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The Office (USA)


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There was a fair bit of talk a few months ago about the American version of The Office but I had to avoid it all as I was in the middle of watching it for the first time. I finished it last night so thought I would start a thread about it as in my opinion it really is one of the best sitcoms I have seen. There was a dip towards the end that's for sure, but overall I loved it.

Because there are soooooo many episodes they do tend to blur into one, but the one that sticks out for me is the first episode of Season 6 called Gossip. Its the one where Michael is bored so starts a load of rumours, thinking it was harmless, but then he finds out some are true so has to try and backtrack. One of the rumours he spreads is that Andy is gay, which then ends up Andy going around the office asking "Am I gay?!" The other rumour is about Stanley cheating and this all ends in one of the funniest moments in the show, I won't explain it as I won't do it justice, but if you get twenty minutes please sit down and watch the whole episode.

One other moment that sticks out is this clip


There are so many little touches in this clip that make it funny - Dwight saying "like clockwork", Michael walking out of his office laughing, "geography joke!", I could go on... but the thing that really kills me is Dwight taking his shoes off (like Jim and Pam) to run outside and change the clock in the car! 

What are your favourite moments / episodes?

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Probably my favourite gag in the whole thing, as it just sums up Michael, how stupid he is, and the exasperation that Jim has every day. Plus it's funny.

My other stand out bit is when Creed is talking about his blog, and it turns out that it's just a Word document that Ryan set up for him that he believes is a blog. It absolutely killed me.

It was a real thing too. http://web.archive.org/web/20080920015843/http://blog.nbc.com:80/CreedThoughts/2007/05/13-week/

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I had such a great time watching it, even when it dips you have enough investment in the characters that it never felt like a slog to sit through.

Seeing modern day Jim in A Quiet Place and modern day Roy in Mare of Easttown shows that Pam really had her eye on the long game.  I’ll say this for Roy though, not as big a cunt as Jim.

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I think the US version gets shit on by a lot of UK comedy snobs, but mostly its good with some excellent moments (Dinner Party for example). However, it really started to go down hill even as early as season 4 when Jim & Pam go stay at Dwight's B&B where they started to embrace more of the totally absurd storylines. It got incredibly bad at that towards the end, especially after Michael left.

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1 minute ago, neil said:

I think the US version gets shit on by a lot of UK comedy snobs, but mostly its good with some excellent moments (Dinner Party for example). However, it really started to go down hill even as early as season 4 when Jim & Pam go stay at Dwight's B&B where they started to embrace more of the totally absurd storylines. It got incredibly bad at that towards the end, especially after Michael left.

I hadn't re-watched it since 2013, but we did it all again at the beginning of the year. On a second watch, I enjoyed Robert California a lot more as a character, and even Nellie/Nelly wasn't as bad as I remembered (after the shop launch, her debut is still awful). However, the last season to season and a half when Andy suddenly changes into an actual arsehole and Jim and Pam both grate a lot was a lot more painful then I remembered. I did enjoy the last couple of episodes, but the last season was a real stretch.

But yeah, it is a far superior show over all to the UK one.

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I don't think any of the seasons ever reach bad, or at least not by comedy standards. There are two considerable dips in quality though, both after Jim and Pam get together (See also: Niles and Daphne) and when Michael leaves. Season 8 does come close though by having just a complete barrage of unlikeable, unfunny characters like Andy and Nellie. 

I think my favourite bits out of all of them come from Kevin responding slowly to people. One of them nearly breaks Idris Elba.


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I found it started going downhill when the Sabre people turned up, which is also when co-creator Greg Daniels left as show runner to start Parks & Rec. Then it hit its rock bottom after Michael left and everyone basically got promoted to co-main stars of the show and it lost the whole hierarchy of comedy.

I think it actually picked back up a bit for the final season. You could tell that Greg Daniels returned as show runner for it. I'm very glad the put an end to that Pam/sound guy affair storyline sharpish once they realised everyone hated it.

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2 hours ago, neil said:

(Dinner Party for example)

My friend moved in with his girlfriend a few years ago and hasn’t invited anyone over for an evening yet. In my head, I picture it being like Michael and Jan when we eventually go over. Small tv on the wall and all. 

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At its strongest it's one of the best sitcoms of the past 20 years but for a show with such an insane calibre of writers and performers they really did just lose their way, throwing new characters in to a show with a fantastic ensemble cast over and over again, relying on special guest stars and rewriting characters (The 180 of Andy as a character is insane to go back and watch, they wrote him as the least sympathetic character of all time and a genuine asshole for reasons that are still a mystery.)

Agree with Neil though, it leant far too much into the absurd later on which really hurt some of the characters.

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The fire drill episode always gets me for the fact Dwight gets away with being fired twice in the episode, first for blocking the exits and starting the fire leading to the panic scenes and Stanley having the heart attack then again for mutilating the expensive CPR dummy. This coming after trying to figuratively stab Michael in an earlier episode by trying to take his job as manager on the sly

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