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The Smackers Thread


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I'm not buying Pete Dunne at all. It's a bland name and the lad has been under contract for years now and he hasn't put on any size whatsoever. He looks far too puny to convince me he's a tough guy amongst that roster. The Scrappy Doo gimmick at least worked with that to give him a sense of place on the show.

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They could do with an X Division-esque title where all these small guys can do their thing. No merit at all to having pale, puny British lads doing their career-long schtick unless you're pushing them towards *something*.

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41 minutes ago, Supremo said:

To his credit, Dunne looked a lot more comfortable and confident coming out as, “himself.” He had a great scowl and the half-shaved undercut looks cool. You could tell he was super into it.

But yeah. Get rid of your nan’s swimming costume and your mums’s fury coat. Terrible look on the main roster.

I kind of like the raggedy look for the same reason some people like Eddie Kingston's look. It makes him feel a bit grimy and disgusting, which to me, suits the character. To me, he shouldn't look slick, he should look rough and a bit cobbled together because that's exactly what he is. He's a scumbag who truly believes that he's dangerous, and as a result, that makes him behave in a way that is reflective of that. 

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The worst thing about Pete Dunne is he gave me one of the cringiest things I've ever experienced at a wrestling show.

At a Smackdown or Raw, (can't actually remember) and someone (again can't rememeber) did a "finger manipulation" spot or whatever, and some mark behind me stood up and screeched, and I mean screeched, "PETE DUNNES BEEN DOING THAT FOR YEEEEEAAAAAAARS!" in the biggest nerd voice I've ever heard (think Jamieson) which slightly cracked on the YEEEEEAAAAAAARS.

Me and my ex were cracking up at him.

He also called Seth Rollins 'Colby'. Cunt.

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23 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I kind of like the raggedy look for the same reason some people like Eddie Kingston's look. It makes him feel a bit grimy and disgusting, which to me, suits the character. To me, he shouldn't look slick, he should look rough and a bit cobbled together because that's exactly what he is. He's a scumbag who truly believes that he's dangerous, and as a result, that makes him behave in a way that is reflective of that. 

Unfortunately he still wrestles a slick fast-moving Cruiserweight style with lots of kicks that doesn’t fit in with his look and “I want to break your fingers” nastiness. It’s too mixed-up indy. You can be a hybrid style and believable as nasty, Bryan manages it convincingly, but Dunne doesn’t.

I’ve just realised after years why I never completely took to Dunne. His worst flaws remind me of Sami Callihan, who I’ve always regarded as shite.

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24 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Unfortunately he still wrestles a slick fast-moving Cruiserweight style with lots of kicks that doesn’t fit in with his look and “I want to break your fingers” nastiness. It’s too mixed-up indy. You can be a hybrid style and believable as nasty, Bryan manages it convincingly, but Dunne doesn’t.

I’ve just realised after years why I never completely took to Dunne. His worst flaws remind me of Sami Callihan, who I’ve always regarded as shite.

That's a fair critique. I really enjoy his matches; but I imagine there's a chance I'd have felt different about him if he'd emerged in AEW and not in WWE. His wrestling style would certainly feel less unique there, and he doesn't really have the promo skills to set him apart in that area. I'd love to see him succeed, but I think the criticism of him on this forum is totally reasonable. 

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5 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

That's a fair critique. I really enjoy his matches; but I imagine there's a chance I'd have felt different about him if he'd emerged in AEW and not in WWE. His wrestling style would certainly feel less unique there, and he doesn't really have the promo skills to set him apart in that area. I'd love to see him succeed, but I think the criticism of him on this forum is totally reasonable. 

Not the way. 

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Fairly standard go-home promo from the lads who are not dethroning Roman. I enjoy LA Knight, his NXT run, his rise to prominence on the main roster, the shoes of a champion promo. He's a lot of fun, but man this crowd was only here for the catchphrase. Big pop for that, crickets for the rest of the promo. Complete silence when he took out Orton too. It's stuff like this that makes me think he's an upper midcard guy but not a world title winner. Maybe the pretend world title but not the real one. He's popular and they love the catchphrases but when it comes down to it he's not a star on the level of a Cody or a legacy guy like Orton. They like him but I'm not convinced they're hankering for him to be THE guy. 

Carlito/Santos was a whole lotta shenanigans. Happy to see Electra Lopez reunited with Santos. She ended up being a fun addition to Legado towards the end of their NXT run. 

I thought Bayley's vignette/promo thing on her story, the Damage Control Story and why it's her destiny to win the rumble was tremendous. She sounded great, confident but also like she was trying to convince herself. Really good stuff. 

I'd heard the tales of Rock's daughter somehow having zero screen presence or charisma but it was still quite a sight to behold. 

Was quite invested in the women's tag match.. Thought this Chance and Carter team had something since they started doing it in NXT. Despite their only character trait since call up being that they love to party on down, they're also natural underdogs because they're both tiny, and they wrestle an extremely fan-friendly style. Also Kacy Catanzaro is real pretty like. Despite the lack of effort put into establishing their characters/personalities (DO THEY LIKE TO PARTY MICHAEL COLE?), they started to get decent reactions in the matches with Niven and Green. I was hoping against all odds that they'd be allowed more than one title defence ("Fighting champions" according to Cole)  and go on a bit of a run here to give them some hope of getting over. 

