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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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How short was his contract? It felt like he'd only just turned up. It explainswhy they're moving Dante Martin closer to Matt Sydall and Jay Lethal though.

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35 minutes ago, Louch said:

Lio Rush has announced his contract is about to expire in February. He really seems like the guys in everyone’s work who can be right a lot, but management will never listen as he’s terrible at communicating things without making trouble 

I don’t think that’s the case. Seems he has more a touch of the Low Ki’s. He’s small and not particularly tall. A perfect cruiserweight. Unfortunately he thinks he’s the main event and he’s not. He’s a great wrestler who seems to have a shitty attitude. I’m sad to see him go, but the Dante Martin tag team was a placeholder until his brother was back from injury. And he’s not seemed to make many friends in his two runs there.

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31 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

How short was his contract? It felt like he'd only just turned up. It explainswhy they're moving Dante Martin closer to Matt Sydall and Jay Lethal though.

I was going to suggest he may have signed for a year with an option because he debuted earlier last year, then retired and came back. That doesn't appear to be the case though as he wasn't signed when he was the Joker at Double or Nothing.

While Lio Rush might have the rep of being a problem child. This isn't going to look good for TK. Rush comes back with a lot of hype and then TV time. Only to be dropped after the Big Swole podcast fallout.


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He got quite a bit of heat in the NXT locker room by making a joke about Emma being released on Twitter not long after he'd signed. Other than that and his penchant to 'retire' out of the blue, I don't know of a lot.

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21 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

Other than kicking off for being expected to carry the boys bags in WWE (fair play to the guy, fuck that shit) is there any actual instances of Rush being a problem to work with? 

Not really familiar with him outside of what I've seen of him on TV.

He was kicking off about being Lashley’s mouthpiece wasn’t he? He’s spoken about how he’s been used where in the card he should be.

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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Complaining about how he's being used isn't particularly unusual in wrestling but being really small and a not a big name probably wouldn't help him. 

Based on the little I'm reading here he seems no worse than a lot of people in wrestling and definitely not as bad as most of the outed cunts in the business. 

Guess it really comes down to how valuable his boss at any given time think he is.

Sudden retirements definitely don't help though. 

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Having endured years of Undisputed Era in NXT, I'm pretty dismayed to see them apparently pushed into the main event of AEW.  I'm sure there's a visceral thrill for Tony Khan to sign away wrestlers from under Vince's nose, but how big a deal IS is to take guys who were top of the development league and put them at the top of yours?  It's not like you've signed Owens and Zayn away from Raw.

The UE boys have their moments, but from what I've seen so far they've unlearnt everything they got taught at NXT which made them better than when they arrived.  O'Reilly is back to gurning, Bobby Fish is... well, Bobby Fish, and Adam Cole is spamming his finishers like it's a videogame, skipping the gym and I think "Story time with Adam Cole" is a terrible, terrible catchphrase.

One of the things I like about AEW, and it's one of the ways that it reminds me of WCW, is that there's a LOT of different stuff going on, factions and feuds, people coming  in and out of the company from other parts of the wrestling world.  It keeps it interesting and makes the whole thing feel big.  That said... where's Miro?  Where's Brian Cage?  Where's FTR?  What happened to the Dark Order?  It feels like they were pushing some acts hard 6 months ago and now they're not on TV.  I'm not sure I've ever seen The Acclaimed wrestle on AEW that I can remember and they're in the main event.  It's like they're trying to push EVERYONE - hence the rilly rilly long tv matches I guess.  There's a lot of VERY generic looking wrestlers in AEW as well, which probably doesn't help.

It's nice to see Mox back though and looking less Phil Mitchell.  He got name dropped on Smackdown this week though - how cool would a one-off Rumble appearance be?  I know, I know, he hates the WWE and blah blah but somebody still loves him over there to have okayed that.


Edit: oh yeah, Dynamite needs a heel colour commentator.   I want someone to put MJF's side of the argument, defend Adam Cole etc.  Taz is brilliant, not sure why he's not in the third seat regularly.


Edited by Loki
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Speaking of Brian Cage, he was really misscast as a face wasn't he?

I know he's not to everyone's taste but much like with Mox's absence, Dynamite has really suffered without Omega imo.

I'm still enjoying AEW week to week but it does feel like something is missing lately.

On the other hand though I don't want Dynamite to be "OMG EPIC" every week and I'm fine with there being some slower periods between the bigger shows.


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Something to consider with some of these expiries I haven't really seen mentioned. AEW are running more weekend shows than ever before. 4 PPVs, 4 TNT specials, Orlando Dark tapings and I think they still might get the odd pre-emption on TBS. Plus who knows what else is to come as they expand.

If you're a mid-lower tier talent that might have to sacrifice 20 weekends of the year to be a job guy or DARK specialist. It might be more appealing to embrace the freedom of an indy wrestler. For both sides since some of the Orlando tapings haven't come with a ton of notice that they're happening. I've seen Peter Avalon announce bookings up to May. I very much doubt AEW know exactly what they're going to be doing with DARK tapings in particular between now and then.

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They will know what they are doing as they book Dark tapings to cover when they don’t have a friday Live Rampage. They will know that schedule from now till summer at the least 

Edited by Louch
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