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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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1 hour ago, stumobir said:

I do regularly watch PMQs and FMQs, saying they’re comparable is just plain wrong, but you’ve always come across as “staunch” so it’s no surprise you’re trying to frame it as such. 

Staunch? Please expand on that.

25 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I'm sorry, but this is just nonsense. Here's today's First Minister's Questions as an example, although I could easily have shared FMQs from any other week. 

When Blackford steps up to speak at PMQs - every week - the Tories audibly groan, which is disrespectful as fuck. Johnson purposely calls the SNP "the Scottish Nationalist Party" - the whole tone is just off. 

Compare that to the video I just shared. Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross steps up to talk, there's no booing. Same goes for Anas Sarwar, the Labour leader. There's the odd political jibe in there from all sides, but nothing that steps outside of the ordinary. The tone is pretty respectful on all sides. Occasionally you'll hear a negative reaction to a question or answer, but again, nothing outside of the ordinary. 

The tone in Scotland is generally more respectful - when Anas Sarwar took over as Scottish Labour leader, Nicola Sturgeon went as far as to describe him as "her friend", and Sarwar has been similarly complimentary about her. They might disagree politically, but it never crosses the line. 

Even Douglas Ross, the woefully inadequate Scottish Tory leader, gets off relatively lightly when it comes to how he is treated. Occasionally he's ridiculed, but when that happens, it's typically down to his own hypocrisy - criticising the SNP for something his own party is doing, has done, or has done worse than the SNP in. 

That's a long answer; but fuck me, you just can't compare the two. You might not (and presumably do not) like the SNP, and that's fine, but what you're saying comes across as incredibly blinkered. 

That's because, for the most part, Blackford is incredibly antagonistic. He knows exactly what he's doing when he starts his nonsense. The SNP really do invite the grief they get by how they react, and how they talk about the British government for the most part. There's an adversarial tone to virtually everything they do and say. Are we to expect the British government to get torn to bits up here, and our representatives to be treated with kid gloves down south? 

Not a chance. The SNP give as good as they get, and I won't hear anything different. 

And yes, I am blinkered. I've lived through the inept government we've had in Scotland since coming back here, and seeing the SNP play the sleight of hand trick they always do at every election where they make promises and bold talk about independence to win the votes of people who surely must see the terrible fucking job they do up here.

But hey, you can't voice anti-SNP opinions, because if you do you're either not a patriotic "real" Scot, or you're a bigoted Protestant Rangers fan, which is rather bewildering. 

The SNP are a joke. They like to point the accusatory finger of blame at the nasty UK government for all of their problems, but don't like it when they get a bit in return in Westminster. Blackford can suck it up.

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14 minutes ago, David said:

Staunch? Please expand on that.

But hey, you can't voice anti-SNP opinions, because if you do you're either not a patriotic "real" Scot, or you're a bigoted Protestant Rangers fan, which is rather bewildering. 

You’re doing a good enough job yourself.

Second part is just complete bollocks. 

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1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

I’m not sure I follow this, I though David was pro independence. Is that what staunch means in this context?

It’s typically used toward someone who’s very pro-union and enjoys silly wee parades in July. He’s definitely not pro-independence but I have no doubt he’s about to come in here and post a wall of text twisting himself in knots claiming that he is but not under SNP/Sturgeon or something like that. Here’s the advance notice that I’m tapping out when he does. 
For disclosure, I’ve voted SNP once and have voted Labour or Green on far more occasions. 

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1 minute ago, stumobir said:

It’s typically used toward someone who’s very pro-union and enjoys silly wee parades in July

So, bigoted Protestant Rangers fans?


5 minutes ago, stumobir said:

he’s about to come in here and post a wall of text twisting himself in knots claiming that he is but not under SNP/Sturgeon or something like that.

You discussed this with him in this thread, so I’m sure he will let us know if his position has changed. 


