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Trivial Things That Annoy You...


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22 minutes ago, Bicurious Dad said:

You keep ignoring the part where you said you shot out a tirade of personal insults at him. That's not 'arguing' and provoked or not it's a cunts move. 

It started as an argument, that escalated into insults, then a threat of physical violence. I am not quite sure as to what a "cunts move" is? 

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People at work who treat Halloween as though it's a thing for grown adults. They spend about a week putting up the decorations and then, on the day, you just know exactly which prick is going to come in in full Halloween regalia. And then have a little dig about you "not getting into the spirit of it.' Fuck off, mate. This isn't the US and you aren't a "right laugh."

Also the rampant misogyny in my office annoys me too.

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On 10/14/2018 at 6:50 PM, Lord-Mountevans said:

This one caused a massive shitstorm at work for me, that escalated very quickly & is still rumbling on after it happened over four years ago!

* i must point out that the only break we have at work is a 30 minute unpaid dinner time*

So i am sat outside in the sun with my colleges one random dinner time, when this independent contractor approaches me with the "sorry to interrupt your dinner" routine & sticks a job sheet under my nose! My work mates are laughing because they know how annoyed i get about that kind of thing. I politely start to explain to him that i am on my break & not getting paid. He only runs off, not giving me the chance to explain, thus turning my anger into embarrassment.

Later in the afternoon i find out from the owner of the company that he went straight into his office & grassed me up for "not being a team player". He then returns in the afternoon & gives me a mouthful of abuse, using his big fat sausage fingers to point at me in a very aggressive manner. It is a this point i start to lose it & point out that nobody likes him because he is " very boring & always stopping people working while he forces them to listen to his crap" (he talks at people & never listens or is interested in what you have to say).

He then approaches me & says "get out of my way or i will put you on the floor" (i was not in his way, he walked towards  me to point out i "was in his way").

So i finished my shift and slashed the cunts tyres, before he came running out to try and stop me and I took the blade across his cheek for good measure.

The prick.

This is how the story should have gone, you'd have been the real hero then.

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On 10/15/2018 at 1:10 PM, The British Bushwacker said:

on the subject of Tea, over stirrers are a bloody menace as well, give it a couple of whirls round fine, but don't clank the spoon around the cup like Charlie Bucket's mother stirring the washing

You need to add a sugar clause to this. A couple of whirls is not enough to dissolve sugar in your tea, leading to the far more serious problem of under-stirring. 

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A post elsewhere reminded me that I could have a whole thread of these about flight/airport annoyances.

I take, on average, one return flight a month, but at busy times I've had something like six flights in eight days or something preposterous like that. 

Airports are dreadful, and being effectively trapped in one location with no real control over my own schedule means that I'm going to already have a higher baseline level of irritation than I ordinarily would, and that everything is going to piss me off. The following are reliably going to happen every fucking time;

  • Someone will, invariably, come up and sit in the Quiet Zone at Gatwick and start watching something on their phone without headphones, having a loud phone conversation, or just having a screaming kid with them. No one will have words with them, because people who sit in the Quiet Zone aren't the most assertive folk in the world in the first place. Besides, snitches get stitches.
  • Wheely suitcases. Anyone with a wheely suitcase immediately loses all sense of spatial awareness, and will start cutting in front of you in queues for escalators etc., seemingly oblivious to the chunk of metal and plastic between themselves and you. Especially egregious in the narrow aisles of one of Gatwick's ever-growing number of WH Smithses.
  • Airport security. Not the security itself, but idiots at security. 
    I have a travel washbag. In it, all my travel toiletries are kept permanently in a see-through plastic bag. When my bag is packed, the washbag is at the top. This means that I can get to them quickly, and not have to root around unpacking my bag to separate them at security. I also make sure I wear shoes I won't have to remove at security, and dress so that, at most, I'll only have to remove a jacket and a belt. All of this is designed to make my, and everybody else's, life easier. It seems like common sense.
    So why, every time I fly, do I end up stuck behind someone weighed down with metal jewelry, in lace-up boots that have to go through the scanner and take an age to remove, and who have packed eighteen bottles of water and a jar of homemade jam in their cabin bag? And why do they always act as if it's a shocking turn of events that they're not allowed to take these things through, like it hasn't just been how air travel works for the better part of twenty years, and there aren't signs everywhere telling you, and announcements every ten seconds.
    Then, at the other side of security, you've got to wait forever because everyone in front of you is meticulously removing every item from the tray one at a time, getting re-dressed, holding up the queue while you wait for your stuff to come through. All while security staff are shouting "PLEASE LIFT UP THE WHOLE TRAY" right in their ears.
  • The shuttle bus at Gatwick Airport. I hate it. Irrationally. So much that annoys me about air travel is the frustration of not being in control - just being shuffled around from place to place, having somewhere to be but having no power over how long it takes you to get there, nothing you can do will prevent delays, nothing you do will get you on the plane any faster, or get the plane moving when it's been sat motionless on the runway for half an hour.
    So the point when you get off the plane feels liberating - that's when I can power-walk straight through baggage reclaim, fully in control once again, and make my way to my destination. Grab your bag, get off the plane as soon as you can, and get on your way. Which is why it's so fucking annoying to get off the plane, and be confronted by this shitty little bus. Because just when you thought you were in control again, no, here's somewhere else for you to sit and wait for everyone else to get off the plane, taking their sweet time, and then slowly trundle round to a tiny door that you're already going to try and cram yourselves through at once.
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13 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Airport security. Not the security itself, but idiots at security. 
I have a travel washbag. In it, all my travel toiletries are kept permanently in a see-through plastic bag. When my bag is packed, the washbag is at the top. This means that I can get to them quickly, and not have to root around unpacking my bag to separate them at security. I also make sure I wear shoes I won't have to remove at security, and dress so that, at most, I'll only have to remove a jacket and a belt. All of this is designed to make my, and everybody else's, life easier. It seems like common sense.
So why, every time I fly, do I end up stuck behind someone weighed down with metal jewelry, in lace-up boots that have to go through the scanner and take an age to remove, and who have packed eighteen bottles of water and a jar of homemade jam in their cabin bag? And why do they always act as if it's a shocking turn of events that they're not allowed to take these things through, like it hasn't just been how air travel works for the better part of twenty years, and there aren't signs everywhere telling you, and announcements every ten seconds.
Then, at the other side of security, you've got to wait forever because everyone in front of you is meticulously removing every item from the tray one at a time, getting re-dressed, holding up the queue while you wait for your stuff to come through. All while security staff are shouting "PLEASE LIFT UP THE WHOLE TRAY" right in their ears.

Yeah, I'd hate to be behind @UK Kat Von Dat an airport too.

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