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Great pubs

Chris B

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Starting this one, because it'd be off-topic for the 'Bad' thread, and I don't think there's an appropriate one to bump (apologies if so).

So, this Saturday was the last night in the Coach and Horses in Soho. It's been a bit of a legendary pub - it used to be the second home of Private Eye (who'd have afternoon planning meetings upstairs) and it's the pub that Jeffrey Barnard (from 'is unwell' fame) drank in. It's about to be taken over by Fullers and the current management have all been turfed out. All signs are that it'll be changed into more of a typical Fullers, which is a real shame, as it was somewhat unique.

Because it was in the middle of Soho, it had a bit of a theatrical quality - in fact, on the last night, just after last orders, the current landlord gave a small speech, then people started singing 'We'll meet again' and the staff got up on the bar and danced along. Which then led to an old-fashioned run of songs, culminating in 'Let's Go Fly A Kite'. It was an odd night for sure - but also pretty unique. There were a real mix of ages there too, with people who've been going for decades.





So it got me thinking about what makes a great pub and a unique atmosphere. For me, it won't have a TV too prominently, and it'll be quiet enough for you to sit with a few mates and chat without shouting. It'll have some character and it'll be pretty friendly. It'll be the kind of place you can really settle in and unintentionally stick around until chucking out. I tend to prefer older pubs, as the layout is better - but how about you?

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Dove and Rainbow in Sheffield. Complete shithole in the best possible way, tucked out of the way so doesn't get any footfall unless you know it's there. Good atmosphere, not massively expensive and most importantly THEY DON'T SELL FOOD. They're now owned by a chain though who are going to make it look nice and start doing meals which will instantly make it shit.

See the source image


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7 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

Rutland is great, but is probably out of the running as it serves food.

I'm not having that. There are some awesome pubs that serve food. Depends entirely on the pub, the food and the customers.

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The Blue Bell in York, a great little pub which if you get more than 6 people in you are struggling for room. 

It prides itself on the following house rules "no,swearing, no noisy groups and no stag or hen parties" They do not have any TV's, music or slot machines but it still had one of the best atmospheres in a pub I have experienced, everyone chatting away. The Landlord, John is an interesting guy as well. 

On top of this, the Timothy Taylors Landlord is an exceptional pint! 




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The King's Head in Norwich on Magdalen St. Never too busy but a nice atmosphere, you can always get a table, no music, no food, decent beer on tap, no trendy types sipping craft ale, no football lads swigging lager, and a bar billiards table too. Proper good pub if you're ever in this neck of the woods.

Loads of good places to eat down that road too. Some cracking Curry Houses and Kebab shops to be had.


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Hereford it's a place called the Barrels. The "smoking area" is double the size of the bar itself, no food orders, local beer and its always rammed with people from 18-80. They do a pub quiz on Thursday which genuinely has made me question if I have had an education but it's always the best fun. Just a pubs pub in a place surrounded by chains, restaurant's and overpriced beer. 

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12 hours ago, Abe_Knuckleball_Schwartz said:

The Blue Bell in York, a great little pub which if you get more than 6 people in you are struggling for room. 

It prides itself on the following house rules "no,swearing, no noisy groups and no stag or hen parties" They do not have any TV's, music or slot machines but it still had one of the best atmospheres in a pub I have experienced, everyone chatting away. The Landlord, John is an interesting guy as well. 

On top of this, the Timothy Taylors Landlord is an exceptional pint! 




No music licence usually means you can get away with cheaper drinks.

My mum charges what she feels is the bare minimum to cover her cost of living and put a bit for a holiday now and again. She also does very reasonably priced food though, so is obviously immediately disqualified from your good pubs list. £4.50 for a Sunday dinner & a brew. 

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40 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

No music licence usually means you can get away with cheaper drinks.

My mum charges what she feels is the bare minimum to cover her cost of living and put a bit for a holiday now and again. She also does very reasonably priced food though, so is obviously immediately disqualified from your good pubs list. £4.50 for a Sunday dinner & a brew. 

Where is this pub, 1985?! That's outstanding value.

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Timothy Taylor Landlord is indeed a good pint. I had a fair few when I was working in the West End, in the Lyric Tavern in Soho (obviously way more expensive there). Actually quite difficult to find; it's not common in London - think I might've found three places so far which have it.

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I used to love the Coach & Horses, though haven't been in a couple of years as my London drinking has drifted away from Soho, and the place got too bloody expensive. The French House, just up the road from there on Dean Street, is one of my favourite pubs - quirky without seeming desperate, and one of the few places left to still have the sense of character and community I associate with Soho. Gerry's Club on the same street is brilliant too, just a little basement dive bar you could walk past a hundred times and not even know it's there - it's officially an Equity member's club, but they mostly only resort to that as a means to kick people out if they're annoying.


Nellies/The White Horse in Beverley is a bloody lovely pub. Open fireplaces, gas lights, candles, rickety wooden staircases, pub dogs, and a pint for less than £2. 

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18 minutes ago, Otto Dem Wanz said:

Where is this pub, 1985?! That's outstanding value.

It's in Blackburn, so not far off. My mates all get bigger helpings as well.

She's not really in it to make money. She's in it because she loves what she does. She's always worked in pubs and the one she has now is the one she worked in when I was a nipper. Decent prices, no violent types, quality bowling green (which hosts a big competition in late summer). She does alright. Virtually all the other pubs in the neighbourhood have gone, but she's still going. They'll be lost when she retires. She'll probably be lost when she retires. 

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