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I trotted through This Life last while I was either locked down or had Covid last year and it was alright. Not as much shagging as people remember. They included the reunion special at the end as well. Still a decent show. Captures the 90s pretty well. Between that and Coupling. 

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Just got a notificatiin from my iPlayer app that the new series of Mortimer & Whitehouse Gone Fishing has started. More Ted. 

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Top Boy

End of final series spoilers


Well, that's that.

A fantastic ending to one of the greatest TV shows there has ever been. I think Top Boy is done a massive disservice sometimes by just being billed as a crime drama.

It is that, but it's also much more. See the human side of this series: Immigration turning up and forcing Kieron into the back of a police van only for the community to win his release.

Lauryn escaping her violent past, but not the memories, and ultimately self medicating herself to death, unable to deal with the pain.

Steff having to deal with his pain and trauma and ultimately deciding to NOT continue the vicious circle of retaliatory Black on black crime. A fantastic performance by the way, his final conversation 'with Jamie' on the bench was incredibly moving.

Jaq is, and perhaps always has been, the heart of the show and is the one you do want to "win" in this game. And I suppose she does, by virtue of pretty much being the only one to survive. Jasmine Jobson is a brilliant actress. 

What to say about Barry Keoghans turn? It's just wonderful, the only downside being he's not in the whole series.

Sully and Dushane are reprehensible pieces of shit, so they were always going to die let's be honest. They needed to. The way Dushane dies is really well done, and that conversation between the steel door/wall is great. Kano is a beautiful man and a great actor.

Bum notes? Shelley is a dreadful character now, and unfortunately Little Simz really isn't much of an actress. Thankfully her part is small this time.

It's also annoying that the Irish lady running off with their money is never resolved.

But moot points. All superb and a great ending to the show.

Great of Aaron to miss the entire series only to turn up at the end and slump Sully :)

I'm off to call the cat a skengman.

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17 hours ago, CleetusVanDamme said:

I've only seen up to episode five, but the new one could really have done with more crime of the week stuff to keep it interesting like early Justified did. Harlan was an amazing character all on its own, without seeing the smaller stories Detroit doesn't have the same charm.

Well they have adapted the book on this one, switching Raylan in. The original took the elements of the character in the various Leonard books, and the novella and had the freedom to do more.

I think they will do a few more of these, so perhaps like the original series, they will see what really worked and what they can add

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Double thumbs up for Taskmaster Australia. Some Top 10 of all time tasks, and every contestant is great. Julia Morris is the standout. The Taskmaster is great too.

Finished Alone US: S6 on More4 too, which was way better than the UK one. Plenty of super competant contestants on there.

Also finished all of Yonderland too. It never gets close to being as good as Ghosts, but is certainly worth a watch if you need your fix of a 23 minute light hearted comedy. Season 3 is actually the best season, which is a shame that its also the last one.

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Season 2 of Wheel of Time is a vast improvement. They've done the logical thing of just embracing that it's a TV show, and with the dreary recreation of the mostly derivative first book out of the way they've just gone hell for leather with embracing its mad cast of Ministry of Darkness baddies. 

Episode 4 + 5 spoilers but I'm mostly just glad


They've nailed it with Natasha O'Keeffe as Lanfear. 


Edited by Gay as FOOK
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Always Sunny S16: I feel it's their best stuff in seasons, just stupidly fun and cheered me up. It will be a damn shame when it finally ends.

Justified City Primeval: Timmy Elephants easiest gig, he didn't even need to be in this garbage. Zero charm, full of characters that are needless especially Raylan's daughter, the main villain is a toned down meme of Boyd Crowder. The only new character that had something about them was Sweety. Whoever scripted this must have watched Justified and decided they just wanted to suck the life out of it.

Top Boy S3: Got to disagree with @SuperBacon here. It was meant to be a banger but couldn't muster a whimper. It feels like they had no clear plan to end it and just lumped a bunch of nonsense together to get it over the line. They glossed over traits that got the characters to this point and threw them out of the window to get it to the end point. Shelley became a shell of who she was built up to be. The fixer to help Dushane out was completely unnecessary as was the filler sideline of oh no, someone else has robbed our drug supply again with the Irish contingent. (Also DuShane's half arsed attempt at cleaning up a murder scene. Lol.) Some Russoific booking going on with the characters and sheer lack of progression aside from Jaqs. Sully's complexities which were built over time and made people root for him despite his despicable dealings were stripped away. That could be explained that he'd just got fed up with everything and he turned cold but that was never what Sully was about.


Fuck Stefan, fuck Aaron and fuck Jamie too. Sully should have popped them all.

I think it was Jaq who did Sully. She knew she'd be looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life if she didn't. Plenty had reason to do over Sully but Jaq saw first hand more than once with how personal Sully was when someone very close to him fucked him over. The way they did him over was shite too, at least he looked you in the eye before you was done. Pussio's.

Stefan took the high road but should have never been there in the first place. His brother gets brutally murdered, his other brother just fucks off and Stefan gets left in the warzone? No chance but then again, it's London. The bench scene was poignant but otherwise fuck him.

Dris's lot fucking things up again, lol. Comes full circle I suppose.

Amma's story would have been infinitely better for the immigration storyline. They wasted that for Kieron. Fuck me.

Solar Opposites S4: If you liked the previous seasons, this is no different. I feel it works better without Justin Roilands voice as Korvo.

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On 9/7/2023 at 4:59 PM, Mr_Danger said:

Justified is the perfect ‘in between shows’ show. Hits that sweet spot between procedural tv and longer story arcs. Pretend he’s a descendant of Seth Bullock for added enjoyment.

I love Justified so much but I was a bit nervous to start watching City Primeval because, what? No Boyd? No Art? No hollers? I wasn't sure it would work.

Clearly, I'm an idiot because it was great (not up there with season two, for example, of the original show, but still) and


looking forward to seeing Boyd and Raylan have some pithy back and forths again, assuming they are planning to do a new season (which you'd think so, otherwise why show Boyd at all?). Have to say, the Tremble Correctional Facility are absolute morons for sending Boyd Crowder out with two lowly prison guards. 


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