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WWE Clash Adjecent To The Castle. Drew McIntyre (almost) comes home

Jazzy G

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If Drew isn’t winning, it’ll be one of the first true tests of the Triple H regime that they manage to do a finish that still satisfies and doesn’t leave everyone pissed off.

If Vince was still in charge they’d probably be planning some bollocks involving the top rope breaking, or Drew getting DQ’d for kicking too much arse. If Bray Wyatt’s holographic ghost costs Drew the match you can go ahead and cancel Hunter’s next fruit basket.

Of course, we all know what the real finish should be. Drew, admitting Sami is the most consistently entertaining man in the company, telling him to go make everything right in the world.


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I'm going to throw my worst case scenario guess out there: Strowman interferes, ending the card in a classic UK PPV disqualification and setting up an interminable set of B-showdowns between him and Roman/gatekeeping Drew's title hopes and killing his momentum in the process, for autumn. 

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10 minutes ago, simonworden said:

That's posters half decent. Anyone made a proper Britwres poster up for this with poor printing, word art and a hand written photocopy of ticket info?

American Wrestling. Meat raffle at intermission.

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This is where Hunter eclipses Vince in every way. Just being a normal human who you can trust to interact with TV presenters. Vince on that couch? Imagine! He would've somehow wound himself up and slapped Vernon across the face. They'd have had to cut to Loose Women ahead of schedule.

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20 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

Honestly I could hear Tony Khan crying as I watched this.


I mean that is fine for him to say in hindsight. But he did stunt booking, had to move the show to another day because of losing sponsors and it led to losing your job and position in the company. Thankfully his father in law's outside activities caught up with him and he ended up back to get the top gig. 



If you remember, NXT was on the Network until August 2019, when the show went from 1 hour to 2 hours, moved it to USA Network 2 weeks before Dynamite and debuted. HHH himself even said it was it's own brand and not developmental anymore. I love Trips, but that is bollocks. 

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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