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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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You just know Macron has no time for that overgrown toddler. I love the picture of Macron beating Trump at his own handshake game, you can see his grip tightly around Trump's limp, short fat-fingered hand.

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I have a lot going on in my life right now and am struggling to deal with large articles/lots of information so can someone simply explain to me what's just happened with Trump Jr and the emails and does this have to do with James Comey etc?

Please talk to me as if I was a 5 year old, as that's where I'm at

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25 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I have a lot going on in my life right now and am struggling to deal with large articles/lots of information so can someone simply explain to me what's just happened with Trump Jr and the emails and does this have to do with James Comey etc?

Please talk to me as if I was a 5 year old, as that's where I'm at

Trump Jr met with a Russian lawyer on the 9th of June last year (soon after Trump Senior received the Republican nomination). E-mails seen by the New York Times (and now tweeted by Trump Junior himself) show that he attended this meeting as he was promised damaging information on Hillary Clinton; a fact that Trump Jr initially denied when the New York Times first reported the meeting over the weekend. Further - the e-mails show that Trump Jr was told that the information was "part of Russia and it's Government's support for Mr Trump." The e-mails also refer to the lawyer as "a Russian Government attorney."

Trump Jr says the attorney had no useful information, and she has denied any link to the Kremlin. ThatĀ may be beside the point though - if Trump Jr met with someone he thought was acting on behalf of the Russian government with the intent of soliciting damaging information on Clinton then that arguably shows intent to collude with a foreign power. I'm not a legal expert, and from Googling around I can't get a clear view on whether or not that is a crime. That should come out over the next few days.

There is no direct link to the Comey thing, other than the fact that Comey was leading the investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion with Russia before he was fired by Trump.

Edited by Pinc
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38 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I have a lot going on in my life right now and am struggling to deal with large articles/lots of information so can someone simply explain to me what's just happened with Trump Jr and the emails and does this have to do with James Comey etc?

Please talk to me as if I was a 5 year old, as that's where I'm at


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His team are trying to use the "no big deal, the child he solicited sex with turned out to be a police officer, so nothing happened" defence.

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11 hours ago, Uncle Zeb said:

His team are trying to use the "no big deal, the child he solicited sex with turned out to be a police officer, so nothing happened" defence.

The tossers have been really coming it over the last 24 hours ā€” "noted legal scholar explains why it's not treason". Oh, well if it doesn't fit the strict legal definition of treason, then GTFO ā€” meanwhile, Obama's birth certificate something something her emails.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Absolutely disgusting -Ā http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-40729996

US President Donald Trump says transgender people cannot serve in "any capacity" in the military.Ā 

He tweetedĀ that he had consulted with military experts and cited "tremendous medical costs and disruption".Ā 

The Obama administration decided last year to allow transgender people to serve openly in the military.Ā 

But in June, Defence Secretary James Mattis agreed to a six-month delay in the recruitment of transgender people.Ā 

As is often the case, the announcement came in a series of tweets.

Mr Trump said: "After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.Ā 

"Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail."

But the measure will not go into effect immediately.Ā 

The Pentagon says: "We will provide revised guidance to the department in the near future.

I bet Mike Pence is absolutely overjoyed with this

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My feeling is that he's making a really clumsy and misguided attempt to shore up hisĀ base in advance of booting the Attorney General, "The Imp" Jeff Lannister III.

TheĀ hamfisted bit is that the people who'll love this would demonstrably vote for a shitbag with a red sash, and the people who actually put him in office aren't that interested in this. Yeah, they might grumble about how it will soon be illegal to be a straight white male, but they're not the cultural warriors.

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I've seen estimates that put the number of trangeendered people in the US military at anything up to 15,000. That's a big chunk of troops to kick out of your own armed forces because you think their gender preferences are an annoyance.Ā 

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Conservative estimates seem to be a lot lower than that, around 3-4000. What would actually happen to them? Would they be honourably discharged? It's a shit storm waiting to happen because there's no way the lawsuits won't start piling up for discrimination.Ā 

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