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Minor Annoyances (Vol 2)


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We’ve been watching Pam & Tommy, which is better than you expect for something that has Seth Rogan in it.

They’ve tried do that thing where they’ll flash up the date and have an accompanying song from the period to hammer that home. So far we’ve had the summer of 1995 soundtracked to Len’s one hit ‘Steal My Sunshine’ from 1999, while the last episode we watched had events from early 1996 playing out to New Radicals ‘Get What You Give’ which was from 1998.

Its not Dirty Dancing ‘set in the 60s with bits of the 80s’ levels, but come on

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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David Walliams - his faux camp gimmick is tiresome and as a gay person I find it bordering on offensive

Amanda Holden - no idea why. I am sure she is very nice. But her face just irritates me. Completely unfounded! 

Shocked-at-kick-out wrestling faces - yes we know you are shocked that a person kicked out but does every match need these facials. 

Long, drawn out pauses before announcing the winner on a TV talent show. Just tell us ffs!

Sob stories on TV talent shows.its ok in moderation but way too frequent. Especially when Holden et al have to try prising out tears. 

Comedy on TV - so little variety in terms of politics, just the same rather dull leftist rhetoric. Nobody is original anymore. Bring back Tommy Cooper, Billy Connelly et al! 

The scum on top of over-brewed tea. 

Food selfies... just eat the fuckin thing! 

Recycling requirements being too convoluted. I recycle, alot. But asking me to be a dishwasher for bloody tin cans is just ludicrous. I wash up more packaging than actual plates and cutlery! 

That fucker at the dump who wants me to fuck around taking metal rods off of wooden items before I put them in the tip (like draws from cupboards etc). 

People saying I look healthy. I know it means fat! 

Those away days where you have to say something nice about a colleague. I don't know any of these people! So I end up saying "I appreciate your thoughtfulness" or some other generic crap. And the worse is that we both know its BS. 

On the topic of work, people leaving and saying they will keep in touch. No you won't, and that's okay! 

I'm in one of those moods! I'm not a miserable c**t. Honest




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On 1/26/2022 at 9:59 AM, BomberPat said:

My "obviously" or "basically" is saying "if that makes sense" after I've explained something. I know I do it, can't stop it. I had a colleague who did, "if you know what I mean" at the end of almost every sentence. My other half's is, "from that perspective", especially when she's at work. 

I did a podcast a few years ago, and hearing back all the repetition of the same few words when others would do was the most mortifying part of it all. But that's just how normal speech works.

Written communication, you'll be surprised to hear, I just pad out unnecessarily. So I'm guilty of all the bad habits of email - "just", "would you mind", all those weaselly little extra turns of phrase. But I always worry that if I only say what I mean it would just be one line, and that it would come across as too blunt, so I go too far in the other direction.

I tend to fill speech with "right?" to make sure people are getting me. I also write excessively long sentences with a huge number of commas. It's how I speak (suspected ADHD here) so I could easily go 5 lines without a break. 

I'm the opposite re emails though and have been seen as rude or abrupt. If someone asks something I'll normally respond "yes" or "no" with little niceties. For example someone asked if I could give them a time frame for completion of a task recently. My response? "No". That wasn't.  Same as going straight in w a request. "Please can you do X, thanks".

I've gotta better over time though my patience isn't all that great! 

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When there is an email thread with a lot of relevant people on it and people just reply back to you and not CC all the people who were on it originally.


i work with a guy who does this all the time and i cant figure out if he doesn't know how to use email or if he does it on purpose ..

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35 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Food Selfies for the Chippy Tea thread are exempt of course 

Not at you, but people calling any photo a selfie. If someone takes a photo of you, it’s not a selfie. If you take a photo and you aren’t in it, not a selfie. 

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34 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

“Extra dates Added Due to Phenomenal/Overwhelming Demand”

Good job the venue just so happened to be available for the next night(s) as you definitely hadn’t already booked it beforehand. Also makes your booking agent look an idiot for underestimating demand for the act

This gets upgraded to pure fucking ballache if the extra date ends up being a weekend and you're stuck with a Monday ticket.

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4 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

“Extra dates Added Due to Phenomenal/Overwhelming Demand”

And the corresponding phenomenon - “Despite not being able to sell out first night without freebies, second night added.”

Or as we know it in On Topic, WrestleMania.

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