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I don't think it's a case of people getting pissed off that someone is coming for WWEs crown, it's more that any old shite with a bit of backing is being hailed as a rival to WWEs crown because that's what some people want.

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47 minutes ago, garynysmon said:

For all the piss and vinegar that's thrown at WWE, a large section of the general fanbase does seem to suffer from some kind of Stockholm syndrome and act like they're being forced to watch the product every week. I haven't watched WWE regularly for years, but the sheer amount of negativity suggests that many others shouldn't be bothering either if they don't get anything out of it. 

Yet, there's also an element of the wrestling fanbase that seem to want other companies to fail if its felt they're getting remotely close to having an effect on the WWE's monopoly-like dominance. I don't understand it personally. The WWE is hardly 'a little engine that could' that need such minions.


Very well put.

I actually think there are 4 groups of people who want this to fail:

1. The blatant WWE marks who see this a threat

2. Your stockholm syndrome lot

3. People who out of spite want to see it fail because other folks are getting excited about it and want to rub their noses in it

4. Cody Rhodes haters


Other than that, surely every wrestling fan would like this to succeed to give the industry the massive shot in the arm it requires?

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3 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

I don't think it's a case of people getting pissed off that someone is coming for WWEs crown, it's more that any old shite with a bit of backing is being hailed as a rival to WWEs crown because that's what some people want.

Yep. I'd say that this is spot on. Personally, it's not so much that I *want* AEW to fail, I just don't see how they can possibly succeed. Same as promotions like Five Star or 1PW really.

Dodgy ferry companies aside, you just don't magic up a major company out of nothing. It takes time to establish yourself and build up your customer base. You can chuck as much money at it as you like but it still doesn't mean that anyone will care. Especially if you're trying to "take on" the most successful company in the field.

Look at Vince's exploits in American Football and bodybuilding for example? Spent big, failed miserably and quickly pulled the plug before the losses got too great.

They need to spend big too. After all this hype, if they don't try and compete with WWE - or at least provide something far bigger than ROH/Impact, etc - then the whole thing will feel like a massive disappointment. They'll immediately lose whatever buzz they've created.

As odd as it sounds, given that he once got worked by Dixie Carter and believes in Lizard people, but I think Corgan has the right approach. He's gradually building the NWA, working with what he's got and keeping costs minimal to non-existent. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if he was making a small profit out of it.

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5 hours ago, MPDTT said:

Other than that, surely every wrestling fan would like this to succeed to give the industry the massive shot in the arm it requires?

Its was only a year or two ago when Jarrett had a big new company with a logo and big money backers. Any fan who's been paying attention has been burned many times, I don't want it to fail, but i wont be investing any serious time into it. You gonna get burned!

TNA had mega money but bad creative killed it, even when they were creatively better than WWE they couldnt get their marketing shit together to tell people (despite Dixie having a background in advertising???). ROH have big money owners, that dont want to spend any of it and have been drifting along in a weird phantom zone for over a decade. Even when WCW got Turner money you had to sit through over a year of dungeon of doom and Monster Truck match bollocks before the nWo kicked off. 

Also for a company with a billionaire backer, the logo and boring three letter name are shite.

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5 hours ago, MPDTT said:


3. People who out of spite want to see it fail because other folks are getting excited about it and want to rub their noses in it


It's not the "getting excited." It's the "being fucking morons about CM Punk, Goldberg and other things that simply are never going to happen."

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5 hours ago, MPDTT said:

Very well put.

I actually think there are 4 groups of people who want this to fail:

1. The blatant WWE marks who see this a threat

2. Your stockholm syndrome lot

3. People who out of spite want to see it fail because other folks are getting excited about it and want to rub their noses in it

4. Cody Rhodes haters


Other than that, surely every wrestling fan would like this to succeed to give the industry the massive shot in the arm it requires?

5. The people who are generally indifferent to the whole thing. They, by which I mean I, don’t want to see it fail, but at the same time are sceptical about it on the basis that there are a lot of fans who think it will is ushering in some sort of new ‘boom period’, which it most likely won’t 

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23 hours ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

People are suggesting this shouldn’t be WWE-lite but are then talking about things normalised in WWE (or rather by mainstream wrestling) like commentary. I want this to try things that are totally new.

You know what would be quite cool? Don't even have the weekly matches in a ring, or even in an arena. 

Shoot the whole thing like a regular TV show, with scenes in bars, supermarkets, carparks, restaurants, shit like that, and intersperse it with "social media" type streaming segments shot by the wrestlers and "fans" which can be fed to the audience via social media channels and so on (an idea that's been taken from something @Supremo mentioned a while back)

Remember the fight between Austin and Booker T in the supermarket? Imagine shit like that on a regular occurrence, with wrestlers attacking each other in everyday life situations.

Cody Rhodes mowing his lawn on an afternoon only for a nondescript white van with out of town plates to pull up and five dudes in jeans and leather waistcoats leap out and not only beat Rhodes to a pulp, but also use nearby gardening tools to fuck up his freshly mown lawn.

