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What's the HARDEST thing you've seen on screen

John Matrix

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Yes, it's another Matrix action movie themed thread... HOORAH! (I asked it on Twitter, but I think it could make for some useful chat)

Basically, I was watching Rambo III t'other night, and that bit where he pushes out a bit of shrapnel with his own thumb, before closing the wound with gunpowder and a hot knife might just be the single 'hardest' moment i've ever seen on film.

Cameron Poe walking through a bullet without flinching is another that springs to mind!

And then there's Jackie taking on all comers in Police Story.  For all his wonderful multi-man brawls, there's something about this one that just feels like "Fuck me, he can't take much more of this surely!"

What say you?


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I post this knowing both my choices are so far from the correct answer, but because I know it's worthless pretending I know anything about action movies in the presence of @John Matrix, I'm thinking out of that sphere.

First choice, this pair:


The amount of punishment these two absorb and still manage to get up is inhuman.

Second choice, this moment from (yes, I know, I'm sorry) Infinity War where Cap goes one-on-one with Thanos. WHAT A MAN.


Now I've sullied the thread before it started with superhero films, I'll scuttle away and you can start the proper discussion.

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59 minutes ago, Rey_Piste said:

When it comes to OTT violent hard men, it has to be Riki from the story of Riki Oh. From walking through bullets to punch someone, though to many heads being punched off. This NSFW video shows some of the highlights.


This is my choice too buy don't watch the highlights if you haven't seen the film, it's a gem and you should totally watch the whole thing.

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Mine’s a bit different to some of the above as it’s less superhero/gore, but more ‘real’ so to speak. 

In terms of ‘He’s solid’ I remember the first time I watched Snatch. The initial barn fight between George & Mickey. The way George towers over him and beats the shite out of Mickey, only for Mickey to start stretching in between made me giddy. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Arnie in Commando when he goes on a one man wrecking spree through the garden, especially the bit where he hides in the shed then impales the guy with the pitch fork and takes the other dudes hair clean off the scalp with the switchblade.

I seem to remember as a kid there was a bit of infamy around that and the version we got on BBC/ITV etc had that bit pretty heavily edited, had to wait quite a few years to see it in all it's glory. Seem to remember the ED209  scene in Robocop where he shoots the guy to pieces in the boardroom also ending up the same way when it hit terrestrial TV.

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37 minutes ago, Stylin_and_Profilin said:

Seem to remember the ED209  scene in Robocop where he shoots the guy to pieces in the boardroom also ending up the same way when it hit terrestrial TV.

Yep, they cut it short and edited out the squibs.

It's the butchering of Robocop by ITV that was probably a watershed in terrestrial channels cutting down on edited for TV films. They got a bunch of complaints about it and showed the uncut version a few months later as a response.

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