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Foreign Objects

Kaz Hayashi

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We’re going to be chatting about numerous topics on a new wrestling radio show (Spanish Announce Table) tomorrow night (Wed: 8.00pm - 10.00GMT) on http://www.novaradio.co.uk/.

Atopic of discussion will be a top 10 list of signature foreign objects. We have opened it up to public vote based on our condensed list which includes weapons and of course, animals. We appreciate this isn’t a ‘full’ list but it’s condensed for voting and discussion ease. We’ve tried to keep all options ‘signature’ so ladders and ring steps for example, aren’t included.

Please select your top 10 from the link and post/ discuss below. 


The top 10 overall will be discussed along with comments and reasons for choosing.

Poll open until 8.00pm on Wednesday (tomorrow) and which point our team will select their top 10 and see how it fairs against the public choice. 

The winner will clearly be Miss Betsy 

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Macho Man's sceptremakes my list just for that incredible whack he gave Warrior at Rumble 91.

Forgot how much I marked for the Muta/Tajiri green mist spot. Particularly Tajiri. God I loved that guy.

Luger's steel plate is another personal favourite. Just loved Luger full stop throughout his WWF run. Not as much as Bret but he was a close second.

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Regal and his infamous brass knuckles were always a favourite of mine. They kept finding interesting ways for him to keep them hidden as refs started cottoning on to his shenanigans as the weeks/months passed. Such a simple, diskish way to get heat from someone who was already a massively entertaining heel.

They kept coming up with inventive finishes too - I remember him clocking Big Show on an episode of Smackdown, only for a knocked out Show to collapse on top of him for the accidental pin. Even after the 3-count I think he was still trying to kick out because Show was still sprawled out on top of top of his shoulders. 

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The Boss Man's nightstick, for its versatility. You can club someone with it, choke someone with it, shoot someone with it (or so I assumed when getting my first pair of Hasbros).

And that "intercepted" lob during the Survivor Series '98 Deadly Game tournament was a terrific moment both during the match and with the later hindsight of the night's conclusion.

When it finally decides the outcome of next year's Royal Rumble, mark my words, every Superstar in the locker room will want one.

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Surely you mean "international objects"?

JJ Dillon's shoe is possibly the most lethal object known to man. Many a time he'd casually slip it off, pass it surreptitiously to Tully Blanchard, and he'd sneakily KO Dusty Rhodes with it while the referee wasn't looking. It was never explained how it could do more damage than just hitting someone with your fist...

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What is that white thing that looks like a tampon? Seem to remember Flair using it in years ago to wallop someone

My girlfriend's 10 year old is just starting to realise it's not genuine, pick holes in the blown spots and question the storyline holes. Yet this weekend we watched a Jerry Lawler match on the Network this weekend, and he was mega into the "hide a foreign object in your trunks" spot. That's how I know I'm watching good wrestling nowadays, when he just enjoys it for what it is and starts getting excited.


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My favourite of all time has to be Greg Valentine's Heartbreaker shin pad that he used to add illegal "extra pressure" to his figure four leglock. And by extension, I also love that Ronnie Garvin had his own version to counter it, the Hammer Jammer. It's the fact that they named them that appeals so much - I couldn't tell you why. Had D'Lo named the chest-plate, it'd be up there too (although it is in my top ten).

(Back when I was training and was still under the illusion I might wrestle someday, I liked the concept so much that I thought I might do my own version - an arm protector that I'd turn around and push up onto my triceps for a top rope elbow drop. I'd have named it the "Double Cross", with two crosses made of tape stuck on it.)

Hence my disappointment they're not in there.

As it goes, I've voted for, amongst others, Tajiri's green mist, Macho's sceptre, and the Mountie's cattle prod.

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2 hours ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

They kept coming up with inventive finishes too - I remember him clocking Big Show on an episode of Smackdown, only for a knocked out Show to collapse on top of him for the accidental pin. Even after the 3-count I think he was still trying to kick out because Show was still sprawled out on top of top of his shoulders. 