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5 hours ago, stumobir said:

Johnson: “we’re launching a fantastic new policy to get 500,000 people back in to work”

Reality: “we’ll cut your benefits if you don’t accept any old job, full time or not, after 4 weeks. 2 weeks before you’re even likely to receive your first UC payment” 

I expect a ratcheting up of anti-benefits and anti-immigration rhetoric to get the gammons back on board. 

As someone that works with long term unemployed people, often at a very low point in their lives, this announcement has made me fucking livid.

The scheme I work for, which is DWP funded, is all based around a personalised 12 month programme to find sustainable employment; the right job, not just any old job, and this might undo all the hard work.

We're just in the midst of clarifying whether our referrals are protected from this latest bullshit, but I am fucking fuming.


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10 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

So, bigoted Protestant Rangers fans?


You discussed this with him in this thread, so I’m sure he will let us know if his position has changed. 


Most of my mates are Protestant and/or Rangers fans, they also mostly support Scottish independence. The Staunch are a special, frothing at the mouth, breed. 

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6 minutes ago, stumobir said:

Most of my mates are Protestant and/or Rangers fans, they also mostly support Scottish independence. The Staunch are a special, frothing at the mouth, breed. 

Ah I’m with you! The sort who go on pilgrimage to those flat roof pubs that look like Farages wet dream?

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43 minutes ago, stumobir said:

It’s typically used toward someone who’s very pro-union and enjoys silly wee parades in July. He’s definitely not pro-independence but I have no doubt he’s about to come in here and post a wall of text twisting himself in knots claiming that he is but not under SNP/Sturgeon or something like that. Here’s the advance notice that I’m tapping out when he does. 

That's a hell of a lot of assumptions there, boyo. I'm not a fan of the SNP, that much is true. The rest? Well, you're apparently quite good at assumptions and stereotyping, so you batter in. 

25 minutes ago, stumobir said:

Most of my mates are Protestant and/or Rangers fans, they also mostly support Scottish independence.

Now that right there is pretty unique. Or just plain bollocks. 

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11 minutes ago, David said:

Now that right there is pretty unique. Or just plain bollocks. 

I’m talking about a group of mates that have been close since school, we’re allowed to support different teams but, generally, align politically. If you find that hard to believe perhaps that says more about your outlook than mine. I’m not sure what I’d achieve by making that up?

Do you vote Tory, David? Genuine question. We’ve ruled out SNP, I imagine you’re loathe of them extends to Greens, you don’t strike me as a Lib Dem and your vitriolic hatred of SNP is more in tune with Tories than it is Labour. 

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1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

As someone that works with long term unemployed people, often at a very low point in their lives, this announcement has made me fucking livid.

The scheme I work for, which is DWP funded, is all based around a personalised 12 month programme to find sustainable employment; the right job, not just any old job, and this might undo all the hard work.

We're just in the midst of clarifying whether our referrals are protected from this latest bullshit, but I am fucking fuming.


It’s utter shite! Im sure this will all be backed up with a sanction policy too. I don’t know what programme you work for but I’m not sure how many people you will get who will have the 13 week permitted period anyway as a permitted period of any length is only at the start of a claim so technically after 13 weeks people should do any job they’re capable of doing.

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1 hour ago, David said:

That's because, for the most part, Blackford is incredibly antagonistic. He knows exactly what he's doing when he starts his nonsense. The SNP really do invite the grief they get by how they react, and how they talk about the British government for the most part. There's an adversarial tone to virtually everything they do and say. Are we to expect the British government to get torn to bits up here, and our representatives to be treated with kid gloves down south? 

Well yeah, they're in opposition. The other problem is what you're saying here is that there's very little that the Tory government are doing that anyone can agree with. Almost every policy is based on a lie, or in place to distract people. They weaponise hatred and racism. They lie - constantly. The points that Blackford raises, whether you agree with them or not, are pretty much universally based on legitimate criticism of the Tory Party, and Boris Johnson himself. I don't know how any politician could be anything other than critical of this government. 

