was coming up. What a depressing thought.

It’s absolutely heartbreaking that he came back looking the healthiest he’s been in years, we got those thrilling moments whenever he and Hangman crossed paths, possibilities with the Trios division seemed endless…and now he’s forced onto the sidelines for saving CM Punk’s ugly, shit dog. I’ll be gutted if we never get The Elite vs. Blackpool Combat Club. Although, for balance, The Elite vs. The Bloodline? Fuck yes!

Edited by Supremo
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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

Kenny Omega is my biggest concern with all this. His contract is up in February. If this suspensions/legal stuff continues to drag out he might just think "fuck it " and jump ship. It's not outside the realms of possibility - he's wrestled almost everyone in AEW at this point and WWE will no doubt offer him an insane deal and none of the EVP headaches. 

I had no idea about this, that's all sorts of disappointing. As you suggest, I'm pretty sure WWE would offer him a very favourable deal to snare him from AEW, both in terms of financials and dates. The prospect of AEW losing all of its EVPs is a bit sad. Even though Cody was on one hell of a bad run towards the end, on reflection, I think they'd have been better off keeping him. I'd underestimated how much I valued his off-TV contribution. And when I say "off-TV", I don't mean behind-the-scenes stuff (ultimately, I've no idea what his contribution was here) - I mean the things he did to make AEW feel like it was contributing - the charity/outreach stuff, the way he treated -1 and even his role in AEW press conferences (frankly, he came across far better than Tony Khan does). I hadn't realised it at the time, but he played a really important role in how I viewed AEW compared to WWE, even if his on-screen stuff had become a bit shit. 

Each of the EVPs contribute to AEW's identity in some way - at least for me - and it's genuinely sad to imagine all of them being gone. 

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I suppose Omega may be more tempted now Vince isn't there. He may actually be used in a top position if he comes in.

Problem Khan has is if he loses these guys, what really is AEW? MJF will at some point go as why wouldn't he, so your identity is being ripped up. He needs to get them in a room and hash it all out (No doubt he's trying) They can all make this into something if they're clever.

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53 minutes ago, Factotum said:

I suppose Omega may be more tempted now Vince isn't there. He may actually be used in a top position if he comes in.

There's no "may" about it - he'd be treated as a massive, massive deal. And heck, there are a load of incredibly compelling match-ups if he were to jump ship - Omega/Reigns, Omega/Lesnar, Omega/Owens, Omega/McIntyre, Omega/Styles, Omega/Gunther and Omega/Rollins are all good options; then you have to consider the utterly surreal prospect of Omega/Cody taking place in a WWE ring. 

At the moment, I'm enjoying WWE more than I am AEW - but even with that being true, I don't want to see him - or The Bucks - leave. AEW wouldn't feel the same without them. 

On the subject of potential departures, I don't want to see Punk leave the company either. Up until his first injury, he was the best thing going in AEW. The MJF storyline was, in my view, career-best work from both men, and his feud and subsequent match with Eddie Kingston were just brilliant. I even enjoyed his team-up with Sting, which was quite surreal to see. Perhaps from a backstage perspective it has to happen, but I do hope he returns purely from the perspective of the value he offers on-screen. 

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22 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

I'm the opposite with Punk. No matter how good he could be, I'd constantly be thinking 'whats the point investing in this, the moody cunt will probably fuck off or get injured after this show' every week.

Punk shouldn't be given a belt or anything, but having him fight at the 'big' events would be the way to go. You can build a feud with Punk just on the mic.


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Belter episode.

Last week felt like a 2020 episode, with a clear agenda to tighten up and push the home grown talent. And then this felt like a 2021 episode, where they reaped all the rewards, with a new, white hot market giving everyone and everything a crazy loud reaction, themselves being rewarded with a huge, feel-good main event finish. I love it.

The road map is clear. Home grown talent and hot new towns. This is the way. Sack any ex-WWE guys who complain or start fights backstage. And then equally also sack anyone who ever suggests returning to old markets. Just uttering the word, “Chicago,” should result in instant dismissal.

But yeah. Hangman Adam Page. What a fucking promo! What a fucking man! It’s almost fitting coming out of Brawl Out that it allowed Hangman the opportunity to remind everyone that he’s the best babyface in decades. Cry into your muffins, Punk. Hangman is the best. He doesn’t need anyone’s advice. For a man who’s supposedly done nothing in the business, the fucker has been the centre piece and biggest success story of the biggest new company to come along in forever.

I don’t care that all the teases suggest it’s Moxley vs. MJF at the pay per view. He’s got me again. I’m in. Cowboy hats at the ready for next week, lads. Our boy’s gonna win whether he wants to or not!

 Let’s go Hangman!

Edited by Supremo
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I would've been really concerned if they had managed to put a shit show on this week in a place that should technically eat up absolutely anything AEW put in front of them. And Tony could've taken that approach but thankfully he didn't.

Really good episode no matter where it was.

I do hate that I come out of episodes like this and part of my thought process is "but I bet it won't be as good next week" because it has become the norm that they really struggle with consistency. I just want them to get their shit together I really do. I don't want this all to have those caveats of "but..". I want TK to hit his stride and find whatever he was capable of doing previously.

For now though.. yeah that was fucking great. The energy was electric from the crowd and the talent responded to that. That's how it should feel to watch Dynamite.

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