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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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3 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

MCMG definitely felt like a surprise just for the sake of it. Unless there's a longer term plan involving ROH and Tony's just getting sidetracked again.

Feels like two birds one stone. Setting up a possible ROH title defence. There has been the rumour of an October PPV.

And people crapping on Lethal/Satnam/Dutt as a team. I'd have popped for MCMG, but doubly so with that set up when I thought they were bringing out the Briscoes.

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2 hours ago, Infinity Land said:

Nope, but i'd rather see the match we were denied when Mox went to rehab last year.

When you think about it they've had a lot of bad luck with the World title since Kenny dropped it. Both Hangman and Punk's reigns were misfires due to unforeseen circumstances with Moxley's rehab robbing Page of an effective heel challenger and Punk's injury derailing him almost immediately after winning.

That one episode of Dynamite we got with Punk as champion teaming with FTR in a 6-man was like a breath of fresh air. Really felt like all was right with the world for the first time in a while with the proper biggest star the company holding the big belt and loads of interesting potential feuds for him. Its basically the only show since Kenny was champ were they were actually able to book the world champion how they wanted.

And then Punk had to do that fucking crowd dive and everything's been a bit of a mess ever since. Remember Kyle O'Reilly and that battle royal? That was like the wrestling version of Harambe's death for how much it knocked the world off its axis.

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6 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

I hate shooty stuff and backstage stuff being included in on-air storylines so much. If you look at all the best stories in wrestling history not a single one of them has any of that rubbish. It literally never works and for some reason people keep trying it over and over.

Anyone who ever gets a job writing professional wrestling should be forced to watch, on a loop, the complete non-reaction Max Caster got on this show for mentioning the talent meeting. Crowd went mental when their music hit but then seconds later that insider shit got the dead silence it deserved. Bore off.

I thought it was an otherwise okay show and I’m shocked at the reaction to Punk/Mox. I liked it. And not only because the dickhead got destroyed by the hero. It had real Lesnar vs. Cena vibes. Felt like a real fight. Sometimes guys make a big mistake early on and it all goes to shit. Sometimes guys dominate. Sometimes, despite being evenly matched, on the night it’s a complete blow out. I’m not at all surprised it was Mox’s idea. The man is single-handedly dragging this entire industry forward about twenty years, fucking off all the worst tropes in the process.

I’m not even going to bother entertaining all the people acting like the sky is falling. It was an OK show on what has been a run of about four or five brilliant episodes.

If I had any big takeaway it was that Tony Khan needs to stop being so fucking stingy. Both times he’s put a proper big main event on free TV (Omega vs. Danielson, Punk vs. Mox), it’s felt like a huge deal, getting the big pop when they ring the bell. Give me more of this! It’s one thing to be patient and to build things. It’s another thing to have the most incredible roster of all time but holding off everything big for the four pay per views you have each year. Sometimes it’s OK to actually get the most out of your talent rather than hold off on everything until the end of time. Cody left that company having not had even half of the dream matches that were available to him. Too busy wrestling Peter Avalon and fucking Angelico. Both on Dynamite, I might add. I checked! At this rate, Punk and Danielson’s contracts are going to run out before they wrestle each other.

Also, more people should be talking about Daniel Garcia hitting a home run in that opening segment. For a man whose promos are supposedly his weak point, that was some genuinely great acting by the end. I can’t remember the last time you could almost tangibly feel someone’s stock rising in front of your eyes.

Edited by Supremo
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14 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I’m not even going to bother entertaining all the people acting like the sky is falling. It was an OK show on what has been a run of about four or five brilliant episodes. If I had any big takeaway it was that Tony Khan needs to stop being so fucking stingy. Both times he’s put a proper huge main event on free TV (Omega vs. Danielson, Punk vs. Mox), it’s felt like a huge deal, getting the big pop when the ring the bell. Give me more of this! It’s one thing to be patient and to build things but it’s another to have the most incredible roster of all time and holding off everything big for the four pay per views you have each year. Sometimes it’s OK to actually get the most out of your talent rather than hold off on everything until the end of time. Cody left that company having not had even half of the dream matches that were available to him. Too busy wrestling Peter Avalon and fucking Angelico. Both on Dynamite, I might add. I checked!

Great that you enjoyed it. Odd that you think people that didn't aren't worth your time.

There's a difference between holding everything back and hotshotting a PPV main event match to TV this close. I'm all for them having big matches on TV especially when they don't have that many PPVs but there was no need to do this. It leaves them with two shit options:

1. A rematch

2. A thinly built title match with a different contender

No ones gaining anything from the move. It hasn't enhanced the existing Mox/Punk feud. And it won't do any favours to whoever else if they step up.

And if we're talking about Mox being a genius at breaking shit tropes, giving away your PPV main event early on TV is something plenty of people have shat all over WWE for before. Not sure why it's suddenly genius here.

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29 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Lesnar vs. Cena vibes.

See that's a great example of a better bit of booking.  Lesnar was back, it was two huge stars at the top of their game, and Lesnar absolutely smashed him.  On PPV.  In one match the whole landscape of WWE changed, the dominant force of the previous decade was suddenly vulnerable.

This is so different.  Moxley is the dominant guy, and Punk is coming back off an injury, plus his whole storyline has been "can he still perform at this level" and the answer, given away on free tv, is no.  He hurt his ankle and Moxley cleaned up.

