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Money In The Bank Is This Sunday On The WWE Network

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Anybody watching this? . . .

Universal Championship

Seth Rollins vs AJ Styles

SmackDown Women's Championship

Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair

WWE Championship

Kofi Kingston vs Kevin Owens

Steel Cage Match

Miz vs Shane McMahon

Raw Women's Championship

Becky Lynch vs Lacey Evans

Men's Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Baron Corbin vs Drew McIntyre vs Ricochet vs Braun Strowman vs Ali vs Andrade vs Finn Balor vs Randy Orton

Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Natalya vs Naomi vs Dana Brooke vs Alexa Bliss vs Bayley vs Carmella vs Ember Moon vs Mandy Rose

United States Championship

Samoa Joe vs Rey Mysterio

Cruiserweight Championship

Tony Nese vs Ariya Davari 

Roman Reigns vs Elias

I still dig the whole cash-in concept, it brings a bit of unpredictability at least. The matches are a contrived bunch of bollocks mind you. It could be a great showcase for guys like Ali and Ricochet though. I'm shitting it a bit thinking about the mad stuff they'll do to break out and get over. Looks like a decent card.

Seth vs Styles looks good on paper but doesn't have that big time spark about it. Face vs Face and the wrong kind of predictable for me. 0% chance AJ is winning right? I'm into AJ working as an outright heel for this. He's clearly lost a step over the last couple of years but the guy can tell a great story. We could have a banger here. Seth wins.

Becky working double duty is cool and different. Her vs Charlotte still feels like a big time match despite everything and I'm looking forward to seeing what she and Lacey can do. I hope they don't lean too heavy into underdog over coming the odds shit. It get it why they do it, but when it's the only story they tell with the faces it gets boring, plus Becky being booked as an underdog the last few months has taken the steam out of her "Oi'm The Man" shtick. Also, can we at least give my Becky a decisive victory or two, huh? Without her getting laid out immediately afterwards. Lynch wins.

Talking of boring babyfaces. Can we just have Roman smash the fuck out of Elias please? I don't care if it gets him boos, they're coming regardless. No Roman selling and crying for 15 minutes. Steamroll through Elias and have him all ready and set for Goldberg. Roman wins.

Can't wait to see the ridiculous bells and whistles Shane/Miz pull out for the cage match. Fingers crossed it's the blow off. Lets turn it up to eleven and have blood, plunder, George Mizanin delivering Shane's receipt and, ultimately, Shane killing himself. Miz wins.

Women's briefcase needs to go to anybody but the blondes. No offence. Give it to Bayley. She's the only one that is over and can work. Briefcase will be an odd fit for her character mind. Looking forward to seeing the lengths Alexa will go to avoid taking a bump. Bayley wins.

The men's MITB is hard one to predict. Could see them going with a heel. Randy's been used perfectly recently, snaking about and popping RKO's. A cash-in would be a good way for him to break Kofi's dreams again if they're going down that route. Drew desperately needs something to get that killer edge back but i'm not sure the briefcase is the answer. Andrade? He's a jobber at this point and I hate it when they give it to jobbers. Fuck. I dunno. Drew wins.

Kofi's probably holding on. I'm not against KO getting the win, kinda sick of Kofi. I sense shenanigans in this one. Sami Zayn will be getting involved in this show someway somehow. When is Big E due back? Kofi wins. Probably.

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I've barely been following the build-up - or, if I have (I definitely read the WWE.com recaps of Raw and Smackers) I can't remember it - so I'm going into this show with very little context. I'm off next Monday though so I'll probably give it a watch. Rollins is probably winning but the WWE title match could go either way. Becky's probably losing one title and keeping the other ... so maybe she keeps the Raw one and stays on Raw? Andrade to win MITB please, it could elevate him insofar as it elevates anyone these days.

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Not been following at all, so fuck knows. Feels mad that they're doing a cage match on a show that already has two ladder matches but, hey, modern WWE.

Couldn't give a hapenny fuck about Seth Rollins as WWE Champion, and a match between him and AJ Styles feels like it will be a modern WWE classic in that it'll probably be objectively "good" but with no reason whatsoever to get emotionally invested. I'm hoping Styles turns heel to go over, though I'm half-expecting Lesnar showing up and wrecking both of them to set up something for Saudi Arabia.

I'm guessing Becky is dropping the Smackdown belt and keeping the RAW one, but probably some shenanigans involved - outside interference, or some kind of double pin where a Smackdown ref calls it for Charlotte and a RAW ref calls it for Becky. 

Kofi over Owens, Joe over Rey to set him up to face Kofi in the future, Nese over Davari, Reigns over Elias, Miz over Shane. 

Literally no clue who's winning either MITB match, so I'm going to guess Balor and Alexa.

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1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

Couldn't give a hapenny fuck about Seth Rollins as WWE Champion, and a match between him and AJ Styles feels like it will be a modern WWE classic in that it'll probably be objectively "good" but with no reason whatsoever to get emotionally invested. I'm hoping Styles turns heel to go over, though I'm half-expecting Lesnar showing up and wrecking both of them to set up something for Saudi Arabia.

Connecting this thread to that one about things you didn’t know you wanted... Motivated Lesnar, Rollins and Styles in a triple threat is something I’d really like to have happen.

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I would love to see Bray Wyatt be involved in the mens MITB match, even if its a lights out and the case disappears. For one it would be different and also gives him reason to still be involved without actually wrestling every week and cashing in whenever he wants too.

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Of all the dullards in the women's mitb I'd give the case to Alexa or Rose. Bayley is a beaten docket at this stage, and at least Mandy and Alexa can talk. 


I'd give Andrade a go with the men's briefcase. Happy enough with anyone except Corbin or Drew really though.

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2 hours ago, The Dart said:

That’s what I thought would happen and that it will be Bayley.

It would stop her (allegedly) throwing a hissyfit backstage at least.

Regarding Alexa, according to dem “the system has failed her” by ”knowingly putting her in the ring with people not ready for prime-time. The entire reason she’s in this mess is because they put her in the ring with Nia Jax. Missed cues, sloppy ringwork etc, she either hasn’t been properly trained, or doesn’t care, and there’s no excuse or defence for either. The fact that Nia continued to be pushed despite regularly injuring people is like a giant middle-finger to the people that are there to learn and ply their craft. That directly reflects on leadership for calling her up, and for allowing her to continue”

Other than by pointing out that Alexa hasn’t been in a match with Nia since the end of January, Where do you even start with that?

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