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45 minutes ago, Dai said:

Looking for some recommendations for any good crime/mystery shows on iplayer at the moment.

I've enjoyed a fair few recently, Kin, The Responder, Blue Lights and the Rebus remake.

I'm watching a Scandi one called Jana right now but it's a bit shit to be honest, stupidly attractive moody goth lead but can't act and the whole premise becomes preposterous.

Edited by Merzbow
Jana not Lana, there's no Rusev here.
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On 6/12/2024 at 11:18 PM, DavidB6937 said:

Inside No. 9 ended tonight. So many memorable episodes. Loved how they ended it. A really nice tribute to the series as a whole.

I saw some people weren't happy with how it "lacked a twist", but I really enjoyed it, and all the fan service easter eggs. Guy on Reddit did a list with at least one reference from each episode, including the ones from series 9. Such well written television. I wonder ow the play will be when it launches.

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Eric (Netflix)

After binging a bunch of older Taskmaster episodes on Netflix because I couldn't be arsed to pay attention to anything more in depth, I thought fuck it I'll go in the deep end and watch something that sounds completely miserable.

As someone who generally likes Benedict Cumberbatch in most things, I thought I'd give this a shot. The summary is probably enough without giving too much away:

"A desperate father, alongside a tenacious cop, battles his own demons on the streets of 1980s New York as he searches for his missing nine-year-old son."

I thought Cumberbatch put in once of his best performances as the father. And the 1980s setting and vibes were spot on. I really enjoyed that and you get completely lost in it.

As a father myself, the subject matter hit pretty hard, but I think it would resonate with most people. There's a real authenticity and emotion to the whole thing, not just from Cumberbatch but his wife (Gaby Hoffmann) and the main detective (McKinley Belcher III) who are dealing with their own shit too. I think that's why the premise works - it's not just a basic 'kid goes missing' type deal but has a lot more personal depth too.

It's only 6 episodes so never outstays its welcome. I'm glad I gave it a shot.

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Starts of as a kinda standard prestige TV fare. Nothing mindblowing but you've got an excellent actor playing a tortured highliy skilled person. There is mystery and intruige. Webs of nefarious people interlink and there's the feel of Justified where bad guys with limited roles still feels like interesting characters.

Then at the end of episode 6 of 8 they do an absolutely ridiculous thing. Turns out


the main character is an alien or a robot. But they're definitely some sort of supernatural entity in a show which up until that moment had been fairly grounded in reality. There were a few hints that something larger was going on but "aliens live amongst us" is a fucking massive hop skip and jump from "main character has weird friends who act a bit odd"

Not sure it can sustain such a move.  Shame, the show that existed before end of episode 6 was an entertaining if non descript thing (and 30 minute episode dramas have a good place in the current world of Stranger Things and the like). I'm not really on board for what the actual show is though thanks.

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Got a free subscription to Apple TV so finally getting a chance to watch Mythic Quest. It's better than i thought it would be! Really pleasantly surprised by it. I thought it would be distinctly mediocre but carried by having some actors i like in it, but it's actually pretty solid! 

Just watched a pandemic zoom call episode though. Funny how stuff like that has aged so badly so quickly in such a strange way. Just can't connect with the drama of it at all.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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3 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

@Jesse Where are you up to with On Cinema? Have you watched any of the Oscer specials yet?

Oh yeah, I'm fully in it now, it's incredible. I'm all the way up through the trial and into Season Ten now (though I haven't seen all the Decker seasons, since the later ones seem to be locked to the US). One of the funniest things I've ever followed, can't believe it's taken so long for me to watch this.

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1 hour ago, Jesse said:

Oh yeah, I'm fully in it now, it's incredible. I'm all the way up through the trial and into Season Ten now (though I haven't seen all the Decker seasons, since the later ones seem to be locked to the US). One of the funniest things I've ever followed, can't believe it's taken so long for me to watch this.

What did you think of The Trial? Honestly think it could be one of the greatest comedy creations I've ever seen. I can't fathom how they made it that way, to look so simultaneously deranged and authentic.

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11 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

What did you think of The Trial? Honestly think it could be one of the greatest comedy creations I've ever seen. I can't fathom how they made it that way, to look so simultaneously deranged and authentic.

Absolutely brilliant, I'm having to take a break after it because it was such a peak of this series that going into the oscar special and Season 10 afterwards has left me kind of exhausted. I keep writing and deleting this post because I'm trying to call out a favourite moment but each time I remember something else that absolutely kills me.


Trying to re-frame it as the Electric Sun 19, "I'd like to remind you that you are under oath. Do you still love me?", each successive witness revealing he's paid them to testify, but I think the pinnacle has to be using the trial and having Gregg under oath to re-hash the Star Trek argument. Just cannot let the pettiest of grievances go, even while on trial for 20 people's deaths.

Tears in my eyes just thinking about it all again.

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9 minutes ago, Jesse said:

Absolutely brilliant, I'm having to take a break after it because it was such a peak of this series that going into the oscar special and Season 10 afterwards has left me kind of exhausted. I keep writing and deleting this post because I'm trying to call out a favourite moment but each time I remember something else that absolutely kills me.

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Trying to re-frame it as the Electric Sun 19, "I'd like to remind you that you are under oath. Do you still love me?", each successive witness revealing he's paid them to testify, but I think the pinnacle has to be using the trial and having Gregg under oath to re-hash the Star Trek argument. Just cannot let the pettiest of grievances go, even while on trial for 20 people's deaths.

Tears in my eyes just thinking about it all again.

Yeah, the bit with Ayaka was surprisingly emotional in a universe that has none of that, it was brilliant. 

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