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The Celebrity Sexual Harassment and Rapists Thread

Devon Malcolm

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18 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I know this is a tiny, tiny part of the Internet but putting my paranoid head on (Hey, maybe Russell IS right and we are all in a system) but I would suggest naming people who haven't been alleged/charged is fairly slippery, and reckon that any vanity searchers will scour any, and all parts of the web to see what people are allegedly saying about them.

Just my tuppence.

Judging from my Facebook feed I wouldn't stress too much over this. It seems like it's open season with loads of acts naming folk. Also, I suspect I may need a new opener for next Feb's show 😫 

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1 hour ago, Dead Mike said:

As in comedian who was only famous in the 90s or who broke through then?

Comedian who was arguably at their height in the 90s. Not going to name them if nobody comes forward about them, as it's not my story to tell.

Fact of the matter is, we're caught between two things - the sort of rampant speculation that came of the "BBC personality" shitshow earlier in the year, that harms more than it helps, and the knowledge that there are a lot of predatory egotists in comedy, and live entertainment in general. Speculation isn't helpful, but when you've all heard a bit of a story here and there over the years, it's also inevitable.

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The comedy industry is probably a lot closer to wrestling than other recent scandals (BBC & Football) as there's no real big employer. Its essentially a bunch of self employed people working for a group of (largely indie) promoters which is all done on reputation & word of mouth. Hidden Facebook groups for acts & promoters alike giving warnings/recommendations. There's nobody at 'the top' who can ultimately be held accountable or a 'toxic work culture' as it varies hugely. I guess 5 when bigger acts who are 'known' to be bad guys are still given big opportunities rather than a string of dodgy green room behaviour.

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I've woken up today and I am really in a sad sad mood from the offset. Me and my fiance were talking last night and she said if it's going to bring you into a bad place don't watch it.    How could I possibly do that it would make me feel even worse not watching and being in that camp of its all lies ext. I just feel fucking deflated and numb that this is happening with someone who literally saved my life two years ago...... 

I just feel like not trusting anyone again because it seems everyone fucking let's you down and has a fucking hidden agenda 

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7 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

How could I possibly do that it would make me feel even worse not watching and being in that camp of its all lies ext

I don't know why you would think the latter if you don't watch it? 

If you think watching it will upset you, then don't watch it. There is enough of it about that it's probably going to be quite hard to ignore if you use social media, but if you genuinely believe it will upset you too much, don't watch it would be my advice.

But again, I don't see how you would be in the "non believers" camp if you don't watch it?

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At least he’s got this seal of approval…


Love the way Barrymore’s just gone straight in with the “they” conspiracy theories before the thing’s even aired. Completely ignoring that there might actually be damning evidence and also writing off any potential accusers before they’ve even had their say. 

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8 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

At least he’s got this seal of approval…


Love the way Barrymore’s just gone straight in with the “they” conspiracy theories before the thing’s even aired. Completely ignoring that there might actually be damning evidence and also writing off any potential accusers before they’ve even had their say. 

Don't slag off Barrymore. Astro will appear outside your window with a scope rifle :)

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40 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Would love to hear who this mysterious "they" actually is. They've been allowed to run rampant for too long.

As someone said on Twitter today, when Elon Musk, the world's richest man, owner of a ubiquitous communication platform, and with the ability to influence and direct policy, talks about being victim of an all-powerful "they", it's surely beyond parody

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Whilst not adding weight to the “Them” stuff, it’s worth noting how once the Daily Mail said something scathing about Brand. When asked about it he said how the Daily Mail is owned by offshore tax dodgers who want you to hate the country, and also wrote articles praising Hitler and their “Hurrah for the Blackshirts” headline. 

Paul Dacre, who was editor at the time was enraged by this and it started a personal vendetta which came to the fore about a year later when the Andrew Sachs thing happened. Despite it being Jonathan Ross who mentioned Brand sleeping with Sachs’s granddaughter, it was Brand who the Mail went after and indeed it was he who was sacked, not the person who made the comment. 

EDIT - Correction. Brand wasn’t sacked, he resigned after The Mail On Sunday’s targeted campaign. 

Edited by Keith Houchen
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