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The Smackers Thread


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10 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

No no, I haven't gotten it from anywhere but you said it was funny that people were taking wrestling too seriously and I hadn't seen any examples of that, so was just wondering what you meant.

If you weren't referring to people in this thread, fair enough. And if I have missed examples of people throwing their TV's out of their windows or throwing shit at Samoans, then fairer enough.

I'd say all the responses in this thread are perfectly fair enough.

I didn't mention anyone or any responses in this thread, nor that it wasn't OK to think it's a shit decision or that you can't have favourites.

But I'm sure this is boring for everyone else so let's leave it there.

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1 minute ago, SuperBacon said:

I didn't mention anyone or any responses in this thread, nor that it wasn't OK to think it's a shit decision or that you can't have favourites.

But I'm sure this is boring for everyone else so let's leave it there.


Please do share any examples of anyone losing their shit and taking it too seriously though.


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On 1/30/2024 at 9:36 AM, air_raid said:

Punk came back at Survivor Series. Cody won the Rumble. Now hear this - Reigns vs Cody at Mania, and Cody wins. I'll stake my reputation on it.

Well folks, when you’re right 52% of the time, you’re wrong 48% of the time.

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29 minutes ago, thatvinylgeek said:

Three generations view points...

Me a 42 year old grumpy man - Meh, what a waste of Cody's character building

My 30 year brother who is actually going to mania is now (ever so slightly) disappointed....disappointed about going to mania...madness

My 11 year old twin girls who LOVE Cody - "Why is he fighting the man from Jumanji" 

Which surely goes to show they are only doing it for themselves to save face in the press and not the fans. 

It's Bayley's story to finish now! 

Your girls aren't wrong. He is literally The Jumanji man now. Nobody except attitude era nonces want him back. 

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What an odd and terrible long term decision. They should have had Cody win last year, but if they were going to do that stupid finish last year you have to have him win this year. You just have to. Fair play to Cody that he still manages to remain over as he looks like an utter loser now. Nobody cares about that Rollins match despite Seth's very good promo. We've seen it before and it was OK. But there's no build to it or any real story. They sacrificed Sami for Cody and now Cody for The Rock. How is anyone supposed to get behind challengers for the title if they keep doing this.

No doubt it was changed due to the storm around WWE. If the reports are true off The Rock Hogan'ing his way into the main event because of it, then that's incredibly crap. I like The Rock but I don't care about seeing him wrestle again. 

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I think it’s dramatic after the crowd reactions last night to claim the main event or The Rock will be booed out of any buildings. I’ve said it recently on here but this modern WWE crowd just wants to enjoy their wrestling show, they’re subservient to what is put in front of them. The Rock v Roman Reigns will be a spectacle and all about that rather than the wrestling. Fans might pick Roman as their side come the actual match but that doesn’t matter - they’ll be into it.

I also don’t think The Rock v Roman Reigns is a terrible route. It’s the biggest money match left in the business, I’ve always maintained if the offer of it comes up then you need to do it as soon as possible because The Rock is one gym injury from never being able to again at his age. 

My only issue is Cody. The best way to get to this wasn’t to have Cody to win the Rumble so it’s definitely been a pivot with the Vince news and Punk out. If you pivot then the best way is also not Cody nearly crying as The Rock comes in and takes everything away from him. They honestly should have just went down a route of Cody set on picking Roman but Seth baiting him for weeks - proper baiting him to the point of fury to make it impossible for him not to pick Seth. Anything but the way it was done would have been preferable quite honestly.

Edited by FUM
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Melter’s posted the following on his forum.


So ultimately, it’s all Jack Perry’s fault. If he doesn’t use real glass, Punk doesn’t go to WWE, Punk doesn’t get injured, and this crazy scramble doesn’t happen. You’ve ruined the story, young Jack!

I had to watch it back to make sure it wasn’t a fever dream. One of the all-time worst segments they’ve ever done. Even by their standards, the fumble of all fumbles. A colossal own goal. Two years of rebuilding good-will and trust between company and fanbase, flushed away in minutes.

Almost as egregious as cutting Cody’s bollocks off was that ten minute soliloquy about how shit Seth Rollins and his belt is. Totally spot on, he and his belt are shit, but bloody hell. You’re not supposed to say it out loud! Fucking brutal! Not like he’ll ever get any type of comeback, either. Just a complete rinsing of everything they’ve attempted to build with Seth. Placed him and his worthless belt directly in the bin, just in time for Cody to climb in with him.

Cody looked an absolute idiot. This might be it. They’ve been pushing their luck on how much they can continue to rely on him against terrible material and meandering storylines, but this could easily be the final straw. At some point, even his ridiculous charisma and likability is going to hit a road block it can’t overcome. Sucking The Rock off and giving up on his dreams to see a cheeky People’s Elbow might just be it.

I think there’s a very good chance the fans turn on it. Especially considering the type of match I imagine they’ll have at Wrestlemania. Even more so when Rock’s arms and legs start falling off five minutes in. Not that they’ll realise at the moment though. Isn’t this about the forth or fifth time they’ve done something like this, failing to realise how it makes everyone look like a prick? We’ll have Road Dogg arguing on Twitter soon about how the character of Cody okayed it, so it makes sense.

Has any segment in the history of WWE focussed on the back of a man’s head as long as this one did with The Rock’s mad, Growth Hormone head? Ended up being made to look at it for so long that I started to make out a face in it, like Professor Quirrell having Voldemort in the back of his head.


But yeah. Dog shit decision.

This is why I’m fascinated by those nutcases seemingly willing to defend Triple H and believe he didn’t know about the Vince stuff, just in case he’s removed as head of creative. Even if we ignore the insanity of that take, anyone who played any part in that disgusting bullshit needs to face the full consequences regardless of whether you like the fake fighting TV they produce, but say our precious Papa H does get the boot. Are we really losing out on so much? This run is better than what we had before, but only just. It’s still an only slightly improved version of what we had before. He’s still mostly playing from Vince’s book. Everyone still acts and talks like replicants. Babyfaces are still learning about dastardly deeds by hiding behind walls, Batista-style. Top babyfaces are still being made to look like absolute whoppers. They still don’t know how stories or characters work and will undermine their own work without even realising it. And they still think you’re an idiot. Speaking Japanese isn’t enough of a reveal. We have to tell you she is speaking Japanese. The best thing this whole company needs is a real change of approach, coming up with real, new ideas.

So yeah. Didn’t like this. Rubber chicken.

Edited by Supremo
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5 minutes ago, TheScarlettChad said:

Your girls aren't wrong. He is literally The Jumanji man now. Nobody except attitude era nonces want him back. 

I don’t think that’s fair. I wouldn’t mind him back, just not fighting the biggest bad guy heel champ ever, with near four years holding belts and the longest reign with the belt since The Hulkster 84-88, at WrestleMania 40, instead of Cody Rhodes and the ready made 15 months of build.

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There's nothing wrong with doing Rock-Reigns at WrestleMania.

There's a lot wrong with putting all that effort and storyline logic into building up Rhodes-Reigns and then doing Rock-Reigns.

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