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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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6 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Everything MJF said can be true to his character, and he can still be a prick who uses the sympathy gained to violently attack Punk. It doesn't have to be a lie. Exploiting past trauma to manipulate and gain an advantage is a heel trait, it's just not something most people have the balls or ability to pull off. If I was ever going to trust anyone to succeed doing it, it would be these two in 2022.

That mixture of sympathy and anger is also what made CM Punk's feud with Raven so memorable and really launched him as a character, particularly in the promo below. You can absolutely have sympathetic points behind a heel - in fact, it makes MJF finally much more interesting to me. It's an explanation for some of his actions and why he enjoys making other people miserable, but it isn't an excuse.


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I’ve watched the MJF thing about five times now. It’s incredible. What a great little touch that Punk comes out looking guilty and sympathetic, yet still has one hand balled into a fist, not trusting Max, ready to swing if he needs to.


This is coming close to rivalling Omega and Hangman as the best thing they’ve ever done.

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47 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Everything MJF said can be true to his character, and he can still be a prick who uses the sympathy gained to violently attack Punk. It doesn't have to be a lie. Exploiting past trauma to manipulate and gain an advantage is a heel trait, it's just not something most people have the balls or ability to pull off. If I was ever going to trust anyone to succeed doing it, it would be these two in 2022.

I think the worst thing they could do would be have MJF say that it was all untrue. That would get heat in the moment, sure, but for me it would take away from what was a very powerful moment. As far as the story goes, the idea that CM Punk created MJF is incredibly interesting, and adds a depth to the story that you don't normally see in wrestling. CM Punk lives on knowing that his decision turned a decent human being, into the person that MJF is today. Someone earlier described it as a "supervillain origin story" - that's a great way of putting it, and it's not something you often see in wrestling. It tells us why MJF exists, and why he behaves the way he does. His source of hope, and the person who he put his trust in abandoned him, and in that moment, Punk inadvertently created a despicable human being. And now, it's on him to stop the monster he created. 

It also ties MJF to Punk forever - allowing them to revisit this storyline and relationship in the future. The prospect of a heel Punk versus a babyface MJF in the future is genuinely exciting. Up until now, in terms of all-time great rivalries, Punk's all-time top opponent surely had to be John Cena. Now AEW may well have created a rivalry that puts that to shame. 

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As astounding as that promo was, MJF has enough layers to still be the shitbag. I think he might have done a Mark Henry salmon jacket deal here. Where even after all of this he's still the manipulative dick heel. You could say he's getting in Punk's head. Miiinnndd Gammmesss. 


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2 minutes ago, Louch said:

10 nearly being unmasked :) 

Starks winning and ruining our Hoss ladder dreams :( 

I thought 10 had a really good showing in his match with Adam Cole. Losing the mask sooner than later will help as he'll have to relearn things with the mask off as it's a different skill that needs developed.

Starks & Hobbs give me slight hope of a HOOK cameo.


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I don’t think it’s leading to a face turn for MJF, but it did a great job of adding some stakes for him to win the Dog Collar Match.

All too often it’s a case of the heel having being forced into the match and at risk of getting their comeuppance and little else. This did a great job of MJF having a reason to want to win, feeling slighted by Punk for it “just being a Friday”

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Who the heck is in charge of applying the fake tan in AEW? Cole's looked dreadful (as usual), and they'd missed the back of MJF's hands. 

Enjoyed the battle royal. John Silver had a good run, and it did a great job of furthering the rift between ReDragon and the Bucks as well. I marked out when Page came out afterwards and hit the buckshot. 

MJF's promo was good. 2.0 and Garcia's promo was good. Garcia's got a great future ahead of him. 

Penta's new thing is pretty cool. How far from Fenix coming back are we for the six man? The Matthews reveal was nice, but went on a bit long. 

It's a shame we're not getting our big lads ladder match. I guess somebody has to be in there to bump around for them all. The dynamic of Hobbes and Starks being able to cooperate could ve interesting as well. 

Jade Vs Tay could be interesting. Hopefully they don't try and do anything too fancy. I wonder whether Serena Deeb will try to stop Jade from making it to 30.

I want more of Danielson & Garcia, but Danielson Vs Moxley will be a heck of a match. 

Hopefully they've got a nice hot crowd for the hometown go home show next week at Daily's Place. 



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