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The Celebrity Sexual Harassment and Rapists Thread

Devon Malcolm

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On 9/17/2023 at 8:42 AM, Chest Rockwell said:

How does that make him untouchable? His YouTube could be demonetised at a touch of a button

And there it is. No YouTube money for Brand.

I'm sure he'll sign up to Truth and start complaining about this on there. 



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11 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

I read that Brand was abused as a minor, that sort of trauma is a pathway to addiction. 

Unless there's other stuff I'm not aware of - I've read his autobiography, he mentions one incident with a family friend when he was young that he didn't really understand at the time. It didn't sound like it has had a any real affect on him as a person. I think his pathway to addiction was more likely from his unstable home life and mental illness issues (he's bipolar and has ADHD). Or maybe he just loved doing drugs - addictions don't always require a dark, troubled past.

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There definitely were issues in his childhood - just looking at his Wikipedia, there's stories of his dad taking him to visit prostitutes when he was underage, and while that might not be as straightforward as what you'd normally think of when you hear "abused as a child", it's still textbook sexual abuse in how it distorts a young person's view of sex and appropriate behaviour.

I don't think his addiction issues, or childhood trauma, are explanation of who he became, though. There are victims of abuse who will continue that cycle, in part because they have never learned what appropriate behaviour is (I often use the analogy of a friend of mine who had a drinking problem, whose dad was an alcoholic - he was able to deny the seriousness of his own problem, by pointing to his dad and saying, "I'm not an alcoholic, because that's what an alcoholic looks like"; if your baseline is in the wrong place, it's so difficult to know what "normal" looks like). There are victims who turn to self-destructive behaviour, whether that's drink and drugs, or how they approach other relationships - I know when I was at my worst in terms of drink and drugs, I was also at my worst in terms of relationships and how I treated other people, and I think a lot of that behaviour was a kind of subconscious self-sabotage, this sense of "I'm a piece of shit, I don't deserve to be happy", so I'd push buttons, get into arguments, and generally be a dickhead to people who cared about me because part of me wanted to push them away, and it's only looking back that you realise that's what you were doing. I think a lot of people who end up abusing people to some extent do so out of self-loathing, and as an extension of self-destructive behaviour, rather than out of any contempt for the other person - that obviously doesn't excuse or downplay the seriousness of the issue, or what their victims go through, but in terms of addressing the root causes, I think it's important to identify that. In wrestling SpeakingOut terms, there are people named who I would consider on the self-loathing, self-destructive side of things, and others that were just manipulative, predatory pieces of shit.


I think Brand absolutely falls into the latter category. His abuse doesn't come from a place of weakness, it comes from a place of power. It's not the actions of someone who doesn't know what is or isn't appropriate (as the text messages they showed indicate), but someone who's well aware of the difference but knows that his position in society and the power and protection that affords him means that the difference simply doesn't matter. 

It's one of the reasons why him using the "mainstream media is out to get me" defence is so sickening - he's a TV star and Hollywood actor, currently on a major theatre tour, and it's his position within the mainstream media that gave him the position to do what he did, and afforded him protection from criticism for so long. 

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44 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Unless there's other stuff I'm not aware of - I've read his autobiography, he mentions one incident with a family friend when he was young that he didn't really understand at the time.

So, he was abused then. 


45 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Or maybe he just loved doing drug

That’s a recreational user. Brand is an addict. And a rapist. 

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On 9/17/2023 at 9:35 AM, Browser Brady said:

In there any active police investigation? I am guessing not. He cant be found guilty of anything if he isnt charged.


If he isnt found guilty then why would youtube boot him if he hasnt broken any terms of their service ?



It seems he has broken their terms of service 


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16 hours ago, Cousin Jim Bob said:

She was apparently blasting him right in his face with the sexual assault allegations in front of a crowd but it was all being edited out. Probably because he is a litigious prick, so fair play and brave she did it.

If he's found guilty, here's hoping that footage gets shown.

What I found unsettling about Dispatches is how Brand was using the studio audiences and some of the production staff like a meat market, and every time he was let go and then brought back, he went straight back to sending runners out to get girls for him. It was almost like he made it a condition of his employment.

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5 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

So, he was abused then. 


That’s a recreational user. Brand is an addict. And a rapist. 

Yes he definitely was, but my point was that it doesn't seem to be the cause of his drug addiction as it sadly can be for others.

Recreational drug use can often lead to drug addiction. And yes, he is a rapist.

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2 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Yes he definitely was, but my point was that it doesn't seem to be the cause of his drug addiction as it sadly can be for others.

As we are both unqualified, I’m suggesting that the abuse and the trauma he had in youth was a factor in addiction. I’m not saying it definitely was, I’m suspect it was. ADHD can also be a factor in addiction so couple that in there and you’ve got an addictive personality waiting to happen. 
And it isn’t just drug addiction. There’s alcohol addiction, sex addiction and currently I’d suggest there is “Wellness” addiction. As in a version of the “Runners high” that he gets from his healthy lifestyle. 
But throughout it all has been another addiction, adoration. He’s always craved it and like many who have it, used that power to feed his addiction with no thought of consequences to those he abused in the process. It’s all collateral when you’re chasing that high. 

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He's a narcissist, a lot of the other behaviour stems from there.   An excessive need for adoration, delusional self-importance, lack of empathy and exploitative behaviour - that's narcissistic personality disorder.

His various addictions could be seen as a way of enhancing that ego, or dealing with bouts of depression that can accompany narcissistic personalities.

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18 hours ago, deathrey said:

Is the general consensus that Brand was the comedian that Katherine Ryan was referring to? Even if he wasn't, she was given lots of legal ramifications for saying anything as I understand. I think speaking out without any kind of actual proof is tricky.

I did wonder whether that was why one of the anonymous victims' lines were being read by somebody with a North American accent.

Bloody GBeebies. All the salt scum of the earth types are spekaing out in defence of him. Andrew Tate, Musk, Lozza Fox, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson, Neil Oliver (the scottish guy from off of out of Coast; turns out he's a GBeebies presenter).

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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4 hours ago, Browser Brady said:

Has he? They aren’t consistent - how many other YouTubers have been acted in horrible ways and yet remain monetised? A fair few.

If YouTube has strong evidence that these allegations are all true, then they should suspend the channel. All they're doing now is earning OFF it (his next video on there will get huge eyes on it) maintaining his batshit audience and fueling their conspiracy nuts theory around all this,

This doesn't mean that I think he's innocent. I believe the allegations against Brand, anyone around Camden at certain points in the 2000s has or heard stories (along with another long haired comedian) Good on the thorough reporting, and I hope more people can feel they can step forward with their stories. The fact he hasn't answered any of the legal questions after 8 days (which is quite a fair time for a paper to offer) shows both arrogance and fear.

As for the the mad defenders, most it seems have seen this as the latest culture war boat to jump on. They don't actually believe a lot of what they're saying. It's a way of making THEM relevant. Most seem to have not even read the article with the texts etc. I guess they wont pay for the MSM.

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