Instead they got booed during their ring introduction and lost. Was a fine little TV match but yeah, I think they're dropping the ball with this team. The presentation isn't working and this booking has done them no favours. Guess being a dedicated tag team when the women's tag titles on the main roster are utterly worthless is also not great for them. 

Paul Ellering shouting "BEHOLD!" made me laugh out loud. What a bunch of goobers. My favourite thing the AOP did on their first run was get rid of Ellering. They can be a a pretty good violent monster tag team but this faction is pants. Are they supposed to be scary and intimidating or sneaky and cowardly? I guess they can be a bit of both but this made them look so weak. The whole presentation is going for scary but they won this exchange because Kross sent the Mrs. in once again and she poked Bobby in the eye. TICK TOCK IT'S THE END OF DAYS PREPARE FOR THE RECKONING. MY WIFE HAS SHARP NAILS.

Also how are you going to have the Last Testament and The Judgement Day running at the same time? Especially when the Judgement Day is absolutely killing it and the comparison could not be any more harmful to this new group. Army-Geddon and the Velociraptures coming soon. 

Great to hear how over Carmelo and Trick Williams were. 

The main event was the opening segment again but Solo was also there. 

Fairly run of the mill pre-PPV Smackers there. Still excited for The Rumble though. 








Edited by JLM
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I’m pretty sure when I said that LA Knight was basically the modern Fandango which is crowd love his catchphrase but there is nothing else that takes him above midcard. Think you summed him up well there @JLM.

Also I think you’re spot on about Ava 


image.thumb.png.3cac075355557976637ca26d4aa4b361.pngThis is from the WWE website. She’s got a job for life, but she’s been awful in every role so far.

Also I can’t believe Ricochet dumped Kacy Catanzaro for Raw’s ring announcer Samantha “look at me” Irvine. What a downgrade!

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33 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I’m pretty sure when I said that LA Knight was basically the modern Fandango which is crowd love his catchphrase but there is nothing else that takes him above midcard. Think you summed him up well there @JLM.

You have this weird thing about always being right or bringing everything back to you. Not sure why but it is possible to discuss stuff without it.

Anyway crowds have been far hotter and for longer for LA Knight than they ever were for Fandango. If we still need to explain the difference - Fandango was never over. His theme was. And his theme was only over because that original stupid crowd wanted to get themselves over and it snowballed from there.

LA Knight has never been that. People have been genuinely invested in him all over the world. And just because they like his catchphrases, that doesn't mean he isn't popular. Plenty of acts have crowds going along with their catchphrases. 

They've invested time into him. They've given him proper top spot places on shows. He hasn't looked out of place. The crowds haven't rejected him.

Whether he stays at that spot or not, only time will tell. And I'm sure if he ends up in the mid card at some point you'll be the first to shout I WAS RIGHT! out of your window for everyone to hear. But he's absolutely not Fandango.

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2 hours ago, JLM said:

Fairly standard go-home promo from the lads who are not dethroning Roman. I enjoy LA Knight, his NXT run, his rise to prominence on the main roster, the shoes of a champion promo. He's a lot of fun, but man this crowd was only here for the catchphrase. Big pop for that, crickets for the rest of the promo. Complete silence when he took out Orton too. It's stuff like this that makes me think he's an upper midcard guy but not a world title winner. Maybe the pretend world title but not the real one. He's popular and they love the catchphrases but when it comes down to it he's not a star on the level of a Cody or a legacy guy like Orton. They like him but I'm not convinced they're hankering for him to be THE guy. 

Sounds a good fit to be US champ. Beating Logan at Mania.

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29 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

You have this weird thing about always being right or bringing everything back to you. Not sure why but it is possible to discuss stuff without it.

Anyway crowds have been far hotter and for longer for LA Knight than they ever were for Fandango. If we still need to explain the difference - Fandango was never over. His theme was. And his theme was only over because that original stupid crowd wanted to get themselves over and it snowballed from there.

LA Knight has never been that. People have been genuinely invested in him all over the world. And just because they like his catchphrases, that doesn't mean he isn't popular. Plenty of acts have crowds going along with their catchphrases. 

They've invested time into him. They've given him proper top spot places on shows. He hasn't looked out of place. The crowds haven't rejected him.

Whether he stays at that spot or not, only time will tell. And I'm sure if he ends up in the mid card at some point you'll be the first to shout I WAS RIGHT! out of your window for everyone to hear. But he's absolutely not Fandango.

You have this weird thing of replying to every single post I make. Making sure any opinion I have about anything is challenged by you. 

@air_raid I do think he should have already won something like that, but I think the US title would be a great barometer of whether that’s his ceiling or he could be playing at the top of the card. I just don’t think he’s shown he has it.

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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The only person in that whole building who recognised and reacted to Electra Lopez. He bloody LOVES NXT, does our Trips. Might have been the most tragic, “remember this, from NXT?” of all time. Crickets.

Whole thing felt like one last blow out as he feels the walls closing in on him. Electra Lopez. Karrion Kross reaching his (rubbish) Final Form. Asuka and Kairi as tag champions. AVA. Trick Williams. N-X-T! N-X-T! N-X-T!

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