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Extreme Rules 2021 happened

Hannibal Scorch

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And was as awful as you’d probably expect from the card. But the Balor/Reigns main event was probably the most lame end to a main event in quite some time. WWF 92/3 esq levels of cartoon booking. In a week that gave us Omega/Danielson, it ended with a wrestler being resurrected by their theme music.

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2 minutes ago, Mr.Showtime said:

It was very amusing. In a shit way! I wonder if they'll ever explain how/why the turnbuckle exploded. Not gonna hold my breath...

Rikishi did it. Probably. I mean if you see the alternative views on socials it was the diagonally opposite turnbuckle that was released.

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It’s amazing that they did that main event finish on the same day that Seth Rollins comes out on the Stone Cold podcast saying how he wanted to strangle Vince after the finish to the Hell in a Cell match with The Fiend. What was that, two years ago? They’ve neither learned or changed a thing. They’re still booking themselves into these corners and then in attempting to protect people making them and everyone involved look dumber than if they’d just lost clean.

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The spooky ending isn't on the show's official YouTube highlights, which might hint at their social media team at least being clued in as to the initial backlash. 

I didn't see the big deal with the New Jack gimmick of the music playing over the beatdown until the rope snap, at which point I laughed out loud. What a way to make him look like an absolute clown. 

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20 minutes ago, Supremo said:

It’s amazing that they did that main event finish on the same day that Seth Rollins comes out on the Stone Cold podcast saying how he wanted to strangle Vince after the finish to the Hell in a Cell match with The Fiend. What was that, two years ago? They’ve neither learned or changed a thing. They’re still booking themselves into these corners and then in attempting to protect people making them and everyone involved look dumber than if they’d just lost clean.

Yeah two years ago next month. My initial thought when I read your post was "Was that only two years ago?" because it feels like an eternity. What's worse is the fact that there's been four title changes since Oct 2019 and the only one I can remember is the current one - Roman Reigns.

It's also hard to believe that Finn Balor was the inaugural WWE Universal Champion. I mentioned in the Smackdown thread last night how predictable WWE is. The frustrating thing is it wouldn't take a lot for them to mix things up and generate a bit of interest. It wouldn't be a stretch for The Demon to beat Reigns in a one off match, especially with no DQ. A pissed Reigns causing carnage and chasing the title, with Brock in the mix, would be slightly different and brings a new combination to the mix 

Anyway, the tribulations of WWE are well worn. Another shocking PPV with Raw quality matches. 

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reading that Charlotte tore up Alexa Bliss' doll.

In reality that's Charlotte not fucking about with selling Alexa's gimmick. But in kayfabe, how do you explain that? It had some kind of spooky magical powers over everyone else, but when she fights Charlotte it's just a regular doll?

Years ago, I heard a story about a rumble match on the indies that had a big dance-off spot where everyone got hypnotised and started dancing. The next person out was Saraya Knight, and she didn't want to do the comedy spot, so instead she just came out, no sold the hypnosis bit and just twatted the guy responsible to end that bit. In her head, that was "I'm not doing this bollocks". But the way commentary and other people on the show sold it was, "what powers does Saraya have that makes her immune to this magic?", so actually made her more of a part of the daft comedy spot than if she'd just taken part like everybody else. 

I'm reminded of that, because it's the same thing with Charlotte now. If she's capable of saying "fuck off with that daft shit, it's just a doll", does that mean that she's immune to its/Alexa's powers? Or is it just saying, "all of that was silly wrestling TV shit, it's time to get serious", in which case, it's a matter of the old Vince Russo "that bit was fake, but this bit of fake wrestling is real" that has never, ever worked.

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23 minutes ago, TheBurningRed said:

Although I’m not surprised they had a ppv called Extreme Rules that had barely any extreme rules matches, I am surprised they didn’t stick a ladder match on there as a stipulation for one of them. 

Would that not detract from the Tables Ladders & Chairs PPV though? 

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