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The worst of the UKFF.


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26 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Yeah I got along well enough with Seven to the point he added me on MSN and we'd have the occasional nice chat about films and stuff then at the same time I'd see him on here post these lengthy, hatefilled, really nasty diatribes where he'd take really fucking horrible and unnecessary personal shots at people. Or if someone politely disagreed with his often ridiculously over the top opinion he'd just reply with ? and tell them to fuck off. I found him quite confusing and difficult.


I would never excuse what he said to Wretch (who's a really good poster, just want to add - post more!) but I think your confusing experience of him could be related to a lot of posters on here.

It's why it's a shame that UKFF Chat sort of died out. People who you thought were absolute knobs on here would be really sound in chat. I think that's why it was so important in repairing a lot of rifts after the pCc Era, you got to see what people were really like rather than what they like when, often, playing a different card or an exaggerated version of themselves on here.

I'm not going to presume to speak for Chuckles, but I suspect he went away and thought a lot about how he was on here because I certainly did the same in the three (I think) years I took off here

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Back on the old Wrestling Channel Forums, I assumed Mr Seven hated me because we'd got into an argument about something and we'd slagged each other off, but I later found out he'd been telling people I was a good egg. And he is one too. I think he just enjoys an abrasive life. 

I seem to experience forum time in a different way than real world time. I thought I'd signed up here in 2010 and was thinking about what an exceptionally long time ago that was, but I've just looked it up and it was actually 2006. Fucking Nora. I think I joined TWCF in 2004, and then ExileD forums until whenever that died out. It feels like the blink of an eye to be honest. Some of my most vivid memories on the internet (weird thing to say) must have taken place in 2006-09. My real life memories from that time period seem neolithic in comparison. 

Anyway, to tie it into the worst of the UKFF, I remember when I first signed up it was because the TWCF had shut down and I thought this was one of the most humourless places going, everyone seemed to have a weird chip on their shoulder and so I didn't bother posting too much. Looking back, there a bit of truth there, but I think I was a bit of an abrasive dick then as well (a bit like Mr Seven, but much worse at writing). Something must have kept me coming back anyway, and I've grown to love the place the longer I've stayed. 

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I was another one Seven took against at some point. Ended up having to put him on Ignore because it was just better not to know. Glad to hear he’s doing so well, can certainly see being a reviewer fitting him, he really knew and loved his music from what I recall.

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On 5/10/2020 at 5:48 PM, Kookoocachu said:

I was one of them. A post taking the piss out of some of the more cocky males which some people unfortunately took seriously.  I felt sorry for my email inbox for the next couple of weeks.

Yep. I was the other one. Weeded our the horrible little pricks (pun intended) very quickly.

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I was just re-reading the personal low points thread in gold, and was put on the floor by this line in a Boydy post, which got sadly forgotten because of the 'mopping the tables in McDonalds' stuff.


When I was inside prison I got bored and decided to shave my hair exactly like Mr.T with the beard and everything, some of my fellow prisoners pinned me down and shaved it off and said it was for my own good


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