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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Joe Vs Suzuki was madness. What I think a lot of us thought we were getting and didn't with Suzuki and Moxley that time.

However, the match ended, the lights went out . . .lo and behold somebody I've never heard tell of turns up, he looks dreadful and is paired with Jay Lethal and a fella that looks something like Sonjay Dutt but I'm not convinced. It proceeds to be utter shite from there. This better just be trying to do something to give a hook to ROH for their next ROH show and needs to fuck off from Dynamite quick sharp as it was utter garbage. 

AEW have completely butchered the lights going out gimmick, as well as the 'huge announcement' one. Way, way too often and usually for stuff that doesn't require it. 

Despite all that, there was some damn good stuff on this show. FTR properly feel like actual Top Guys now, rather than just a nickname. As well as that, this MJF and Wardlow stuff is absolutely hitting the mark and then some. They haven't put a foot wrong with it yet. 

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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

I get the feeling that FTR were close to fucking off from AEW, they had seemed unmotivated for a while and weren't being used well at all.

After their tag run they would have been cycled out regardless, but ending up in The Pinnacle hurt them. What they maybe imagined as a Horsemen tribute was a distraction as they played second fiddle in everything. A bit like PnP eventually realised with the Inner Circle. I think Jericho might have had more tag title shots with his put together tag teams than PnP had during that time.

Getting the freedom to do the indies and focusing on themselves has given them a new spark.


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I only caught bits and pieces of this weeks show (mostly the end) but the overall feeling I came away with was an WWF Attitude vibe but with too much WCW delivery. 

Hook has a segment on a weights bench, only for the interviewer to walk away and the two guys who stopped the interview also walking away pretty quick smart. All ending then with Danhausen being there which made no sense to me at all nor did it get any reaction from Hook or the announcers as to what it was about. 

A decentish Adam Cole promo but it feels wasted when you look at him as it takes you completely out of the suspension of belief. 

Keith Lee tag match was good but just made me think of the number of people who moved to AEW with great fanfare but who are pretty much stuck where they were in WWE before they left. Will Hobbs though looks the business and is someone they should be strapping a rocket too at some point. 

The Joe match bored the life out of me at the start. Again suspension of disbelief killing with the amount of chops and no one taking a step back. It doesn't look tough, it just looks like they can't hit each other properly and completely pointless doing it over and over if they can't even move the other person they are striking. I'm probably in the minority there but it just looked ridiculous at times.  The lights out at the end, as has been said numerous times, was a massive flop. 


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7 minutes ago, kieranjennings said:


Hook has a segment on a weights bench, only for the interviewer to walk away and the two guys who stopped the interview also walking away pretty quick smart. All ending then with Danhausen being there which made no sense to me at all nor did it get any reaction from Hook or the announcers as to what it was about. 


Been an ongoing storyline for weeks on Rampage. The story is that Hook is unable to be “cursed” and Danhausen keeps trying. The no reaction from him is purposeful. 

The interviewer has tried to interview Hook to no response from him to explain that part.

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Okay. Why is Danhausen trying to curse him? Why does no one on the announce team seem to care when it cuts back to them when the segment is finished? 

I've not watched Rampage so had no idea what was going on there other than there was a skinny fella with face paint on acting daft. Is he successfully cursing other people or is it just Hook he is trying it on? 

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24 minutes ago, kieranjennings said:

The Joe match bored the life out of me at the start. Again suspension of disbelief killing with the amount of chops and no one taking a step back. It doesn't look tough, it just looks like they can't hit each other properly and completely pointless doing it over and over if they can't even move the other person they are striking.

I think you didn't get the story of the match - two insanely tough guys renowned as being legendary hard hitters and strikers essentially trying to prove which of them is the toughest. That's the point of why they were taking turns chopping and hitting each other endlessly without moving, neither one of them wanted to back down or show even a hint of weakness. Can't say I agree with them looking like they can't hit each other - every hit sounded brutal and both men's chests were horrendous shades of red and purple within minutes. This type of match isn't for everyone and I can understand you finding it boring but that was the story of the match they were telling.