Any interest in seeing these two has evaporated.  Punk is too old and injury prone, he doesn't deserve a rematch and Moxley should move on.  That's the story they just told.


29 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Felt like a real fight.


Yeah, sometimes shoot fights don't live up to the hype and everyone goes home disappointed.  But isn't that the whole point of pro wrestling, that you DON'T get those results because you can fix it so every match is a decent one?

Genuinely thought you'd have hated this Supes.  I can't believe that was what you wanted from this matchup.


29 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I’m not even going to bother entertaining all the people acting like the sky is falling.

Heel Supremo is back!  😛

I tell you what though, we're all glad Moxley won.  If Punk leaves now AEW has plenty of talent and stories to move on with and none of them really involve Pip Brooks for me.  Wasn't there this Wardlow fella that was shit hot a few months ago?  Whatever happened to him?

Edited by Loki
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1 hour ago, Loki said:

Yeah, sometimes shoot fights don't live up to the hype and everyone goes home disappointed.  But isn't that the whole point of pro wrestling, that you DON'T get those results because you can fix it so every match is a decent one?

What makes a, “decent,” match though? Would another twenty minutes made that big a difference? That’s where I think Mox is coming from, and what I found most interesting about this. You used to see it all the time when UFC was on fire and WWE was in the bin. WWE would always go on the defensive after a big, record-breaking UFC PPV and explain how UFC could have, “disappointing,” five second main events with instant knock outs, whereas you were always guaranteed a twenty minute match if you bought a WWE show. It was completely tone deaf. I can get a million times more satisfaction and excitement out of watching some prick I hate eat shit in the first round than two guys doing the standard, “epic,” match, shocked faces for the false finishes, ref bumps and all.

It’s what Lesnar made a late career out of. He realised what a huge gap in the market there was for crazy sprints rather than the usual tropes, only to turn that into a trope itself. I liked it here because it’s not something you see every time Mox or Punk wrestle, whereas it’s now to be expected with Brock.

Plus, it was just great to watch, you know? The very reason I completely fell in love with AEW is because I could stop being a snarky little prick, forget what I read on Twitter or heard on Observer Radio, and could just invest in the characters and stories. I think there was a lot of that here. Jon Moxley is my favourite wrestler in the world. He’s fucking brilliant. Came back from rehab and took over the industry. He’s my real World Champion. This scruffy prick came back and tried to argue otherwise. And then his ankle made of dust fell apart minutes into the match and he got fucking wrecked. Brilliant. Whether they have trouble building up their upcoming pay per view or not matters less than ever to me. It’s obviously something I’ll think about after the fact, and it’s why I said I, “liked it,” rather than, “loved it,” but ultimately, isn’t that the end goal? To get lost in it and jump out your seat when your favourite smashes shit out of someone who had it coming. Mox should’ve found Hangman backstage and high-fived him to close the show.

EDIT: Even if I look at it from the business perspective, I still don’t think it was a particularly bad move. The end goal is obviously CM Punk getting his big run with the big belt, yeah? But how do you reach that point without making Moxley look bad? That’s been the worry since Mox first got the title. We know it’s Punk’s run to be had, but how do you get that belt off Moxley, with the form he’s on and what a stellar job he’s done in the interim? Despite being on the run of his life, Punk just comes back and beats him? Terrible. Worse still, you can’t have Punk cheat to win because Mox has already done that with Omega. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I look like a fucking idiot.

At least this way, we got the catharsis of Punk hitting the brick wall Moxley has become. You came back, thought you were the best, but this motherfucker is actually the best. At least now, if Punk wins, we got that moment. I know we rightly rag on Even Steven booking but this is the rare exception where I prefer it. I don’t know how you rehab the Mox character if he just loses to Punk one-and-done. That way he is a paper champion who just kept the belt warm. An awful look.

Plus, if the rumours of Punk putting his career on the line in a rematch are true, in Chicago, in a company that’s proven they actually adhere to stipulations? I think the Pay Per View is going to be fine. Happy to admit otherwise when all is said and done, though.

Edited by Supremo
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14 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

I totally get where some people are coming from thinking these particular calls are down to business decisions or injuries or whatever else. And absolutely their hand may have been forced by various things, but as a viewer do I care about any of that? Not really.

I think more often than not if AEW can't stick to what they were meant to be doing then they're not the company to thrive on that.

I mean, you really do care! Wish people like us would stop trying to give the opinion of the perceived regular/casual fan cos that is the furthest thing from what anyone who has signed up to this forum is.

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2 hours ago, NavigatorFan said:

I mean, you really do care! Wish people like us would stop trying to give the opinion of the perceived regular/casual fan cos that is the furthest thing from what anyone who has signed up to this forum is.

"But as a viewer do I care?"

I stand by what I said - no.

Do I have an interest in the backstage politics and the business goings on etc? Obviously. Would never deny that.

But does ANY of that stuff inform what I choose to watch or how much I enjoy it when it's on screen? Nope.

It might be a fun way to fill in the gaps in between shows but it's not why I watch.

A good show is a good show. A bad one is a bad one. That's down to content quality not who's being paid what or who's been injured or whatever else. At the heart of it I still just want a damn enjoyable wrestling show.

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