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WWE Stomping Grounds 2019


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Although it must be bizarre for the wrestlers cutting promos facing the hard cam, from that photo it still looks like there's a pretty healthy crowd in the arena. It's not like the show played out to no-one.

Given how little momentum there was for Stomping Grounds I thought it was a decent B level show. Nothing overly memorable, but nothing particularly terrible either. From an in-ring perspective it was all very good, it's just the overproduced booking that hampers everything else and that was evident here. 

They seem to be in a bit of a holding pattern for now, but I'm hoping the success of AEW (if it happens) will nudge WWE into making big changes. Competition might be the answer to WWE's increasingly stale product. 

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1 hour ago, mim731 said:

Although it must be bizarre for the wrestlers cutting promos facing the hard cam, from that photo it still looks like there's a pretty healthy crowd in the arena. It's not like the show played out to no-one.

It's also a massive arena.  4th biggest indoor arena in America.

They're used to it though.  Most Smackdowns and the occasional Raw have no one on the hard camera side, other than a few rows on the floor, but it's never happened at a PPV before that I can think of.

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47 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I watched the 30 minute highlights on You Tube. Pretty much the right decision. Ricochet and Joe was good and the tag match had a suplex spot I had never seen before. The Kofi finish was neat. The rest, blurgh.

confused trailer park boys GIF

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So is it going to be Seth & Becky against Corbin & Lacey or Hunter & Steph. Also when will this match be? The reality era, people. Oooooh, Vs Bryan & Brie brand Vs brand at Survivors. The gravy train riding opportunities are near endless. 

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48 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

So is it going to be Seth & Becky against Corbin & Lacey or Hunter & Steph. Also when will this match be? The reality era, people. Oooooh, Vs Bryan & Brie brand Vs brand at Survivors. The gravy train riding opportunities are near endless. 

I imagine Seth/Becky vs Corbin/Lacey at Extreme Rules given it's in less than three weeks. Maybe have both the Universal and Raw womens titles on the line somehow I reckon. Not saying that's a good plan, but I suspect that's where it's going. 

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Skimming news reports or watching highlights, no-one is arsed. Review the things you did watch and leave the ''I don't care about the show, but y'know I went out of my way to read/watch bits of it'' bollocks to yourself.

Perfectly fine B level PPV show, easy watch. Worth the measly tenner. 

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I was more put off by Seth and Charlotte hanging around with the lowcard gimps for that Richochet congratulations bit. It’s shit like that which hammers home how on the same level everyone is and no-one is a star. You wouldn’t have seen Hogan hanging around with Red Rooster back in the day or Triple H sat in catering with The Bashams.

’Make A Difference’ Ali will go down well I’m sure 

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Using Lacey as the guest ref was clever and they've done pretty well by her I think. ACAB and all that but she's done a great job of getting her character out there and her fighting for the title and getting involved in the main event didn't feel weird. 

Enjoyed the full spin Rollins did to get out of Corbin's finisher at the end of their match.

I didn't even see that video of ricochet fingering his butt and it's the first thing I think of every time I see the poor bastard now.

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1 hour ago, Richard said:

Skimming news reports or watching highlights, no-one is arsed. Review the things you did watch and leave the ''I don't care about the show, but y'know I went out of my way to read/watch bits of it'' bollocks to yourself.

Perfectly fine B level PPV show, easy watch. Worth the measly tenner. 

Fucking hell, sorry Dad, didn't realise you can only review the things you watched every second of. I didn't watch the whole PPV because I cancelled the WWE Network because the company is full of cunts. And on what I saw, I'm more glad I did. Product is stale, watching any WWE programming at this point is out of habit rather then loyalty

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1 hour ago, Richard said:

Skimming news reports or watching highlights, no-one is arsed. Review the things you did watch and leave the ''I don't care about the show, but y'know I went out of my way to read/watch bits of it'' bollocks to yourself.

Perfectly fine B level PPV show, easy watch. Worth the measly tenner. 


The level of apathy being expressed is genuinely interesting, especially from long term heads around here. A far better read than virtue signalling that you're still paying for the Network.

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