1 hour ago, David said:

And yes, I am blinkered. I've lived through the inept government we've had in Scotland since coming back here, and seeing the SNP play the sleight of hand trick they always do at every election where they make promises and bold talk about independence to win the votes of people who surely must see the terrible fucking job they do up here.

So, to give you a bit of context as to where I stand, I'm very much a floating voter. I could absolutely see a situation where I'd vote for Anas Sarwar, I think he's excellent. In the last Scottish election, however, I voted for the SNP and the Greens. On the whole, I think the SNP have done a good job in government, although there are areas where they've failed (eg. education). The one issue that would stop me voting for Labour here, at the moment, is their stance on independence. I'm in favour of that because I want us to leave the broke, and frankly, corrupt Westminster system; and also rejoin the EU. 

2 hours ago, David said:

But hey, you can't voice anti-SNP opinions, because if you do you're either not a patriotic "real" Scot, or you're a bigoted Protestant Rangers fan, which is rather bewildering. 

Of course you can, but at least make the criticism accurate. 

2 hours ago, David said:

The SNP are a joke. They like to point the accusatory finger of blame at the nasty UK government for all of their problems, but don't like it when they get a bit in return in Westminster. 

Again, the SNP are in opposition, it's what they do. They're just incredibly fortunate that there's a lot to blame the "nasty UK government" for. 

Ultimately, in Johnson, you have a PM who is a liar. He's happy to throw his own colleagues under the bus, to save his own skin. He got into power on the back of a lie (Brexit), and many of his policies are designed only to distract. Against a backdrop of growing aggression towards MPs, he quite happily used inflammatory language in parliament, knowing full well that it put people he worked alongside at risk. No other political party currently in the UK parliament has stooped to that level. There are valid criticisms that you can make of the SNP - some I'd agree with, I'm sure - but "they behave like the Tories" just isn't one of them.

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2 minutes ago, stewdogg said:

It’s utter shite! Im sure this will all be backed up with a sanction policy too. I don’t know what programme you work for but I’m not sure how many people you will get who will have the 13 week permitted period anyway as a permitted period of any length is only at the start of a claim so technically after 13 weeks people should do any job they’re capable of doing.

I don't quite understand this?

The programme I work for, the criteria is that you have been on UC for between 12-18 months and affected by the pandemic, but that has never been stuck to (even though the company won the contract on that proviso) and the eligibility is changing now.

Outside of that criteria, it is a case by case decision by the manager. Obviously we would like to help everyone but there are some people with such complex issues, that they are better off being referred to a more specialist provision.

I really enjoy my job but it absolutely breaks my heart most days.

99.99999% of people want to work, but it's not as easy as "Go and do a job and get back to work". People have been through a lot, and some need long term, support and guidance.

We have a 12 month programme of tailored support including employability work (not just "Heres how to write a CV" its veryin depth), a health and wellbeing team for referrals, counselling, specialist training providers, external partners and our ultimate aim is to ready someone for re entering the workplace, and ultimately sustainable employment. 

Being out of work for a lengthy period of time is incredibly draining and the thought of going back to work can be very daunting and anxiety inducing, so the new guidelines of "Well, if you're fit you can do any old job" is quite frankly disgusting but not surprising. 

Also, there is a MASSIVE difference between someone wanting to work and being "job ready" and putting people in the wrong environment can be really damaging.

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12 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:


I really enjoy my job but it absolutely breaks my heart most days.

Off topic so I apologise, but my work at the local crematorium and cemeteries has the same for me. Utterly heartbreaking on a near daily basis, but also being able to help people in some of their darkest times is so incredibly fulfilling.


Back on topic, I'm glad that I can't bring myself to even consider voting Tory because I'm just so very tired of it all - which is possibly half their battle plan in general at this point.

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