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The Smackers Thread


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I thought it was a decent episode this week throughout. Even the filler segment at the end was a bit of fun though we’ve seen it a million times but the crowd still seem to love it. My only complaint is how quickly Cole is regressing after the initial feeling of freedom. How can you be shouting, “THIS IS UTTERLY HILARIOUS!!”, when you haven’t laughed once yourself?

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I think Cole was trying to shout the pun, “UDDERLY HILARIOUS,” similar to how he kept shouting, “HE’S MILKING IT!” 

But yeah. Atrocious. Complete regression to the, “FOR THE LOVE OF MANKIND!” form.

Udderly shit.

Edited by Supremo
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I can’t be arsed to go and change my award answers, but I should have added LA Knight to the shit list. This program with Wyatt has been woeful, but I’m the ring he’s bang average. His piss poor Rock/Austin inspired promos are cringey as fuck. I really don’t get it. And he’s almost 40. Give that spot to someone else or move him back to 2.0 so I don’t have to see him anymore. Yeah

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So, with the rumours of Cena coming back to WWE for a bit, and the rumours of Austin wanting another Wrestlemania match... surely the option is finally there for Austin v Cena at Wrestlemania?

Some sort of Card that includes Rock v Reigns and Cena v Austin would make it the biggest WM for years and years.

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27 minutes ago, Loki said:

So, with the rumours of Cena coming back to WWE for a bit, and the rumours of Austin wanting another Wrestlemania match... surely the option is finally there for Austin v Cena at Wrestlemania?

Some sort of Card that includes Rock v Reigns and Cena v Austin would make it the biggest WM for years and years.

Can definitely see Cena vs Austin (Theory) at Mania. 

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God bless John Cena. The man’s making millions. He’s completely crossed over. He doesn’t need pro-wrestling anymore. And yet he’s coming in to keep a twenty year tradition alive that only geeks care about. I love him. Good to have him back. I hope he has silly hair again.

I can’t lie though. I’m a bit disappointed Kevin Owens didn’t go with Elias/Ezekiel as his tag partner. They could’ve done a repeat of that angle where Mankind turned into Cactus Jack leading into Royal Rumble 2000!

”Elias is not ready to be your tag team partner, but you deserve a suitable substitute….I think you know the guy….*rips off his fake beard* and his name is EZEKIEL!”

Sami in his Sunday best was great. Every time he and Roman are onscreen together it’s electric. I was holding my breath at one point, thinking this may have been the night they turned on him. Thank heavens it didn’t happen. I want to see Sami having Christmas dinner with the family.

But yeah. Sami to win the Rumble. There’s no other option.

On that subject though, is there any particular reason why Roman is still being called the Universal Champion? It’s such a stupid name. Since they’ve unified the belts and Hunter managed to dine out for months on the most basic improvements of language used on-screen, I don’t know why they don’t just change it back to, “WWE World Heavyweight Champion.” Get it sorted before my man Sami wins those belts!

I hadn’t watched Smackdown in a few weeks. I’d heard people say the Bray Wyatt vs. LA Knight thing was good. It isn’t. This was utter dog shit. Bray is the worst.

Well, second worst. No-one is worse than Top Dolla. Fucking hell. How is this man on international TV?!

Everyone needs to update their nominations to ensure Top Dolla is voted worst wrestler of the year. Imagine coming into power and thinking, “get me Top Dolla’s phone number!” The same people now leaking that Sasha Banks wasn’t worth the money. Christ.

Edited by Supremo
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We never appreciated John Cena. The man is just IT, isn't he? Just star power out of the arse. 

I know the Bloodline / Sami storyline is about to turn and I feel like I am watching each segment through my fingers waiting for Sami's heart to break like Ralph Wiggums. I don't think I'm going to be able to take it when they turn on him. It feels like we're in the 3rd quarter of Marley and Me, where you know what is about to happen, but you're not ready yet.

Ricochet / Gunther was a cracking match, just fun to watch and feels like HHH is trying his hardest to rehab Ricochet after years of sitting in catering. 

Hit Row and Viking Raiders are just not working and they are dragging my man Santos Escobar down with them. Legado is above this shit.

Uncle Howdy walking out like they have stuck a mask and leather jacket on Ralphus was hilarious. At least have him look menacing and not just like some old fella down the club having a Sunday pint.

Why have someone attack Nox in a hoody so you cant see who it was, only for commentary to say 'oh it was Xia Li', as in, 'Dont get too excited for the return of Jillian Hall' or whicher low grade ex-wrestler we are bringing back.

Edited by Nick James
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3 hours ago, Nick James said:

I know the Bloodline / Sami storyline is about to turn and I feel like I am watching each segment through my fingers waiting for Sami's heart to break like Ralph Wiggums.

The inevitability is so painful and yet so brilliant. I imagine when it does happen Sami just looking at the Bloodline like this:


Some part of me hopes Jey actually stays out of the actual turn. I would love it if, after all this time, the one to actually stick up for him was the one guy who was most skeptical about him the whole time. I could happily see Sami, KO and Jey taking on Roman, Jimmy and Solo into 2023.

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7 hours ago, Supremo said:

I’d heard people say the Bray Wyatt vs. LA Knight thing was good. It isn’t. This was utter dog shit. Bray is the worst.


That entrance, Christ - 


The Howdy character is basically this guy with the hat tip - 



Is is Bo Dallas under the Bo Selecta mask?

Bray may be shit, but LA Knight is fantastic, his preceding promo was full of piss and vinegar.  He looks like and sounds like an Attitude Era top star, I think he's going to do well this run.

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Between Shawn's referees vomiting black goo and Hunter's Bo Selecta Uncle Howdy struggling to laugh in time to the backing track, you'd never believe these were the guys who once revolutionised the industry. They've became the corniest, least cool men on the planet. I bet Kevin Nash regularly ignores their calls.

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Criminal that it took 8-10 years to get this version of Roman Reigns. He's amazing and I'm nowhere near ready for any kind of turn on Sami yet.

Sami absolutely needs to win the Rumble. Even if the plan is still Rock/Reigns at Mania. They can still get there somehow and have Sami's match at EC.

Said before but Sami can win the Rumble and still have the whole Bloodline with him, ge can be telling Roman the whole time not to worry because he will do the right thing etc.

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My favourite thing about the Bray Wyatt stuff is, that by making Uncle Howdy a real person, I reckon they sit back and think “cracked it this time, lads!”

But, the spookiness isn’t the only thing that inevitably makes Bray Wyatt the shittest thing in wrestling. It’s the corniness and sub-Doctor Who investment in costume/props and set design. And the fact they never, ever have a vision or purpose with this stuff - they just rely on the spook fan-boys to connect dots that don’t exist on their behalf.

It’s all just rambling, incomprehensible shite… completely and utterly crap.

The bloke beneath the bollocks has potential, which is why this is always so, so frustrating.

LA Knight is really cringe.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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