You remember it right, loved that. Regal's whole run with the brass knuckles was always cleverly done.

I always liked Paul E. Dangerously and his mobile phone.


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54 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

My favourite of all time has to be Greg Valentine's Heartbreaker shin pad that he used to add illegal "extra pressure" to his figure four leglock. And by extension, I also love that Ronnie Garvin had his own version to counter it, the Hammer Jammer. It's the fact that they named them that appeals so much - I couldn't tell you why. Had D'Lo named the chest-plate, it'd be up there too (although it is in my top ten).

(Back when I was training and was still under the illusion I might wrestle someday, I liked the concept so much that I thought I might do my own version - an arm protector that I'd turn around and push up onto my triceps for a top rope elbow drop. I'd have named it the "Double Cross", with two crosses made of tape stuck on it.)

Hence my disappointment they're not in there.

As it goes, I've voted for, amongst others, Tajiri's green mist, Macho's sceptre, and the Mountie's cattle prod.

Not to worry though, we’ll discuss noticeable omissions, as there’s a few that should be on, but slipped through the net (the net being my inevitable fisherman gimmick).

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It's a shame everything is so overused these days. Tables/Chairs being brought out doesn't quite feel special as its almost every week or PPV themed.

Anyway my viewing was the attitude era and always thought the thumbtacks was something else, a whole bag of them being thrown in the ring and just a matter of time before either one or both will be landing on them. Foley/Triple H had some epic moments with them as well and then seeing all the thumbtacks stuck on the body was always a visual. 

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It’s amazing how many people have said that the ‘Hardys & ladders’, should be on the list.

I appreciate that ladders are a prime candidate for general ‘weapon/foreign object’, but I’ve never considered ladders to be the Hardys signature weapon. I’d much more consider T3D and tables to be deemed signature, compared to Hardys and ladders.

Am i in the wrong here?

This will be discussed now it’s become a discussion point. Just want people’s views in general.

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One of my favourites was the stop sign in ECW, I always thought that made a great noise, was more interesting than a chair, and was fun for wedging into an opponent stuck in the corner or tree of woe then lamping them with a dropkick. Gave me a great moment at House Party 96 during the Buelah and Tommy reveal where Dreamer lamped Raven with the "Tommy Use My Sign" sign which had the aforementioned roadside paraphernalia concealed within.

Even gave my CAW the stop sign as preferred weapon on No Mercy - which was daft as my character was quite obviously Benoit from bell to bell and never needed brawling or weapons but whatever.

3 hours ago, Count Calibla said:

What is that white thing that looks like a tampon? Seem to remember Flair using it in years ago to wallop someone

My girlfriend's 10 year old is just starting to realise it's not genuine,

I got this far and wondered what I was reading for a moment.

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4 minutes ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

It’s amazing how many people have said that the ‘Hardys & ladders’, should be on the list.

I appreciate that ladders are a prime candidate for general ‘weapon/foreign object’, but I’ve never considered ladders to be the Hardys signature weapon. I’d much more consider T3D and tables to be deemed signature, compared to Hardys and ladders.

Am i in the wrong here?

This will be discussed now it’s become a discussion point. Just want people’s views in general.

I definitely consider ladders at the Hardy signature weapon, especially Jeff. They got saddled with them after No Mercy '99 and it was cemented with all the build-up to the those two big first TLC matches; E&C being linked with chairs, The Duds to tables and the Hardys to ladders.

Any gimmick match involving the Hardys would usually involve ladder and the commentary would push this whenever they got involved. Hell, they even used a ladder during their cage match with E&C at Unforgiven 2000. In fact, I'm struggling to think of a hardcore/gimmick match involved Matt and/or Jeff that didn't involve the use of ladders, especially during their 200-2002 run. Even on their subsequent returns you'd be hard pushed to find a match of theirs with little-to-no rules that didn't include a ladder.

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