We could see build-up to the big payoff matches that are actually held in a wrestling ring in a Rocky-esque type of fashion, where Rhodes gets out of hospital and his wife says she wants him to give up wrestling and get a job at a slaughter house or something, but eventually he loses the job and they run out of money and his wife has to get a job to make ends meet.

She then takes a funny turn while moving birdseed at her job and lapses into a coma, only to wake up and tell Cody to win the big match, all that kind of jazz.

Rope Goldberg in as his trainer, have Jericho as leader of the gang who beat him up, with the white van later being identified as the Fozzy tour van.

Anyone got an email address for this Khan fella? I think this could work.

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I can't believe there are WWE marks who see this as a threat any more than I can believe people care enough about Cody Rhodes to be "Haters" and want his latest venture to fail.  I'd bet actual money that the majority of WWE fans haven't ever heard of this venture, and if you told them, they still wouldn't care.

As I've said, its the Emperors New Clothes lot that sour me on this, but not to the point where I hope they fail.  It's those neckbeards who hate Vince so much they will champion any old bollocks and reverse Stockholm Syndrome it and see anything more than what seems to constitute a "Company" over here (with a few exceptions) as the great white hope.

I'm really interested in how things such as medical care and workers rights can shake up the business, so for that reason alone I'd love this to have an impact on how wrestlers, and not wrestling, are viewed

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I'm sceptical because of the following reasons

World Wrestling All-Stars
Xcitement Wrestling Federation
Major League Wrestling
Wrestling Society X
Global Force Wrestling

By which I mean I'm old enough to have seen various people try and start up wrestling companies that are Indy+, and it's incredibly hard.  People shit on TNA but it's STILL going and has outlasted WCW and ECW, and that's an impressive feat in itself.  Same for ROH, that organisation has legs.

By contrast, many wrestling fans with some money behind them have shown their arse since WCW folded.  Remember that guy Jonathan Vargas who founded Wrestlicious?  I wonder how much of his lottery winnings Jimmy Hart got him to spend before the whole thing collapsed.  Money marks are the lifeblood of the carny wrestling world.

I hope this one succeeds.  It's got some interesting names associated with it.  But the route they are trying to take is a lot harder than building a small indy, creating a reputation with fans and wrestlers alike, and then trying to get tv. 

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Those of us who lived through WCW going under and TNA's Monday Night Wars for a month will always be skeptical. Usually its not getting a billionaire investor to commit. Its to keep that investor interested. So until this gets off the ground, its hard to make any predictions. Who knows what the wrestling or TV landscape will look like in a years time. The likes of Cody Rhodes and the Young Bucks are only contracted to Tony Khan. They dont own it. And the contracts are holding deals that nobody knows the extent of. If things dont progress in the next 6 months, are they really going to see it out or are WWE going to swoop in and offer them deals to make sure this doesnt get off the ground?

I do find it interesting that people think Vince McMahon is some brain dead old Ronald Regan Spitting Image puppet, though. You dont fuck with him. He'll use every dirty tactic you can think of to make sure this doesnt come close to breaking into his market share. This idea they'll chop Vince's head off and skull fuck it I dont expect.

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Meltzer is reporting that New Japan have, right now, decided they're working with ROH and not AEW, which really changes the landscape of both promotions for the worse.

Omega leaving, though clearly still wanting to stay in New Japan, spells out what I said before Wrestle Kingdom (I think maybe the New Japan thread) that Kenny was going to AEW. WWE is in the hunt, but I just don't see it.

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I'm not really sure if I should be surprised, but I am. I honestly didn't expect Omega to leave NJPW, for a company with a name and not much else. If he goes to WWE it'll make some sense, but leaving to join AEW whilst not being able to work NJPW is a mistake for him in my eyes. 

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14 minutes ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

Meltzer is reporting that New Japan have, right now, decided they're working with ROH and not AEW, which really changes the landscape of both promotions for the worse.

Omega leaving, though clearly still wanting to stay in New Japan, spells out what I said before Wrestle Kingdom (I think maybe the New Japan thread) that Kenny was going to AEW. WWE is in the hunt, but I just don't see it.


3 minutes ago, WeeAl said:

I'm not really sure if I should be surprised, but I am. I honestly didn't expect Omega to leave NJPW, for a company with a name and not much else. If he goes to WWE it'll make some sense, but leaving to join AEW whilst not being able to work NJPW is a mistake for him in my eyes. 

Kenny loves Japan, Kota and his friends most of all. Far more than making the biggest money or achieving the biggest standing he can in wrestling. He marches to the beat of his own drum. He's also incredibly proud about standing out and being different and talks a lot about change in the industry. Kenny going to join Cody and The Bucks try and make Elite into something special and big time is his choice, not "a mistake." It could only be a mistake if the talent involved cared most about making the most money for themselves out of the business which simply isn't who Kenny Omega is. Kenny choosing leaving New Japan despite being made their champion and his buddies throwing themselves into a startup is no mere coincidence.

If Kenny signs for WWE instead of Elite I will wear an Arsenal shirt.

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