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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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Thank fuck. I noticed it immediately but didn’t know if it just made me look weird for picking up and obsessing over it. Found myself legitimately saying the word, “money,” out loud to check if my tongue also flew out of my mouth uncontrollably.

If he was on Celebrity Big Brother they’d bring in one of those speech or body language experts, who’d explain how you develop Flailing Tongue Syndrome when you realise what a crap promo you’ve just cut. The crapper the promo, the wilder the tongue.

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Never, ever give Drew McIntyre a live microphone.

He’s so bone crunchingly cringe worthy.

I think he’s the most uncomfortable promo to watch in wrestling, because he’s not just bad. He’s awful, but clearly doesn’t realise it and really feels it. His silly faces and mannerisms and occasional weird pronunciations? Eurgh, save me.

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25 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Never, ever give Drew McIntyre a live microphone.

He’s so bone crunchingly cringe worthy.

I think he’s the most uncomfortable promo to watch in wrestling, because he’s not just bad. He’s awful, but clearly doesn’t realise it and really feels it. His silly faces and mannerisms and occasional weird pronunciations? Eurgh, save me.

I couldn't disagree more, I think he's been bloody brilliant in his new character - I'd go as far as to say he's my favourite thing on Raw right now. I think his delivery is really good, the only thing that annoys me about him is the occasional grammar slip that seems to seep into his promos ("one of us are" etc). That's just a "me" thing, though... 

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2 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

His Mean Girls-esque delivery of “you deserved it” at 1’22” here should see him banned from TV on its own.

I thought it was a really good promo, and that didn't stand out to me at all. It's interesting that we both feel so different about Drew - I'm curious as to where the UKFF consensus lies on this one. For me, he's one of the best things in wrestling right now. He's really good in ring, his character is interesting and he's delivering on the mic. Whether he stays in WWE or jumps to AEW, I'm pretty excited as to what 2024 will bring for him. 

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I’ve not watched a lot of Raw in recent months, but from what I have seen, Drew’s been great. A brilliant, Bret-style, justified heel. He’s got every right to be the prick he’s become. It is bullshit the way everyone is willing to forgive and forget Jey Uso’s crimes.

The fucking balls of this company though. To put on a show as bad as they did last week, and to then expect people to come back when Punk’s not even advertised? Not a chance. I can’t imagine a single new or lapsed fan returning for seconds.

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