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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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8 minutes ago, TheScarlettChad said:

Wasn't The Attitude Era just a load of crap that was held together by Austin and Rock. Times have changed. We don't want convulted rubbish. Just give the people what they want ffs


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13 minutes ago, Duke said:

The pivot is definitely on. A load of signs being handed out, all in the same font, commentators referring to it, some of their talent tweeting the hashtag and playing into the rocky sucks chants. A three way isn't a good idea as it ruins both stories, so I expect the double header is on. Seth having his reject belt rejected and defending it against the mens chamber winner (surely not Drew) in the 2nd tier main event is probably appropriate.

So, essentially, in storyline, Cody caved to the Rock and then had a bit of a cry and wants his ball back. What a babyface. 

Worked for Rey in 06. Maybe he can hug the turnbuckle like a child when he's given his match back. 

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The pivot still makes Cody look like a loser. You could have easily had Cody's decision play out over weeks, with The Rock there and then he challenges both of them (still stupid but better than what's currently happening)

I don't think they're going to change Rock/Reigns into a Triple Threat with Cody. It ultimately dilutes the main selling point

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I’m not entirely sold on Cody doing an about turn and taking on both The Rock and Roman but the idea of Cody promos and The Rock’s corny arse promos coming together is a fascinating concept.

I also reckon no matter how Cody ends up winning whatever belt they’re definitely going to use an unsuccessful cash in to make it up to him. “See you are our guy, you beat Seth and Priest in one night!”

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I reckon most fans are now on the Cody train and would probably forgive the crybabyness of the situation. They'll probably have a half baked, "meaningful" promo segment if they pivot which will make it worse. I'd prefer either Roman goading Cody or the Bloodline simply kicking the absolute shit out of him sometime soon giving Cody and Nick Aldis to set up a double defence situation. Roman Vs Rock night one and perhaps Solo Vs Cody for even Stevens purposes and the Cody Vs Roman on Night 2. 

I'll be wrong, I know it 

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If they do pivot - i'm still not sold, I think they'll try and make #wewantcody so uncool it'll just fizzle - then I don't think it'll be on Cody to want his ball back, I think they'll try and pretend it was a plan between him and Rock all along and 'LOL! WER ALL M8Z ERE! GOTCHA ROMAN'.

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A triple threat with Cody, Rock and Roman is absolute dog shit. The two big matches are Roman vs. Cody and Rock vs. Roman. Doing the three-way delivers neither. Awful.

If that’s the pivot I wouldn’t even bother. Just power on with the mess you’ve made, do Roman vs. Rock and then have Cody unify the belts at Summerslam. Far from ideal, but at least we get the big matches that way. I hate the idea of a Triple Threat. Such a waste of everything.

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6 minutes ago, Supremo said:

A triple threat with Cody, Rock and Roman is absolute dog shit. The two big matches are Roman vs. Cody and Rock vs. Roman. Doing the three-way delivers neither. Awful.

If that’s the pivot I wouldn’t even bother. Just power on with the mess you’ve made, do Roman vs. Rock and then have Cody unify the belts at Summerslam. Far from ideal, but at least we get the big matches that way. I hate the idea of a Triple Threat. Such a waste of everything.

No one ever benefits from a Triple Threat, especially because at the finish there's more than just the winner to focus on.

Cody wins a Triple Threat and its not just Cody vanquishing Roman, its also sad looking Rock and what it means for him, and what does that mean for Roman.


I think Cody comes out of this way better if he's just allowed to crack on with Drew, Seth and Sami and whatever is going on over there, turning up on the following nights Raw and calling Roman a cunt. Let The Rock/Roman shitverse carry on as planned, and let them worry about any mess they've created.

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What a fucking mess! With them muting the crowd and the way Cole was talking during the main event, I don't think a pivots coming. The opening promo felt like them going "let them get it out of their system", before continuing to plough through.

The support for Cody is stronger than I thought. Good for him.

Incredible own goal. Also, very funny.

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I thought I was the only traditionalist that hates a three way and thinks singles matches for the belt look best on the marquee.

35 minutes ago, Factotum said:

I don't think they're going to change Rock/Reigns into a Triple Threat with Cody. It ultimately dilutes the main selling point


11 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

No one ever benefits from a Triple Threat, especially because at the finish there's more than just the winner to focus on.

Much as I dislike a triple threat… did Benoit or Bryan lose anything by winning their big one at 20 or 30 in such manner?

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Benoit and Bryan were different. They went into those Mania main events as underdogs. The entire draw was just getting them into that position that no-one ever thought possible, in the hope they’d win against all the odds. Cody is completely different. He’s not an underdog. He’s a Tip Top Star already, who you want to see face his biggest rival, another Tip Top Star, in a straight one-on-one that’s been built and promised for twelve months.

I don’t think there’s any equivalence between this situation and either Mania 20 or 30. In those cases, the proposed matches (Hunter vs. Shawn, Orton vs. Batista) stunk to high heaven already and ultimately needed that underdog story to carry them. None of that is the case here. It’s three Hulk Hogan-level performers, with two absolutely massive matches to pull the trigger on, and yet they’ve managed to find a way and order of doing them that harms both and makes everyone look stupid. Admirable, almost. Two humongous open goals and they somehow skied it.

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