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Jushin Thunder Liger


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I never saw this thread first time around. I love Liger: his UK stuff, his seminal early 90s junior run, and his post-tumour grumpy bastard fun midcarder stuff. Heck I even love shit MMA Liger. I am fairly sure that I was sat next to him at a Rev Pro show when he and some of the NJPW travelling staff came and sat up in the balcony. He was laughing along with everything and seemed to love Dave Mastiff.

Genuine question not designed to take away from Liger at all: how much of the credit for innovation that he and the other J Cuppers get should be shared with the AJW girls from around the same time?

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1 hour ago, KingofSports said:

If I've seen this before, I don't recall it. Liger losing his shit & his mask. On other occasions, he's had facepaint underneath or been part-hidden in some way.


Intrigued by ths. I wonder if it was meant to happen where his mask got torn off all the way. He seemed pretty pissed off.

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1 hour ago, Nostalgia Nonce said:

Perhaps @Carbomb can tell if there's anything of significance in the commentary?

There's nothing I can gather from it other than the commentators pretty much maintaining the narrative that Honaga's ripping off the mask was a real insult to Liger that pissed him off and was a dangerous thing to do. Fits with both kayfabe and shoot, but for the most part the commentary was on the action. It's definitely very difficult to tell, given how stiff Liger could work, but it's equally possible he was legit pissed off. The only thing that makes me think it was a work is that the commentators referred to him by his real name when he threw his mask into the crowd. I don't think they'd have mentioned it if it wasn't as planned, as breaking gimmick, especially for one as vivid as Liger, would surely have to be booked in advance. Maybe they were thinking it was something similar to Mutoh's, with a persona name and a real one? 

All that said, having been mainly an AJPW and NOAH fan for the most part, there may be a subtlety to NJPW culture that I missed, so my assessment could be wrong. 

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I didnt get to see enough of Liger

Fell in love with him through those wrestling mags of the early 1990's when there was this amazing superhero with really big hair and horns, and did some amazing things in the ring.  It's this introduction that is directly related to my love of Aerostar,who is utterly batshit crazy in the ring and can watch him forever.

I was lucky enough to see him at PCW in 2013 vs Deano and Kirby, and that was one off the wrestling bucketlist

Mesmerizing Wrestler and may catch up on lots of the things that I missed in the interim as surgery recovery and lock down are a thing. Does anyone have a good place to start as I havent had the time to delve into wrestling properly for years.

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1 hour ago, patiirc said:

I didnt get to see enough of Liger

Fell in love with him through those wrestling mags of the early 1990's when there was this amazing superhero with really big hair and horns, and did some amazing things in the ring.  It's this introduction that is directly related to my love of Aerostar,who is utterly batshit crazy in the ring and can watch him forever.

I was lucky enough to see him at PCW in 2013 vs Deano and Kirby, and that was one off the wrestling bucketlist

Mesmerizing Wrestler and may catch up on lots of the things that I missed in the interim as surgery recovery and lock down are a thing. Does anyone have a good place to start as I havent had the time to delve into wrestling properly for years.

Even in his later years he was mesmerising. I saw him a few times in RPW and even just doing his basic spots such as brain buster, sent on to the outside, moonsault, top  rope rana or liger bomb. He knew how to tone down his style with age and still draw in the crowd. The crowd went mental when he won British J Cup and there was only 800 people there, but it was loud. I also saw him in a tag with Tana against Okada and Gedo but Liger was the won getting the biggest crowd reactions. 

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On 4/7/2020 at 10:04 AM, patiirc said:

Does anyone have a good place to start as I havent had the time to delve into wrestling properly for years.

I would start at the beginning because his Fuji Yamada stuff was good. There is WOS, Satellite Wrestling & Stampede footage on YouTube.  

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14 hours ago, Lord-Mountevans said:

I would start at the beginning because his Fuji Yamada stuff was good. There is WOS, Satellite Wrestling & Stampede footage on YouTube.  

Thanks I shall have a look, I think the last thing I watched was CMLL stuff around a decade and then a master/protégé feud from New Japan. 

As said I should take a much deeper look. Not like I've not got time. 

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2 hours ago, Love-Wilcox said:

Here’s Liger in a shoot fight against Minoru Suzuki in Pancrase. I’m pretty sure Liger knew he was fucked and threw out a Koppu Kick just to pop the crowd. What a legend.


He was just a last minute replacement if I remember correctly, but yeah he would of known the outcome instantly 

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