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A while back, CM Punk said the only match he'd come back to wrestling for was him and Colt Cabana against the Young Bucks. Obviously that was before he and Colt had their tiff, and before he shat the bed in his UFC career, so anything could happen, but I'd say if there's any prospect of him going back to wrestling at all, working with the Bucks and Cody seems more likely than not.


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1 minute ago, Factotum said:

Vince would have him back in a heartbeat. Vince has proven time and time again he gives no shits what you did (unless you're Randy Savage) if you can help business.

Saying that, I don't think Punk would go back to WWE. The AEW thing would be much more of an interest to him I imagine.

I didn't say Vince wouldn't have him back. We know he'll take almost all of them back. But it's normally on his terms unless you're a massive star. Then he'll chase you. I think Punk goes back if he approaches them or if a mutual party smooths the way, like when Bruno finally came back.

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5 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

I didn't say Vince wouldn't have him back. We know he'll take almost all of them back. But it's normally on his terms unless you're a massive star. Then he'll chase you. I think Punk goes back if he approaches them or if a mutual party smooths the way, like when Bruno finally came back.

That was HHH though and him and Punk hate each other. HHH played a huge role in him leaving. It's hard to see who could smooth it over or how he could come back. He still has huge name value in the Wrestling world and would be a massive draw for them at Wrestlemania but there are many obsticles that need to be overcome first. I would guess part of his demands would be going on last a Wrestlemania and making him the true main event.

Although it makes sense, I cannot ever see Vince giving this to him and even if he was willing to I can see HHH trying to block it at every stage. If HHH does that you can certainly think Steph would be on his side and trying it too. The only person from the McMahons I could see who could fight his corner would be Shane and I don't think they know each other that well. Shane was gone as Punk was rising up the card.

Heyman is the only person I can see who could fight to get Punk back, especially as Lesnar is due to leave either at the Rumble or Mania. 

I think Punks only real chance is HHH and Vince making concessions to stop him signing with All Elite. If that happens and they give Punk his financial demands and a headlining spot at Mania you can bet that he's going to be screwed by the booking straight after. He's not going to come out of this as a real winner. They will try their best to devalue him and kill off as much name value as possible.

Will be interesting to see what happens though. As All Elite have some big time backers who could easily overpay just to get someone with Punk name value in from the start. Depending on how much Vince actually wants him back Punk could have the potential to play both off against each other to get the money and status he wants. Which I can definitely see Punk doing.

Vince should know this and possibly the best way to screw Punk from his perspective is not get involved at all, stop any potential bidding war and hope that the idea fails. 



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I still think if Punk comes back for anything it'll be to headline WrestleMania, win a title, show up once or twice in 3 to 6 months and earn a shed load of cash for it. The fact Punk was willing to go through all that training to give UFC a go despite surely knowing that it was going to go the way it went, only convinces me more. 

I'm also not convinced Vince would give enough of a shit to not offer Punk a deal one day either. He'll work with anyone again. And he knows that eventually anyone would work with him.


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I'd wager WWE doesn't give the slightest shit whether CM Punk signs with AEW. And he should never get a Wrestlemania main event, just to make him even more miserable.

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Punk's a guy who is being sued by both his best friend and his own mother in recent years. If he'd not making up with those closest to him, I'd bet you'll not see him in wrestling again. He's one of these types who has to prove they can do something even if they cant (UFC, The Challenge on MTV, that shitty comic nobody bought etc.), so I bet he wanks at night at the idea he'll be the one guy who never went back.

Either that or he'll die in his next fight against some youtuber.

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The only way Punk ‘comes back’ to WWE is in 10, 15, 20 years from now as a bitter old talking head in a documentary, which would probably be about himself, as a last resort for some beefed up royalties. He’s absolutely stubborn as fuck. 

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17 minutes ago, air_raid said:

It's getting so easy to want this to fail.

Why? If you don’t think you will like it, it’ll be easy enough to just not watch it. But why would you want it to fail? 

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11 minutes ago, Louch said:

Why? If you don’t think you will like it, it’ll be easy enough to just not watch it. But why would you want it to fail? 

The fact it seems to bother so many people, like you, when somebody says it for a start.

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