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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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3 hours ago, FUM said:

It could have been planned that the referee was to look a bit confused but the finish would have been fine had he just counted the three and let Ricochet kick out. He totally stalled between the two and three which made it look terrible.

Yeah, but the ref arguing with thin skin Sam about who the winner actually was ended up being pretty funny adding to the whole weird ordeal. I think it was supposed to be a double pin personally.

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7 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Outside of Nakamura hitting the GTS, I'm not sure I agree with that. The things people have perceived as hints have been so tenuous - like people going mad over Seth Rollins saying 'cry me a river' - as if thin-skinned Punk would have green lit the company using the words Jungle Boy said that led to him leaving AEW; or that they'd even consider doing that in the first place. They'd be wise to keep them at bay, though - and announce his opponent for the show well in advance; or have Nakamura start being so blatant about who it is that it's blatantly obvious who he might be facing. 

I mean, most of the references have been nonsense. In normal times, you’d say there’d be something in Nakamura using the GTS, and some laboured promo which sounded like a deliberate attempt to get a reference to the theme song in. But… forget all that… if they’re genuinely concerned about not building anticipation for something that’s not happening, or they’re worried about letting people down, running an angle where a bad guy wants to ‘find an opponent’ in the weeks running up to a PPV in the main market of the biggest free agent in wrestling is asking for it. 

There’s a beauty in the fact that it was the Saudi fans that kickstarted the chanting, though.

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9 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Outside of Nakamura hitting the GTS, I'm not sure I agree with that. The things people have perceived as hints have been so tenuous - 

Nakamura asking for an opponent "who is worthy enough to set me free" when the lyrics to Cult Of Personality say "only you can set me free" is not tenuous. It's either the company scripting him to hint at Punk, or Nakamura going into business for himself.

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6 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Nakamura asking for an opponent "who is worthy enough to set me free" when the lyrics to Cult Of Personality say "only you can set me free" is not tenuous. It's either the company scripting him to hint at Punk, or Nakamura going into business for himself.

Have to admit, I'd somehow missed this. However, having now seen it in context of the full promo - what he says could just as easily be geared towards Randy Orton. I'd be less surprised at it being accidental, than I would at it being a deliberate nod to Punk. I just can't see it happening, although I'd love to be proven wrong. 


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4 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Have to admit, I'd somehow missed this. However, having now seen it in context of the full promo - what he says could just as easily be geared towards Randy Orton. I'd be less surprised at it being accidental, than I would at it being a deliberate nod to Punk. I just can't see it happening, although I'd love to be proven wrong. 


It absolutely could be about Orton. Big risk to take though. And, to circle back to my original point, if this CM Punk chant lark catches on.. they’ve only got themselves to blame.

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18 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Have to admit, I'd somehow missed this. However, having now seen it in context of the full promo - what he says could just as easily be geared towards Randy Orton.

In isolation, maybe. But he's just done G2S on someone and is looking for an opponent at Survivor Series in Chicago. It's either hinting because it's Punk, or trolling.

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18 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

It absolutely could be about Orton. Big risk to take though. And, to circle back to my original point, if this CM Punk chant lark catches on.. they’ve only got themselves to blame.

Why, what's going to happen? Are people going to boycott Raw for a week and only be responsible for several hundred social media interactions in outrage?

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Love that people are trying to find tiny, subtle hints and references from a company who last night aired *takes glasses off, screams down the hard cam* THIS!

There’s never been a company that paints in broader strokes. Even if the Nakamura stuff was leading to Punk’s return, there’s no way they’d keep it this understated and left to the imagination. This is the same company that didn’t even trust the audience to spot Drew chatting to Rhea in the background of a shot recently. They sent Seth out there the following week to replay it, zoom in, and cut a promo explaining what we should have spotted. Such is their lack of confidence in their own fanbase to pick up anything that isn’t smashed into their face like a custard pie, whilst Michael Cole screams, “IS IT? COULD IT BE?! A CUSTARD PIE?! IN THE FACE?!?!”

Essentially, what I’m saying is that if Punk is returning, by the time the go-home show comes around they’ll bottle it and probably repeat this, only with Punk’s face on the microphone.



Edited by Supremo
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2 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Why, what's going to happen? Are people going to boycott Raw for a week and only be responsible for several hundred social media interactions in outrage?


But, if they are concerned about peoples expectations being raised - not my words, to be clear, the words of the ‘he’s not signing’ reports from Fightful et al - then they can’t complain as they’re complicit, in part, for creating the speculation.

I hope he does come back, and they feud him with Triple H (maybe Ari can bring him back and call him ‘Two Bil Phil’), as they both cut a load of insider remarks about ice creams. Get Nash in. I don’t just want the clown, I want the full circus.

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6 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Love that people are trying to find tiny, subtle hints and references from a company who last night aired *takes glasses off, screams down the hard cam* THIS!

There’s never been a company that paints in broader strokes. Even if the Nakamura stuff was leading to Punk’s return, there’s no way they’d keep it this understated and left to the imagination. This is the same company that didn’t even trust the audience to spot Drew chatting to Rhea in the background of a shot recently. They sent Seth out there the following week to replay it, zoom in, and cut a promo explaining what we should have spotted. Such is their lack of confidence in their own fanbase to pick up anything that isn’t smashed into their face like a custard pie, whilst Michael Cole screams, “IS IT? COULD IT BE?! A CUSTARD PIE?! IN THE FACE?!?!”

Essentially, what I’m saying is that if Punk is returning, by the time the go-home show comes around they’ll bottle it and probably repeat this, only with Punk’s face on the microphone.



Not sure if this is true, but I've heard a rumour Seth Rollins's back is a bit iffy.

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