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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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25 minutes ago, JNLister said:

You know how political stuff that has "cut-through" will wind up on your Facebook feed a day or two after it's been the talk of Twitter?

My Facebook feed is already getting "normal" people turning "work party" into an overdone joke.

Yeah they'll make a joke of it.. But how does that translate to giving a shit and being angry vs 'Boris is a silly scamp eh?'.

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1 hour ago, 69MeDon said:

I enjoyed Johnson telling Starmer "I realise you're paid to remove me from office..." What a weird thing to say.

I know. Keir Starmer couldn't remove a breadcrumb from his t-shirt.

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Talked about this on twitter, but it took me a little while to realise why this was making me so angry - me and so many others. After all, there are so many other things for us to get angry about.

It's mainly around the whole idea that it's almost seen as worse manners to accuse someone of acting in bad faith than the actual acting in bad faith. And Johnson has abused that again and again (as have others). The garden party, though, tips into taking the piss. It's not letting people down, it's not being basically shit - it's taking the piss.

We haven't really had this to this level in our leadership before. We've had evil, we've had incompetent - but this level of piss-taking is the kind that usually ends up in a slap. In other words, I genuinely think he's done. He's totally lost the faith - it's just a question of how and when now.

(the longer version below if interested)


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I'm not the most knowledgeable of the inner workings of politics, so forgive me for probably asking a stupid question, but could Labour force a general election? I presume not if he resigns as someone new will take the reigns, but if he refuses to resign or the Tories boot him, could they force an election? 

Mind you, if it were to happen, the British public would more than likely vote the twats back in anyway.

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12 minutes ago, Nick James said:

I'm not the most knowledgeable of the inner workings of politics, so forgive me for probably asking a stupid question, but could Labour force a general election? I presume not if he resigns as someone new will take the reigns, but if he refuses to resign or the Tories boot him, could they force an election? 

Mind you, if it were to happen, the British public would more than likely vote the twats back in anyway.

No. The only ways there can be an election before May 2024 are:

* Two-third of all MPs (not just those who take part in the vote) back an early election.

* There's a successful no-confidence vote in the government and then nobody wins a "yes we do have confidence" vote within two weeks. 

* Somebody (in practice, would have to be the government to get the Parliamentary time) proposes and passes a law saying there's an early election (as happened in 2019.)

Long story short, a government with a majority can't be forced into an election.

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15 minutes ago, Nick James said:

I'm not the most knowledgeable of the inner workings of politics, so forgive me for probably asking a stupid question, but could Labour force a general election? I presume not if he resigns as someone new will take the reigns, but if he refuses to resign or the Tories boot him, could they force an election? 

Mind you, if it were to happen, the British public would more than likely vote the twats back in anyway.

No. They have a very healthy majority so can still pass their bills with ease and vote down opposition bills (although a Tory had the whip removed for voting with Labour on their VAT on fuel bill)

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I would say the only thing saving him for the time being is that none of the front runners want the job, as things stand. Behind in the polls, Brexit is a mess, Northern Ireland looking precarious, fuel and energy prices soaring and inflation ballooning with no sign of slowing. Hardly a tempting starting point for a new PM, they’ll be hoping he can take as much of the flak and for as long as possible before swanning in to save the day around conference season.  Remember these people always put themselves first. 

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Funny that this news breaks while Johnson is in a bit of a sticky situation, isn't it? 

MI5 have issued an alert after a report revealed that Labour MP, and member of Jeremy Corbyn's shadow cabinet, Barry Gardiner took donations from an alleged Chinese Agent whose son was a volunteer for the Labour Party. It aso mentioned that the leader of the Lib Dems received one while he was a minister in the coalition government, but they skim over that bit...


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27 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Funny that this news breaks while Johnson is in a bit of a sticky situation, isn't it? 

MI5 have issued an alert after a report revealed that Labour MP, and member of Jeremy Corbyn's shadow cabinet, Barry Gardiner took donations from an alleged Chinese Agent whose son was a volunteer for the Labour Party. It aso mentioned that the leader of the Lib Dems received one while he was a minister in the coalition government, but they skim over that bit...


Johnson is probably annoyed nobody told him there was someone else out there who might pay for his flat renovation.

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Feels like they are stress-testing the "none of this matters" theory to the limit. Tonight's revelation: two different leaving parties at Downing Street the night before Prince Phillip's funeral during a "no indoor mixing/rule of six outside". One party had an impromptu DJ set, the other had an aide sent to the Co-Op with suitcase to fill with wine. Post-midnight the parties merged in the garden and somebody broke Boris Johnson's son's swing.


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2 minutes ago, JNLister said:

Feels like they are stress-testing the "none of this matters" theory to the limit. Tonight's revelation: two different leaving parties at Downing Street the night before Prince Phillip's funeral during a "no indoor mixing/rule of six outside". One party had an impromptu DJ set, the other had an aide sent to the Co-Op with suitcase to fill with wine. Post-midnight the parties merged in the garden and somebody broke Boris Johnson's son's swing.


Christ on a bike….

How possibly can he survive this one ? Although i said that yesterday….. 

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"Chinese Communists have infiltrated the labour party" and Prince Andrew's lawsuit/being stripped of his military honours dominating the news tomorrow is how. 

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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2 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

"Chinese Communists have infiltrated the labour party" and Prince Andrew's lawsuit/being stripped of his military honours dominating the news tomorrow is how. 

Thank god it’s only the Labour Party involved and not previous PM’s.


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7 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Thank god it’s only the Labour Party involved and not previous PM’s.


Interestingly the BBC neglected to mention that bit. Not very unbiased of them, is it? 

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