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The Celebrity Sexual Harassment and Rapists Thread

Devon Malcolm

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This is a bit dodgy. 
All said they felt ready to speak only after being approached by reporters. Several said they felt compelled to do so given Brand’s newfound prominence as an online wellness influencer, with millions of followers on YouTube and other sites.

So reporters approached THEM? Despite anonymity the reporters knew who the women were? I can understand the women approaching reporters but the other way around is a bit rum. Totally feeds into the “They’re out to get me” narrative. 

I’m sure the programme will clarify what that means. 

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2 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

I can understand the women approaching reporters but the other way around is a bit rum.

Isn't that "we've heard a rumour, what's your story" more than anything else?

It's shit if they are harassing victims for a story, but that approach could just be legitimate investigation of the story, unless I'm over simplifying.

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9 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

Isn't that "we've heard a rumour, what's your story" more than anything else?

It's shit if they are harassing victims for a story, but that approach could just be legitimate investigation of the story, unless I'm over simplifying.

Obviously it’s me speculating without seeing the programme, but it could be a case of Russell Brand has hundreds of sexual partners, let’s contact all the ones we have info for and look for a story.  Four women who don’t know each other all being approached by reporters says to me they weren’t the only women approached in looking for the story. It’s plausible they contacted a hundred women who said he wasn’t abusive or controlling. It’s also possible once one woman spoke out, the other women felt they could after the reporters confirmed someone else had been abused. 

When the press approach people, it’s usually along the lines of “We are printing this about you, we are giving you the chance to put your side across but even if you don’t, we are running it anyway”. 

If one woman came forward after being approached by the reporters and it led to others confirming when they were asked, then great. I’m also sure that there’s the possibility that others were assaulted but didn’t want to talk to them. 

For clarity, I totally believe the women and can believe they aren’t the only ones Brand abused. I’m suspicious of the motives of the press. But as I say, I’m sure the programme will go into more detail. 

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Dispatches is a highly reputable investigative unit, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they weren’t doorstepping random exes of Brand’s but were directed there by good information, and the women felt empowered to finally speak up.

It’s about the least  surprising revelation ever isn’t it, he’s always been a giant walking penis with a long drug history.  He’d be my pick for an obvious modern day Jimmy Page (or choose any touring rock band of the 70s and 80s)!

The Me Too movement is fascinating because I don’t think mens’ behaviour has particularly changed in thousands of years but society’s attitude changed almost overnight and then quickly began backtracking through the years to retrospectively expose molesters who’d got away with it, and indeed seen their peers and their predecessors get away with it.

 And there’s a cut of around, fuzzily, maybe 1990 where earlier than that too much time has passed and so famous “womanisers” are still lionised.  Like Page and Plant, or letter be honest a LOT of the wrestlers we still have affection for (Raven, HBK just as examples).



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8 minutes ago, Loki said:

Dispatches is a highly reputable investigative unit, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they weren’t doorstepping random exes of Brand’s but were directed there by good information, and the women felt empowered to finally speak up.

That’s true. It’s not like they’re the ones who approach celebs or sportsmen with “We know you’re gay, give us the exclusive so you can look brave in our paper because we are printing it anyway and you’ll look sordid”

I was thinking about Soapdish’s point about the victims and how it’s up to them to tell their story and about potential risk to them. But I’m sure safeguarding is in place. 

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9 minutes ago, Hugh Thesz said:

Sorry to be thick but is Dispatches highlighting Brand or; as I've seen suggested, other "Class A celebrities" 

Brand. The episode is titled "Russell Brand: Hiding In Plain Sight". Anything more is just speculation. 

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