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What are the chances?

Gus Mears

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Unlikely things that have happened to you. Preferably not as mundane as mine.

After not being shat on by a bird for my entire life, two have taken a dump on me in one day. Left shoulder three hours ago, right temple thirty mins ago. I feel like I've stumbled into a terrible remake of The Birds.


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A pigeon once flew into the back of my head. I thought somebody had chucked a brick at me. Pigeon was fine. I got laughed at by several people in Cheadle and therefore wasn't.

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53 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

A pigeon once flew into the back of my head. I thought somebody had chucked a brick at me. Pigeon was fine. I got laughed at by several people in Cheadle and therefore wasn't.

A seagull once hit me full on. I saw it coming and everything but in a George Coztanza moment I assumed it would move. 

It didnt. 


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2 hours ago, Gus Mears said:

Unlikely things that have happened to you. Preferably not as mundane as mine.

After not being shat on by a bird for my entire life, two have taken a dump on me in one day. Left shoulder three hours ago, right temple thirty mins ago. I feel like I've stumbled into a terrible remake of The Birds.


I had three in one day once, all seagulls at the beach. Possibly the same one.

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A few years back whilst driving back to Glasgow from visiting family in Coventry I stopped off at Lancaster services. I parked the car and went in for maybe 5 minutes with the wife and as we were getting back into the car someone I worked with at the time parked in the space next to me. Maybe not that thrilling but we didn't know what car each other drove I only noticed as they were getting out. I felt the odds on being at a random service station on a random day at the same time in spaces next to each other was pretty long. Nobody has ever seemed remotely the same about it.

Also I previously worked for O2 at the Skypark in Glasgow over 10 years ago. When I left for my current job the fellow who came into my old team was a lad called Jamie who started the day after I left. We never met and didnt know each other. Fast forward 2 years and I moved into a new role at my new job and the following day my old role was filled by a brand new start, the same guy who didn't even know I worked for the same organisation. We later became aware of the coincidences when we crossed paths at work.

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You know that thing in TV and films where somebody plunges through a hole in something but are caught by someone and saved from certain death? And you go "Oh fuck off, how can someone be that strong?"

When I was about 12, I was in the loft clearing some stuff out with my dad. I was sweeping up and there was a flat, large piece of cardboard covering the gap where we were getting into the loft up a ladder. I lost my bearings as to where I could walk on it and, sure enough, through I went.

Then I realised I wasn't dead or nursing two broken legs but just dangling there. My dad had caught me BY ONE HAND, lifted me up like I was a light bag of shopping, dumped me back in the loft and went about doing his cementing like nothing happened. I sat there sort of shaking and wondering what had just happened.

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I went backpacking years ago and made my way around the USA and Canada. In the September, I was in a hostel in Chicago and shared a room with this Belgian lad and we had a few beers the night before we both went our separate ways.

About 5 weeks later, I went into another hostel in San Diego and he was sat there. We hadn't swapped contact details or even discussed where we both planned on going after Chicago, other than our immediate destinations. We found it absolutely mental that we ended up sharing another room, 2,000+ miles and 5 weeks later. Had another night out and we bored everyone we spoke with about our story. Nobody was arsed.

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Millennium Eve, I'm stood on the bank of the Thames by Blackfriars Bridge, amongst a heaving throng of people that stretches all the way along the banks, waiting for the big firework display to start. All of a sudden I notice a bloke stood next to me; he looks very familiar, and I tell him so. He says "That's right, we met at your mate's beach bar in Kamakura a few months ago."

Possibly the oddest coincidence that's ever happened to me. Halfway across the world, a single-serving friend I had otherwise no connection to, and we just happen to be standing next to each other amongst a potential pool of millions on the last night of the Second Millennium (yes, yes, I know 2000 was actually the last year of the millennium, but whatevs).

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13 hours ago, Jonny Vegas said:

A few years back whilst driving back to Glasgow from visiting family in Coventry I stopped off at Lancaster services. I parked the car and went in for maybe 5 minutes with the wife and as we were getting back into the car someone I worked with at the time parked in the space next to me. Maybe not that thrilling but we didn't know what car each other drove I only noticed as they were getting out. I felt the odds on being at a random service station on a random day at the same time in spaces next to each other was pretty long. Nobody has ever seemed remotely the same about it.


Similar to mine. a few years ago I attended the first night of the Peter Kay (i know) residency he did at Manchester Arena (he was there about 50 nights or something) when I arrived and took my seat, I looked to my side and saw a good friend of mine sat in the next seat. we hadn't gone together, didn't buy together, didn't know he was going at all, nevermind to that particular night. massive coincidence. 

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When I was 16 I was sat watching Nitro with a mate one Friday night. My Dad is a smoker and back in those days he'd smoke in the living room so as soon as they would go to bed we'd spark up a Benson.

I'm sat on the other side of the room watching the NWO or ICP or whatever and my mate has the pack of fags. He lobs one at me out of nowhere and from the corner of my eye I see something about to hit me. I swipe my hand at it and it lands pitch perfect between my right hands smoking fingers, like all of a sudden I'm channelling Jackie Chan and Dot Cotton.

Also the one time I've been to America was when I was in the last year of primary school. I was bunking the last week before the Easter holidays. Whilst over there we went all over California for two weeks. Yet we managed to run into two of my school friends. One of which we bumped into twice.

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A few years ago I had to go on a course to London for a few days and therefore got the train for a couple of days (I don't usually do trains these days) and somehow managed to sit next to the same three people two days running. Baring in mind they was already on the train, they were sat together (they didn't appear to know each other) and I'm not one of them who gets on at an exact place at the station and the same empty seat was available too on a busy rush hour train.

I suppose to them it could be a daily commute and they all happen to get the same train at the same time etc, to me I thought what's the chances of seeing the exact same people, in the exact same seats and of all the places to sit I have to sit next to them in an empty seat like I did the day before. In my younger years I would often get the same bus/train and you would normally see a few familiar faces but not even that happened where you would sit next to the same people in those circumstances. There was even that moment where everyone looked at each other thinking the same thing. 

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Maybe a coincidence or maybe something else... but my son has just turned 2 and he likes to use the baby monitor as a pretend phone and sporadically picks it up and pretend talks to people on it.

This morning he picked up the monitor and said "Hi uncle Anton, you coming to see me? Ok see you soon byeeee".

Anton is my wife's cousin however they're like a brother & sister. He has been working in Germany for the last year so. He's only been back once around Christmas and we don't ever speak to him on the phone only Whatsapp or Facebook messenger and my son never mentions him.

This afternoon we got a call from him to say that a tumour he had removed from his ear as a kid has came back and he's been signed off from work until ge gets an operation here to remove it and can go back to work.

He's on his way back to Glasgow having started driving from Germany this morning. He didn't find out until yesterday and didn't tell anyone before my son said that.

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