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12 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I think you didn't get the story of the match - two insanely tough guys renowned as being legendary hard hitters and strikers essentially trying to prove which of them is the toughest. That's the point of why they were taking turns chopping and hitting each other endlessly without moving, neither one of them wanted to back down or show even a hint of weakness. Can't say I agree with them looking like they can't hit each other - every hit sounded brutal and both men's chests were horrendous shades of red and purple within minutes. This type of match isn't for everyone and I can understand you finding it boring but that was the story of the match they were telling.

Agreed. The matches vs Moxley and Danielson clearly highlighted Suzuki as a mental tough old bastard, and JUST FXXXING LOOK AT SAMOA JOE.

25 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

I saw that Bryan Alvarez got absolutely blasted online for daring to suggest that AEW should at least do the minimum to explain Danhausen to the viewers, I'm surprised this entire site hasn't been DDos'd due to some not liking Dan.

He's got half a point, but the last thing I want is a vignette stating exactly what Danhausen is and does. What I want is for Danhausen to clearly exist in his own style in the shows. His segments should be produced differently to the rest of the show. Harking back to the Attitude era, the APA would always be shown smoking, drinking and playing cards in the back. More recently, Orange Cassidy would be 'found' in random places like cupboards and car boots, and everyone would react to him in awe and disbelief. Currently, Danhausen is just milling around. They're trying to have him pop up using the same generic run-in rules (under the ring, walking down the ramp) as everyone else, and it doesn't work. Starks and Cole sold the Curse with shrugged confusion instead of making out it had an actual effect (not necessarily Regal-esque clowning, but at least recoiling would've been nice). Danhausen popped out of a bin once, which was an okay idea, badly executed, and because we've been conditioned so far to see him as just a weirdo knocking about the place pointing at people, at no point does he come off as funny-spooky. Even Ethan Page's vlog had Danhausen actually finding the Forbidden Door as a technicolor portal. Maybe doing something properly out-there would plummet into wrestlecrap, but at least it would be different. Hell, he pushes himself as Conan O'Brien possessed by a demon, so give him a teleporting talk show skit or something. I assume it's the added pressure and time limitations of touring, but creativity seems to have dropped off since they hit the road.

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11 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

He's got half a point, but the last thing I want is a vignette stating exactly what Danhausen is and does.

I mean, no one asked for it to be done like that. But he's been thrown on TV cold and you're half expected to know who he is through non-AEW content online but it's almost as if thats by design and Tony's running the numbers and thinks directly pushing towards the overly online Twitter lot is a good thing to do, balance is needed here. Give them their fandom but also do it in a way that eases in the people just watching the TV shows.

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30 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I think you didn't get the story of the match - two insanely tough guys renowned as being legendary hard hitters and strikers essentially trying to prove which of them is the toughest. That's the point of why they were taking turns chopping and hitting each other endlessly without moving, neither one of them wanted to back down or show even a hint of weakness. Can't say I agree with them looking like they can't hit each other - every hit sounded brutal and both men's chests were horrendous shades of red and purple within minutes. This type of match isn't for everyone and I can understand you finding it boring but that was the story of the match they were telling.

Oh I got what they were going for but it's just daft after a certain period. When I was in my early 20s and getting New and All Japan tapes I'm sure I would have loved it but some 20 years later it just got old very quick. I appreciate it's trying to show how tough they are but basically slapping each other's chests ad nauseum us dull.  It didn't really build to a bump where someone gave - they just stopped and then went back to it. Logically if you are not getting anything out of it then why carry on for so long? 

So I understood it - I just thought it was massively overdone. 

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I’d never seen Danhausen before he appeared in AEW. I still don’t completely understand the gimmick. Still fucking love him though.

I don’t need it explaining. He’s a weirdo oddball in daft makeup, with a funny voice, hiding in bins and trying to curse everyone. That’s enough for me. I never fell in love with Orange Cassidy because someone specifically explained that he was a cool, yet incredibly lazy slacker. I just watched the shows and picked up on it over time because I’m not a moron.

One of the worst lasting legacies of WWE programming the last ten to twenty years is people thinking everything needs to be explained and drilled into the ground for the stupidest people in the audience.


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