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The Smoking Room


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Since I've been working from home I've been smoking more, and I'm sure there are a few on here who still do. 

I'll sound the twat alarm now, but I generally smoke a pipe around the house, opting for a balkan mix or Bruno ready rubbed, or montecristo clubs with the occasional no2 or no3. I picked up some from a davidoff discount house a bit back which were very nice but never got around to picking more up. 

I've never been a fan of cigarettes but someone I bumped into on a business trip gave me some Chinese ones once which were nice, very sweet, but I've never seen anywhere I can get them again. 

So, what's your poison, why do you enjoy it and if anyone is a bellend like me where do you buy from and what do you recommend? 

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53 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Very disappointed this isn't about the under-appreciated BBC sitcom but I choose to believe the title is at least a reference to it.

It is, and it's one of those shows I've heard recommendations about but never got around to watch. 

I only got around to watching inside no 9 this last week, and I'm glad I did. 

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On/off smoker since I was 16, with big gaps of not doing it for years (like supporting Spurs), but switched to menthols/duals a few years back.

Bought some Sterling New Greens or some shit the other day and I'm going to have to learn how to roll, get them abroad or quit, as they're absolutely foul. All fags are to be honest, but I can't hack these.

I can go days without wanting one, but then something will happen that will upset me and I'll chain a load, knowing full well it's not "calming" me at all. Ridiculous habit.

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I used to smoke Cutters Choice, and as a treat or if going to a party I'd get a pack of Malboro Touch, which are sort of mini fags, like Embassy Filters but not rank. I gave up for the second time over two years ago, but I still occasionally have dreams about having a tab. 

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I no longer smoke. I was raised in a Jehovah's Witness family and knew from very early on that I was getting out of there as soon as possible so on my 16th birthday I went out and bought a pack of Bensons and smoked the lot. Jovo's aren't allowed to smoke so rather than tell my parents I was done with their god I just became a smoker. Same difference, except smoking was lovely. I got up to around 50 a day by my late 30s and was genuinely worried that I'd never be able to stop. Luckily (or not, I suppose, in the smoking thread) I had a massive burnout and fell into depression at 39. I also had a 9 year old son so decided, if I feel like shit anyway, I might as well use this time to quit smoking. Smoked my last on my 40th and 2.5 years later I still want to lick smokers' faces when I walk past them.

Smoke one for me guys! Enjoy every drag for me!!!! Then let me lick your face. I may no longer smoke, but I belong in this thread.

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After giving up and failing, I switched to vaping as it didn’t stick, felt a bit healthier and the wove would tolerate it.

i know, I’m a cunt. And I know where this will end up later on today.

i do enjoy a cigar. Maybe once or twice a year. It’s definitely a treat. A smooth Cuban. Don’t have a brand, normally just see what’s available for under £15 when I buy one

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Well after the divorce etc. I started smoking socially. £30 gets you 10 packets of Russia's finest.

Do like the odd cigar but I don't know enough about them to really know what to try/buy. Last cigar I had was on Hogmanay and it was a Cubo Maduro but they are a lot dearer than I was expecting 

Think I'll stick to collecting* whiskies.



*I say collecting but I've rattled half my collection during lockdown. Cannot be left on my own 😜

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Amber Leaf was my go to. It's got this ridiculous ubiquity in Ireland where it's almost strange if you decide to purchase some other brand of tobacco. When I started around 15 or 16 it was right at that threshold where traditional smokes were being priced out of student pockets but before the roll ups it was John Player Blue for a bit. Again completely ubiquitous as an Irish teenager's smokes.

I was what Bill Hicks would refer to as a pussy, though. I always had this weird, cloying neuroses about my heart and lungs that would handily mean I couldn't comfortably smoke during the week, on breaks etc. But if I was drinking, forget it. From first drink to last I'd either be smoking or rolling. Smoking feels undeniably fucking great when you're knocking back pints. 

In the end it was quite an easy, natural process of kicking them because the fiancee has never smoked, we started going out less and that's pretty much that. I'll still occasionally smoke weed, but I never roll in tobacco anyway. And it's a twice a year thing where I buy an eight, am on cloud nine for a day or two and then throw it out because it starts making me joyless and useless. And I stress throw out, because I have no control over that shit when it's in the house. If it's there, I'll smoke it, and smoke it to my detriment. 

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My old man’s a heavy smoker but he phoned me the other week moaning that he had to give up because of lockdown.

Ive only ever known him go into two shops, his local newsagents which he calls “The Nutters” and B&Q.  Well he’s not happy because The Nutters have stopped doing cash so he can’t get his Virginia Gold anymore. My step mum has tried to teach him how to use a debit card but he can’t be dealing with all that apparently. So he would rather give up smoking instead of learning how to tap a card on a little terminal 🤷‍♂️

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